28-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 11, 2004 IMMEDIATE OPENING for LICENSED MECHANIC For medium size trucking fleet. Waqe neqotiable Paid benefit's tîcense & own transportation. MIG welding an asset. 1-800-862-1470 ext. 5 afler 2pm. or fax reaumneto: Attn.: Bruce Williamson Only thoae aeIocted for inteMvew wili b. COnfacted. SDiiiiiiiiiOr nWusaL-A LUUON O TRUCK & COACH TECHNICIANS & QUALIFIED APPRENTICES Location: 10 Diesel Drive, Etabicoke, ON Required immediately bo perform repars an Detroit Diesel engines and Allison Transmis- sions. We offer a competitive benefts and compensation package combined with n-house training and a world class environ- ment. Apply Today! Email. hr@tiarperddl.com Facsimile: 416-259-9689 PLUMBING MARI Hors We g0mw 808/ia BMtroo, Renevators Needed Tred ai sourcing your yen jabs? Fed up euth estimating and selling? Want ta have consistent eork everyday al year round? Bathroom Renovation Experts- Fu-tint We are tooakng tor an indeviduat wha derives immense satisfaction ram a job wel onne We viter excllent rates and compensations package. CalI Robert Waodstock or Kathy Dzugan 905-639-7106 Wfingis Upi Now hnng Expedieced Cool&, fuit Ume Mon- aay-Fdday, day shffts, pus one evening. Sacceasful candidate edfl have expenence in aitl aspects of kdtch- an and musI ha capable f0 mufbi-task. Rate af pay based on espenrence. Apply aleli resume In pr.n to. 228 Mn St. E., Mto. Wmngs I<Jpt Now hrnng part fane Itichea Oiep/Cooio (test tran). Musfthae Mfîng to work everongs, and parbiat Apply in puaie.e 228 NWan St. E., MOttea PRESTIGIDUS PRIVATE CLUB Food & Beverage Supervisor fteporting f0 the Ciubbouse Manager, the ideai candidate eiii hune a auccesatai background in hvspituiity and cuafomer service.Eaerience in training and mofinating Staff la essential. T1îhe candidute mut demonatrate strsng computer skiiis and be 'Smart Serve' certif ed. Pieuse send yoOO reaume to. CLUBIIIIIIOUSE MANAGER Fax: 905-034-484 PRESTIGIOUS PRIVATE CLUB (1 Sasonal I Dishwasher Intereated applicanta Please Pieuse tareaume ta Kpecycle Chef L Fa x: 90 5 - 634-4843 Need Some x' Extra Cash? Then oeil some af yaur anmanted geadsf Culit ZbeCbampion Classitieds foay tai place ynur udf 905-878-2341 PetCure Insurunce Brokers, a rapidly expanding niche insurunce brokerage located in aleilte, Oento s seeking an eoperienced AcCounting Manager MViagi le i Ssible ici i li aspects utiIlie auflîlîg depi , prepuratian ai periadic financtai tatemnents, hod- geting, anatysîs sort ensuring excellent internat contrais are centrai aspects of the position. e Succesafai completran ovia caiiege ai unîversity de g me pragram eîth acas ona cconting or finance, * Mnimum 4th year CG A; *Superior knowiedge and experience in ureas of inandiai contîni and accountîng reporting practices; a Ecelent skiiis and eopeîîence in compaterized acconting systema, incioding advanced apreadaheet and database unatysis, e Excellent interpersanai and communication akis ta aoster un atmvsphere of teumwark, prntessionalisand respect. Pivase foreard resome and saiary evpecfaiina ta: accoantingjabs@petcureinsuance.com ROBERT HALFAd FINANCE & ACCOUNTING A six mianth is caîîenfiy neuîchîvg for the fnitowîng positions eîîsoso lius. /uporting ta thv Accounting Manager, yo wmi au respaoibio for accaunt anatysis, bank recvnciliatians, asaisting in inancral îepadling and varîvus adt bac pro- ecta. Att candidates must have 1+ years ot relevant nope- noence and actieity in ether the CGN/CMA pragram wnuid be an asset. File 507-005558 Oui Buringtvn baaed client in the manvtacturing sector la iavking ta iti a JUNIOR MCOUNVANT rate. Reapvnsibitîtiea cili inciade back up for A/P & A/R, sour- nal entries and uccaunt recancîtiatians. Candidatea ihat are intereated in thia raie muat have cvmpleted their col- Iege/oniverarty degree in Business. File 507-005091. Our Burliagtvn baaed client as searching tor BILINGUAL PAYROLL & A/R raies. File 507-005557 Att guuliiied candidates shouid umait theîr resume ta: mark.bottineau@roberthaIf.com kerrl.pelrachek@roberthaîî.com antonia.norgate-drake@roberlhalf.com and guate the upprapriate tie namber If yvu ate currentiy regitered eith Robert Hait pieuse contactyosai Recruiting Manager and quate the uppro- pilule file number ram abave. Dutathre volume of reoumes rvceîved o/y thov wtt/ apprupriate vopereace wlt bu cvetacted ORDER DESK,RECEImnON, CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON Rîirit;ui; uelci fuefnvu v, bi - WfMVpan i Ph: 905-331-0456e*Fn 905-319-2095 Miltîonl. Computer skiffs a musî TT ~ l U .l U r burlîngtan@afticeteum.cam Vîsîtusos aticeleum.com ________________________________________________________ Fax Resume ta (905) 693-9974LUd 0=0 Care Pus i a h DENTAL RECEPTIONIST s expndig rogessveheathADM IN ISTRATOR carecomanyofféinga fll Fr Fll imeMaternity Position range of nrsing and i fu0 For 1avaning par wnek) A V ISING ALSHEPRESENTATIVE witth excellent communication skiff n 10 Needed Immediately: foin our team in a busy famity practice RNs & RPN's in tht Halfon areu. Must have inl Georgetowen. easy accesso 10 urban areas and a specialin- Experrence wif h AiselDenI an assen. teret i paeiatics Wil prvid speialzedPfease fax resumne f0. freinng npeifisWrtrotepeaied DR. BEAUCHESNEIDR. HUrlER/DR. GRIN 90r87-91nYU ng.GUS Contact Informnation: 9058773917 - UPu IAIN - Full-Time iluistrative Secrotary GENERAL canfracf position 4h/ek (eîth annuai BOOKKEEPER tullttme rossb a blet d p ot a Oocisor ACCPAC McAtee, Simpty Accounsng, Adobe Acrobat, Acceas, Excel, PowerPoint and ornait knae hae. The ubiiity ta cammunîcate ettectiveiy, bath verbal and eriften, in English ta mandatvry. French wvutd be an assef. Job1 tanctians inctude mailt, daity depasit, Vina & Mastercard1 entries, ward pracessing, data entry, cvpying, aidera, inventvry and ather general oftice daties. Onty sacceas- fti candidates in the setechaon pîncesa eiti be cantacted. Pteaae inctude evpected rate of pay. Send resame ta; M.A.A.C., 5100 Soath Service Rd, Unit 9, Barington, ON [iL 6A5 ar fao 905-632-3304 Attention: Humun Resaurces. The Miton Downtown Business Improvement Area Board ofl Directors requîtes a mafure permanent sfaff member fa manage the OBtA office. Yu are requirad fa worh wfh a board of directors and show iniiative in the panning and impfementativn tof programs ta prom- ofe business in the DBtA. The puy structure is af an hoarfy rate, based on experience, for a 20 hour watt week. Vas are required ta attend a monthty board 0f di- rectors meeting in thre evening and somne evening and eefend duffea for speciat avents. Please repiy, in writing by May 26fh. la tthe DBIA office «f 251 Mousn Street. Suite 103, Milton O)ntorjo L9T IPI, or Einil aitino@miltonbio.com ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Safaîy ta commensurute with experrence. Fax resume along with sulary expectutions ta: 90«m6»47122 SECREARYI RECEPTIGNIST for busy chiropractic office. P/T tus: M-E, moroiog evening + alternat Salurday am. Must be computer literate. Drop off esume lo: HaftOa 25 ~omf RÉ., Martaîne Col e Director nf Client Services Cure Plus Cati (905)306-0202 ent. 227 A basy. senen physicîxo Famly Prucîsce on Burlingion. Ontarno bus immediate openings for PART-lIME CONMTRAIMOITIONS . Applicunes should hune espenience in a fanstly practice setting and flexibifîey ta caner sck days and nacaton. Positions required are: Regîstered Nurses presenîly holding registration in Ontario aud Medicul Receptionînts. Pieuse tax resumes taOD. Landry ut 905-632-6932 * Having a baby? *Establislting a new business? Please cali us Communlty Weîcome [indu 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elîze 905-693-0313 Baby Weîcome Michelle 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Lauaie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof. WelCaMe [aunie 905-878-0126 DININO ROOM SUPER VISOR Experience an fine dining or cafeiing reqoired. Reaponsîbie tai couching the dining room stfuf ti ensure hig h qua iîy service ta aur reardents. RU/RN PART-TIME NISHIS) Exp, erk. e/seniors, carrent medicufiona cerf ,registra- tion e/CNO, abiliiy f0 enrk w/min. supervision, à* yMadie Fer (US) U842-M 9/jei.BMleIrg.c INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES Duaa fa continseti growth, we are cfîrrenîly seek- ing career mindeti individautls ta ijoin aur tnside Sales Team in aur Mtra West brancir (Trafalgar & Hwy 401 areat. This Individuel wili: " Have ceit devefopeti commanicafion, interpersonal and problem uolving skiftu " Enoy anti deriva satisfaction from interacfion wilir people in a sales anti castamer service capacify " Be a teumn player, abe la aperate affaclivaf y in a malth tusk orienlaci anvironruant " tiea fy hava a ganerat knootetige of building supplies and thair applications Qulified candidates ehould reepond in writf ng only with resume to: nUlp Dipen udig uple Linmte i Fax: 905-875-1312 in te c pdn hff hd *STRONG PRESENTATtON SKOLLS tN ENGUISI -asecond lunguage man be hefpfuf *UNQUESTIONED INTEGRITY *DESIRE TO BE SUCCESUL AND OVERCOME OBSTACLES " WELCOMING APPEARANCE " SMILES W WE ARE COMMEI TO: W * TRAINING TO ACHIEVE DEMANDING RESULTS AND HIGH INCOME * EXPERJENCED MANAGEMENT TO COACH '(OU FOR CAREER GROWTH * A TEAM THAT PLACES THE CUSTOMER FIRST * IMMEDIATE GUARANTEED INCOME BASE WITH CAR ALLOWANCE (COMBINATION OF v SALARY AND COMMISSION) *EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AFTER COMPLETION 0F 1tST YEAR PROBATION PERIOD # \ *ADVANCEMENT OPPORTJNTIUS RECENT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY 4 GRADUATES ARE WELCOME TO APPLY. IF YOU ARE,' OR KNOW 0F SOMMOE WHOO 88 TME)MIODOF IDVUAL WE ARE LOOKING FOR, EMAIL OR FAX RESUME TO: Cfinch@hatonsearch.com 905-827-9950 TO OU QUALIFY FOR A PERSONAL INTERVIEW WIKA INSTRUMENTS LTD. in a leudîng manufacturer and dîstibulor of lemperalore and pressure instrumenta- lion. Wtt are recruiling dynamîc indiiduals for the posi- ion af: Inside Sales Representative Cties will consisi oI proeiding exacellent telephone cas- tomer service support asnîsting customers with producl seleclo, preparalion of quolalions and order enlry. A diploma jr Instrumentation Engineering Technology woaid 6e an asset. Work esperience in a relaled field is also consîdered an usset. Candidates mont passean excellent communication akilis, professional presentu- ian, 6e enlhusîasîîc, orgunized, and sell-motivated. Wika Instruments Ltd. affeis a compelilive remaneralion, includîog a Beneft package, Forteard your resumne to: The Office Manager Fax:905-337-1517 - p.charbonneau@wika.ca t 'Thef business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business." Derby Brown M I LLS- THIS. là. paiene Budflinu si.-li- 1 su ý,-,,v.