24-The CanadlRn Champion. Tuesdav.Mav, 11.O2004 Super Cheer delivers stellar national debut SuprChr stunt tommmm- bers (from lef t) Genevieve Vnd.rbaggen, Laine MacDonald, Sam Englieh and Amy WIlllam show off ttielr national siver modale. arnJour mec/ais at Hershey Centre The hardware haut continues. Building on a sensational showmng at last month's provincial cheerleading champi- onships, Milton's Super Cheer Scorpions retumed to the Hershey Centre May 1 and 2 fo flourish in their national debut - comn- ing away with four medal-winning per- formances. Leading the way with silver was the sen- ior squad, which against five other feams felI just short of equafing the golden effort delivered at provincials. Milton and first- place Oakville upstaged ail other chal- lengers by at leant 30 points. A four-girl contingent also struck silver in stunt competition - another first for Super Cheer. Capfuring bronze were both the primary and junior Scorpions. The juniors' finish was perhaps the mont t .îîil naIuL2jui days ,î lic long-awaited retumn of team member Carssa Lauthier - who had missed about a month's worth of practices due f0 a bro- ken leg. "She (Carissa) was able to compete and if really helped the teaun out in the end," said head coach Andy Ceechini, who led Super Cheer to two golds and a pair of nil- vers at the Ontario championships. "We feel they ail fared exceptionafly well, as feams flew in from ail over Canada and some even came in from Michigan." The Scorpions will now close ouf the year with a recreafional compefition au Paramnount Canada's Wonderland over the Victoria Day weekend. Tryoufs for the 2004/05 season wiil be held May 30 and June 6 at the Milton Springers' new facility at Milton Sports Centre, Those inferested in getting involved are asked f0 caîl (905) 643-8726. Milton Communlty Resource Centre May l5thy 2004. 8 a.m. MCRC Parking Lot, 917 Nipissing Road. Rent a parkIng &pot ta sIli your own Items. For info. cal 905-876-1244, ex. 13 Lacklustre defense and goaltending continue to plague ailing Mavericks By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion AIl the ingredients seemned in place for a significant sfep forward. Heading into baffle against the rebuilding Saints Friday night at John Tonelli Sports Centre. the Mavericks had a beefed up fan base and four newcomers - including proven junior sniper Don Hanzell. So when Hanzell and leading scorer Kyle Goertz each connected in the first five minutes - giving Milton ifs best offensive start of the season - homefown faithfuls no doubt had hopes for a sus- penseful showdown, and possibly even a wmn. But early encouragenment would disappear shortly after the Mavericks* defense did - with a 17-8 humbling as the evening's end result. Allowing Dayne Boatswain and com- pany fo walk in unchal- lenged far too often. Milton gave up five straight goals in the first period and only stopped the bleeding for short spans fhrough the balance of the lopsided affair. And in what's quickly become a trou- blIng trend this year, goaltending parfners Adam Elias and Chris Ingrahaun both struggled between the pipes. "We've still got a lot of work to do on defense, but goaltending is really a concemt right now. We're not getting the big saves when we need them," said head coach Trevor Reid, whose new charges handed his former Saints their first vicfory of 2004. "You'll see fwo new faces in net this Friday. We'lI take a chance and hopefully we can seule down that back end" But no malter who guards the cage over the remainmng 14 gamnes, the Mavericks simply have to gef befter defensively to have any kind of hope for a furnaround. Either caughf ouf of position or immo- bile in deep, Mil fon's defense han been anything but the strong suit anticipated during pre-season play. And with a three-game road trip foilow- mng Friday's stiff challenge againsf the red-hot i Markham Ironheads, things aren't expected f0 get any easier for the 1-5 Mavericks. On the plus side, Milton surpassed the haîf-dozen goals plateau for the fourthstraight gamne and leading scorer Kyle Goertz - perhaps reinvigorat- ed by Hanzell's arrivai - deliv- ered a season-high four goals. Ffanzelf scored three fîmes and added a paia of helpers in bis Maverick debut, while Jon Ram rounded ouf the scoring. For the Saints, Boatswain had ail sorts of room f0 maneuver and exploded for five goals and five assisf s. The Mavericks are expected f0 have vet- eran Paul Peduila in the lineup this week- end, along with two replacement goalies and a couple of new runners. Friday's Milton-Markhamn tilt begins at 8:30 p.m., whife the Mavericks close ouf the week in Nepean Saturday evening. Camp -set for v-ballers NOTICE 0F SPECIAL MEEIIO0F MOMES -RO -ER ON E CUEIT m- UMITED Wodnosiay, May 19,2004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaf a speciai meeting of the members oit Prosperity One Credit Union Limited (the "Credit Union"), w ilho heid at the Conference entre of the Ramada Inn, 161 Chishoim Drive, Mlton Ontario, on Wednesday May 19, 2004, at7:30 pm Regstraton wIIl begn at6:30 pm Speciai Business et the Spatial Meeting ai Members: 1.To consider and, if thought advisabie, to confirm by special resoistion, pursuant to section 107(1) ot the Credif Unions and Caisses Populaires Acf, 1994 (the "Acf"), an ameadment f0 the Credif Unions by-laws aiready approned by ifs Board of Directors, reducing the quorum requirement for a meeting of the hoid- ers of the Credif Unions Ciass C Speciai Shares, and of ifs ClasO Speciai Shares. The test of the proposed speciai resoinfion is available in ail offices of the Credin Union. 2. To consider and, if tboughf advsabie, fo pans, pursuant f0 section 309 of fhe Credif Unions and Caisses Populaires Acf, 1994 (the "Acf"), a speciai resolufion approving the Credif Unions proposed amaigamnation wifh TEAME Credif Union Limifed ("TEAME"), and the carrying on of basiness thereaffer mît h TEAME as ose amalgamafed credif union, mfich shail be known as Prosperify One Credif Union Limifed, pursuant f0 the ferms and conditions ot an amalgamnation agree- ment between fthe Credif Union and TEAME dafed as of fthe 1llth day of February, 2004. The test of the proposed speciai resolufion is available in ail offices of the Credif Union. 3. To conducf sncb furfher and ofher business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjouroments thereof. DATED the 28fh day otf April, 2004. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD 1 . The resolufions f0 be considered af this meeting are speciai resoiufions. The speciai resolutions require the approval of af leasftmo-fhirds of the members of the Credif Union presenfed af the Special Meeting in person, or, as permitted by the Acf and by the Credif Unions by-laws, represenfed af the Special Meeting by proxy, and vofîng. 2. Oniy members of fthe Credif Union, according f0 ifs records as of Aprit 3Ofh, 2004 (the "Record Date" accordîng fo the credif Unions by-laws), shahl be enfi- fled f0 notice of the meeting. ProserityW 44 Main St. East, Milton ONEq (905) 878-8105