-I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 11, 2004-25 Rogue Hall overcomes lack of experience to clinch final reach of semifinals By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Darren Haydar and is AHL Milwaukee Admirais are now within striking dis- tance of the Calder Cup semi-4 finals. Heading into batile last night in Chicago, Milwauke led its rival Wolves two- games-to-one in the West Division finals -having won the first two tilts at home. The Admirais looked poised to put a stranglehold on the series in Chicago Saturday night, enjoying 18 powerpiay opportunities and firing 55 shots at young netminder Kari Lehtonen. But ail that offense including four shots by Haydar - produced one measly goal. As a result, Chicago prevaileti 3-l in what was essentially a must-win situation.W Mfilwaukee kicked off the division finals with a 2-1 double overtime triumph Wednesday and foliowed that up with a 5-3 decision in gainse two Friday. Although still point-Iess in round two, Haydar remains atop the AdmiraIs'playoff scoring race and tieti for seventh in the hias two game winners and 31 shots inciuding 1l so far against the Wolves. If victorious iast night, the Admirais will have a chance to lock up the series at home tomorrow evening. Waiting in the semniinal wings are the Rochester Americans, who disposed of the Hamilton Bulldogs in four straight- wrapping up their swecp at Copps Coliseum i Suniday evening with a 3-1 win. -' Milwaukee lias home-ice advantage throughout the playoffs. hav- ing won the regular season championship with a record of 46-24-7-3. Meanwhiie. fellow Miltonian Daryl Knowles and the Mississauga lceDogs had their Cinderella season abruptly ended in the Ol-L finals last week -getting swept by the now Memorial Cup-bound Guelph Storm. Guelph fended off a late comeback biti to win game three 6-4 anti then Darren thumpeti Mississauga 5-I Haydar Wetinesday night at the Hershey Centre. Part of the lceDogs' first-ever trip to the league championship. Knowies hati a goal anid three assists in the playoffs anid earned is second conference titie in as many years- having secureti Tier 2 Jr. A West Division bragging rights Iast season with the Georgetown Raiders. Rogue Hall gave up racing expeiience to ail five of is rivals, but be more tlsan matie up the differ- cnce with sheer will anid talent tiuring Fritiay's $92,500 Mohawk Pacing Sesies final at Mobawk Racetrack. Now a perfect 4-for-4 in bis butiting career, Rogue Hall earneti the decision for driver Paul MacDoneli after wrestiing tIhe leati away from pacesetter Big League Banry as the fielti turnet for the home streteb. The three-year-old colt then helti off late charges from botb Ponder anti Dreans Possession to tieliver a two-anti-a-quarter lengtb victory in 1:53. Traineti by Guelpb's Rene Laarman for owners Robert Grand of Canspbeilville anti Rob Schlegei's Glenview Livestock of Wallenstein, Rogue Hall was sent off as a heavy 2-5 favourite following a bigbly-inspressive second leg win April 30. "He bas a lot of beart anti tetermination," stresseti Laarman. "He aiways seerns to kick in tiown the stretcb with anotiser gear. He sbowed a lot of potential last year (as a two-year-olti), but be , Hoof 4e Beat wasn't just a 100 per cent." MacDonell - who also captured last year's edi- tion of the Mohawk Seies with Jr. Mint - was noticeabiy impresseti with Rogue Hall's effort. He said, "When you consitier that was only bis fourth lifetime start andi he was able to corne up against these kind of colts andi pace right on past themn." Rogue Hall, who banketi $46,250 Io pusis bis season earnings to $74,750, is schedgded to get this week off before traveling to Windsor for the Provincial Cup later this month. Hils next appearance at Mohawk is expecteti to be in the Burlington Stakes June 5. Weekend a washout for Sr. Sox The Senior Red Sox hati eight rain-outs last May, anti are weli on their way to surpassing that number this year. Milton diint even get to start the season without faliing victimn to Mother Nature, as Saturtiay's home- opening double-header against Brampton anti Oakviile was nixeti due to a heavy moming tiownpour. Consequently. the Reti Sox' Sunday moming contest versus Erindale was also postponed. since Saturtiay's canceleti ganses in Oakville hati to be matie up. -It's been pretty brutal," saiti manager George Moore, referring to spring rain-outs over the past few years. TMe Reti Sox were hopissg to get in a ganse in Oakviile last night, althougb scheduleti showers were likely to put the kibosh on that as weIl. If su, they'll open thse season tomnorrow evening in Burlington. Milton's home opener is now siateti for Saturtiay, with a doubie-heatier at Brin Best Park against Duntias starting at noon. V CET FREE TAX REFUNDS V PAYOFFIN MOR I ARLY V BUILD THE NEST EGG V RCEVEA FME BOOK - $32 VALUE LEARN HOW TO TRANSFORM MORTGAGE INTERESI INTO RETIREMENT SECURITY! Join your Bck Financial advisor andi guest Fraser Smith, Canadian author and financial strategist, ta find out why Canadians everywhere are talking about The Smith Manoeuvre! Presented by L'ne. SECURITY CORPORATION Cali1 1-800-777-2425 to reserve your seat 7:0pmeT e aco oo n U Haydar and Admirais grab early series lead Learn how to make your MORTGAG E TAX DEDUCTIBLE AOVR IH