26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May il, 2004 CLASIFE» HUMN 9300 C 'l'WI vCIASIFED ROUIS: Mo*dayte FMay'9«asn 500p FOR SALE 8529, 5di Line (N of Steeles) -2.7 acres andi bouse -36 n 23 ft. Building-wsler, hydro,heaiecl -48ux 32 il. Building-tester, hydro, insulaieci -Poot, hot lob, dack, air coniitionecl -Cornpielely renovatesi insiste -Finished basemeni $589,900 Conasc oye Somers 905-878-0897 416-994-4049 DISTRESS SALES Bank Foreclosures. bdarm spi - parking, les dry. uni renovatesi. 5950/mt. Free lisi ni Foreclosura Aniable irnmedîstely. Cali 416-986-0690. prapertienin Milhon, FRrninCelha Georetow, & erea, 2 bedrorn apert- Oalcnile Receve a free ment. Garage included. computeoizesi prînînut. Anilable Jane 1. Referenc- Free recoriesi message as necesaary 9n5-838- 11881>266-3496 2830. 0#1 042 or go te: FULLY umitesi asernant becbelor api. Utlibes, cebin haUtoreleurescom & parking inctudesi CeanEe Sn pings $850.00 monthly. 1 i & last 905-878-1500. GEORGETOWN 1 -bdrrn apartmenl w/balcony sn senali, cdean. quiet builing. No amokera/pats. one park- ing spot. Irnmadately or June loi. 905-877-8639 GEORGETOWN 2-basi- om n n ouse. News sp- 4000 sq. Ci. industrial spaca phiacas, launsiry. internai, Cr lassa eailabla imme- parking. No smoking. daiely, Main St, Mlon. $1,100/mt inciodass uis- Cali 519-767-9353. Ces. Sali 416-543-5187. GEORGETOWN Large brigiti -bedroom, analable îmrnadiaely, 5750/mt. % 1 n, Alan one bedronrn 2nd ansi rd Mrlgagas. 5695/mt, available, Juna Badl cradit 0K. Cati Ontarno 1lst. Near Go, heel auter in- Wda e1-888-307-7799. cdudeel, byra axtra npets, 5-YR O 4.75%, Alan qu i90587-361 mortgage pmogmms rgr- GEORGETOWN ParkDisa- tass ni ecoma or, cra .trid-a aut -aro Cali CHRIS 0 1-800-320- apertmanl. Large open 7887 or visiiua tAwww.sin- concept kftcisAnilinngraom. clarcoclebum.comn Central air, laundry, park- - îing, cabla TV. Al rae ap- plancas. Na pets, no smoing. Ideai Cr single or quiet coupla. 5925/monts pies 1/3 utiities. Anaileblei 1-badraam basaenltapt îmmediataly. Raierances -raqsired. Cel 4723 for rei May 15. 2004. Slui7t93 ablea for single pamson, non- 180 smoking, utillais, laundry, and cabla indludei. Shareef GLEN EDEN antrenca. $750/manih. COURT Firsi/lasi raquirasi. APARTMENTS (905)878-0410. : 122 Bronie Street, Acten Apartientn 1 & 2 S< iho Itn Cedroorn eparbnent aneit- We areoa accepting able Nons ansi Cr future. epiain o Fiege &l Stane, laundryj 1-1 bedronm facilities, No dogs 51905- Ave. May 15 4374 open 7 day.s/nsaek Fer mère same dy proa l nonmaton ansorevte mlaltean appeint- ACTON, lusery, apaclous 2- 1 ment, bedrnarn apariment, enan, Piease Calil e, ieundry. No pets/amole- 90"47&W675 îng. $900imUn plus bysiro. Buling.Managers First/tasi. Aailabla Ma; Leenard & Penny lasi. Cali 519-5-05 DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliade Towers 62 Mitside GREAT nieighbaurioosi in1 DMiv. 1&2 Besiroonrn ts. Milonsuiteble Cor non- Clos ta ownaan.Bus pets. 2-bsirm Cintlavai ai stop ai Front Door 905- tseuse, large ktchan ansi 911 876-1249 ww.realstar.ca feet ceilinga, laundry in F DOWTON lUn,13 basement. Aailele Juiy E DOWNTWN Miton, 3 lai or sonnier. $1 100/mUn Chares St. 2 bedroom eapt. plus utilfes, raerences e- Cr rani. Carpatesi, blinds quireel. Cali 905-878-2737. on Windows, appliances in- MILTON 2 bedroom anail-t cludesi. 51000/mth, Plus able.$594. +Cleas snd itysro. Availabla May liquietbiing. Oeil Jack 905-878-2804 9-Spm, or 9060120195 Aailabla îm- f 905-332-6310 avatvngs. mediately CAMPBELIVILLE roam,' lemale prelerresi. $450/mt, non-srnnker, share ktchen, bath & lan-1 dry room. Cati 905-854- 4008. MILTON vnillage on the pans, corner ansi S, W naew. 2- bdrm, 2 anster grosnd park- ing spots. Amenities, avait- able May 15t. e47-292- 4351. ONE besironr laCt api Nor- nal, single occspancy, $725/mith. Laansity, parking stilifses incladeci, HO inter- net extra (905)702-1978. ROCKWOOO 2-bsirrn4- prece batitrorn $700/mantit plus atites. 1 - bsirrn 4-piece batroons $55a/rnitplus alitieo. Aneilable Jsne lot. 905- 279-4444. 3-bdrrn, 2 sinrey itosse, Milton, appiiences, C/A. large Cencesi lot w4hi decs, garage & dousble drineway. Anaîllabie Jsiy 1lsi, $1400/rnih + ohm/rais. Cati Fernansio 905-678-3067 or 647-828-2646. ACTION, 3 beslronrn. nce sireet, gas iteai Anailable February isi $1050/rnith + atihures. Cai(019) 653- 5658. ACTION, 4-bedronrn Ceuse Car rent. $1 ,350/rnti plus ultiiies. 5 appiiances, rnce yard, Ceautiful area. Avenl- uaule Jane 1 i. Cali 519- 853-5251. BRAND NCW ail brick sarni, 1,500 sq. Ci 3-Ced- room, 3-bethroom, 4 ap- pliances, pie sitepei lai, eir/Csrsiwnds/corner ire- place. Fantestîs loation close to scitools/Gn/401/rec cen- treliature super shopping centre. S1,,400 plus utiliies. Aneilale Jaly lai. Firnttast reqairesi for nnn-srnnker. 905-878-0917. FARMHOIJSE Cor rent 4- bdrm $1200/mrith, between Georgetown, & Milton. Cati 905-878-M82. MILTON 3-bclrm home on a large lot, inisites base- ment. 514M32mth + atilfties, anaileble Jane 151h. Cali 416-5,3-9272. MILTON4 detechesi, 3-bdrm, 2 bafthraom. C/A, feni yard. Aneileble Jaly l. i 1295/mt + atilites. Celi 905-878-9903. MILTON/ Hawlhame Village - 3 Ced-r raom, Cea storey bouse, ep- pitances, C/A, ileiloti wtt welk-oait rom kitchen. 1790 sq. Il. Anailae i me tiiell Cresii citecki, em-I pinyrnent letier, 2 relerenc- es, irai ansilast manith. $1650/mont plus utiltes. Exclusive ceil Katrina Wel ton, Sales Rep., REMAX Blue Springs, 905-878- 7777. EXECUTIVE Tonhaome, 1700 sq. ht. 3-betrm, large kitchen, finishesi rec. room. Brandi new, eneileble Jane 1si. 51600/mth. eIli Richard Hierman Remas Bise Springs 905-878- 7M7. OAKVILLE - 3 Besiraom Cownbaaaes eneilable immediaelly 1hugit Marcit 4, eppliences. Hapeelale Meil area. Lekeshore Management, 905-878- 3336. Thte lte ANDREW WILLOUGHBY'S iamniiy aoulsi like to salite ail hiia mentIs to a Catabra- ban ai is Lie Memoneal Sernîce on Saturday May iStaie 1:30 pm et Pnince ai Peace Lutitan Citurcit, 1299 Brani St., Buringion. Ont., il block Northt ni tta OCW an te East alîjef. DERRY & Thomaon, dean, bouse, utliies inciadesi, separate aasitronrn, close to GO. quiet perann, non- amoker, on pets, June lst Firat/Lat, 5500/mt. Cal 416-254-1519. MILTON-Roornate wanled to sitare nea tome, Printe roorn & batroorn, A/C, launsiry, torege, securiy Nnn-srnnker. nonpets, te- maie preterresi. Cali Jenn 905-875-048. LOST ladies Citizen watcit, Goodlide/Blodîbuster park- ing lot, ranard il munit. sen- imentai value. Ceil 905- 876-4083. URGENTLY seeliing JA- SON MELMER, 008 Janu- ary 18. 1982 RE: its sann Please contact Qînsa ai 1 - 888-807-7773 et. 260" RAINBOW Village Deyoere has spaces avaîleble or citilsren 18 montista o 6 yeams. 905-878-7552. Visît us et ranbowniiagesey- care.corn 2r" Panasonic Sieren Con- sole TV, eacellent consitan. Best offer P"eaaCalil90S- 070-0601. 900 GALLONS ni bouse peint Gi & Laies, waite & alter colora$56.00 per gal- lon, minimum 20 gallon pur- chasa. Sali 905-814-9664. 1A Olning Ronm, Cherry- weed, deuble pedestat table, 8 chairs, butft, itatcit, danetai conistruc- tion. New sitil in boses. Cost $11.000. Sacriice $2,6. 905-567-9459. A King Pilowiop Maftress Set. Nens in plastic. Coat $1600. 905-567-9459 - BEO, Arnezsng bargaîn. qaaan ortbapedic pillaiap set, rae n plastic, nsrranty $150 905-567-4042 ail de- tsaer. Bedroem Citarrywonsi, Basi, citeat, dresser, 2 nigbtsiansis.Donveteil Con- struction. Neyer opanesi Cosi $8.000. Sacrifice $2,600.905-567-4042 CARPET i hane sanaral 1,000 yrsis. ni new Stain- master & 100% nyon car-1 pet. Wi do Iiongraern & hall, for $389. lades carpei, peit & installation (30 yards) Slave, 905-639-2902 CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE APPROVEO. Gai a MDG Horizon PC for onyi $899 or lusi .81 cents/day.1 Free Lesmerle 3 in 1 Prinier, Free Digital Camera, Frea CD Burnar, Free Microsoft Wordl, Fras17' Samsung Mondior. No Monay down, Caeil Today! 1-800-510- 4042. Kelly, Rose Marie (Clancy) Pannesi anae on Titursday, May ens 20054in her SMti yeat et the MlonnDistnict Hospial, Predeceased by her beloned husbend Martin Kelly. Let ta mourn her lsas is ier daaghter Jn-Anne f Alan) Walker ni Miii- grave, unns, Faut iValenie) Kelly, and Tracy Kelly ni Mil- ton.Site mill be greatly mssesi by her gransichildren Ryan Walker and Samantira Kelly Rose Marie Mill also be dearly mssesi by her brnter Patrid< iJessie) Clancy ni London and aisters Bernedette (Ken) Pardy arnd Geraldine Raurn of Brantford. Farnrly and Cniends visted althme MeKereleKecher Funeral Homne 114 Main St. Miten 905-878-4452. A Mass oi Chinstan Banial miîl be held at Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin Street Mlon on Tuesday, May 11ith 2004 et il1.00 arn Interment to ollons et Milton Cnergreen Ce- metery Donatrons tn the Pattnnsons Society of Cana- sta (4211 Yongn St. Saite 316, Toronto, ON) in Rose Manes memoty woald Ce appreciatent by tethe tam- ly Dlnyer, Martin Aitlhe Miton Dstrict Hospital on Satsrsiay, May BtCi 2004. Martin Dnyer, belosesi huobansi oC Con Dinyer Dear brottier-in-lans of Rosa Tnschler. Lningiy re- memberesi by lus nephews Michael TTnschler andi his mie Jennifer andsi mer chlsren Stephanie ansi Rebec- a. Anthoniy Trischier ansi JosephTrinsciter. Sadly misseS by Lina (the laie William iniyer), Madeline, Richard, Larry, lrenel ans i Mchele Dîrtyer ansi Famsites. Famiy andi Censis visteS aithme MecmKeract Funaral Horne 114 Main St Milten 90"-76-4452 on Sunday A Mass nf Christan Banal was celebrates i e Hnly Rosary Cattolsc Chercit on Monday, May 10Mi 2004. interment ollosesialethme Miton Cvergreen Ce- metery. As expressions of sympattry meernnl siona- dons tomte Heert ansi Stroke Founidetion wosisi Ce ep- preciated. NORTON: Thomas Benjamin Sudsienly on May 7, 2004 eithme Milon Dstnict Hospi- tal Tom Norton in Ns 66it yeer. Lastng partnier oi Mer- geret Krclr. BlayeS later ni Rob Norton ansi Launie Norton. Suiviveci by ha asster Ena Norton. Fniencts aMi Ce received ai tihe J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St, Mlten 9W6> 878-2609 on Thursiey, May 131h tram 6:eiOPM antitltelitme ai the Memonial Sernice ai 7:OOPM Crn Ute Faneras Home Chapel. As exppesieons ai sympetlty. donations ta the Worisl Wikdle Founielston waalsi Ce appreciatecl by tihe femily. Net Tub: 2004 nil opiin, PUBUC Asction 0Over 200 enterfall, Ozanate11r, ROd- Lots, Treeslmilis, Free Wood cabinet, neyer Wegits & Machines' Loca- unnd, atl n wrapper. ion: 4610 Dattern Si. Tor- Ceai $9996. Sili $5,000. 416-963-5197. 1 onto, Ontario. Auction !Date: Tueoday May lU, KOEKSISTERS for sale e 7p.m. wwn.manaingvosr- $4/doz. Please cati Mane ssets.com phone 416- @t 905-876-2883 teitit yoar 736 1367/Feu 416-736- arder. Delinery aneitabliein i te Miton aras. 1 4159. SOFA & laneseat Cor sl Lîke new , beige, wit bi e titreesi. $500.nbo. Cati 905-876-4814. CASH paisi for antques andi caltectibes, china, fig- urines, îawellery, ismiture, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 $$$$$ WANTED - Ail Chi- o-1l: 905-676-7950. ns, Silser, Crystai, Tee Csps, RoyaltDoulian, Swer- onski, Glass, Jewetiery, Old lays, Coleclibles, Estates. Celi John/Tracy, 905-331- 2477. v .xw' ý pick-ap, standardi transmis- sion, tleer racle aitir tant- bon mouniesi, bes inmer, treiler hilch. Neessoame rwork, $1,600. Alan mobile 250 Periti Diesel welsier on Boy? or Girl? aieels. $1,300. Catl in felveeteey&hlend5 et 416-984-9174._ alUn BihAnnosecerei lMEM luPAlT? Experiencesi - Pratesainnat - Persanable - Relieble. Gueranleesi wnrlmanshiip. lnleiinr/Extletir. Free as- tîrate oeil Dane 905-877- 4855. 1909 Regency '8,. 4-sinor, certiiies wilh emissions test. 185,000kma. $2500. CeCI 905-702-8727. 1994,4 sinor Cuasaa, excel- lent condition. No rani, car- tffesi, nens brakea, tiras, as- haasi, air, atnratic, t54,000/krns. $3900. Cati 905-693-9499. 1995 Pontiac Sanitre, 4cyl, autnrnatîc, 83,000kms, $3995 certitiesi. Siessor Malors, Milon 905)875- 5010. 1996 FORD E150 Van, 235,OOOkms, excellent con- dition, $3,900. 15191 853- 3015. 1996 Volvo 850 Turbo, as- cellent condition, inaeds a/th options. 230.OOOilsrs, askîng $9500. Cali 905- 876-3743. 2000 Dosige Ceranan. 11 1,400krns. Cxcellent cunsiion, very aeil main- taiseS, V6 automatic. Ask- ig $10.300 obo. Cail 905- 873-6502, speale to Jaan or Janet. 2001 Cavalier, 2-door, siens bise. 78,OOOlsrs, i-speesI manuel, A/C, top consi., oi- ereS et $9.900 or inancing take-aner 1337/mtsntil Jsly 2006) 416-453-1352. 2002 Hysnsiai Elantra, 4- sinor, ions Ces, bled, p/s, p/w, p/b, a/c, AM/FM/CO. Vety dlean. $14.500. Cel 905-873-6888. WHAT A DEAL. Dosige Neon 2002, 5275/montit or 18 montits.Low lema Cati 905-702-0978, 905-821 6105. 1986 GMC 3500 Damp, 8 CYL, STD, DUAL, neenis braItes, rsns well aith gond hoit & 1 dump ban. Besi offer 905-878-8251. Finding a job was so easy. classi(edseto ~ s aili ok Khne5-878-341 to place youradoa! The Pepst Bott/îng Grotap bas tmmedîate opentntZufor Seasonal Delivery Persons AZ/DZ LICENCE In tîsese seasonal opportunitess you will cati on att outiets as schectuled, delivc-r ail producîs, pick up empiles and shelîs, and complete invoices. seulement sheets and retuted paper-work. In addition. you wiil be responsible for cooter asnd racknserchandising, display building, and POS place- toe-n. Aong witls a valici AZ/DZ drsvers licence. you have AZ/DZ driving sksll ancd t-3 years' experience, and a Ministry osf Transpcortation ctean statemnent of driving record. You are pisysicatly capabtl- of lifting heavy obîects, and abte to work independently wsîh minimul supervision. A Commercial Velicie Operators Registratioun certificate is required. along wiîh a personai drivsng abstract. Sirong customer-service and ineerpersonal skilîs round out your profile. To upply. fax your resume to 905-568-7889. We ttsank ail applicants, but only those selected will be coneacteci. No telephone catis or agencies, please. The Pepsi Boîeiing Group is an equal M opportunity employer. John Eh.s Fuels, a divisin etfPP wt o fu Umlted ru seeking gaalilied indinîduals tf0loin aur eapanding arganization. " Customer Service Representative " Credit/ Collection Clerk " Junior Accounting Clerit Oualiied applicant in w havee termediaie computer skills, gad writea and verbul communication akilis, sirang inierperaunai skis au weii au eaperiesce in their espectivenfeldu. Johna Ebos Fuels ailers saay compensation and a corm- petine henefi lapackage. SPieuse send ynur resurme ta John EhosFuels, i Seo r&hanLMe, ftrl.gte, 0UML W tas N0&333-3m69 r PETROCANMM .nelItahe et@star.ca INSURANCE Property and Casuatty Insurance Broker requires a FULL-TIME PERSONAL LINES CLERK Pieane mailt, fax or e-mail resumne to: Attention: Lindla Mitiman PV&V Insurance Centre 3050 Harvester Rd, Buningion, On L7N 3J1 Fax 905-632-4837 lndam@pvv-insurance.com Aunesus y.aar bundla et joi in thue Camn.dO.n Chaempnsf