The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 11, 2004-23 *Sp orts . lbac Clutch bi*ts keep Royals unbeaten BR engineers last inning comebacks By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Oe surface, two ties in as many home games doesn't seem like any- thing to get excited about for the defending Halton and GHAC champion Bishop Reding But consider this: - Both tics vwere delivered ss ith last-inning cone- backs: . The Royals '.'ere do n Io îheîî finai out betore raliîne troin a 3- 1 deluci t totic t aksille's Iroquois Ridge in sca- ,OonKigi,,pla\: *Seeningily hcat against Oakville's [.A. Blakelock Friday. Reding siped oui a 9-5 gap in their last at-bat - with the equal- izing mun once again scored on a two-out situation; *The Royals goi key bits troni the bot- toni haif oft teir order in both stalenîiates. and battled bacl. ttom two inulti-nîn holes Fniday. Suddenly BR's no-decisions are a whole lot more encouraging. -This should bring the teami together.- noted catcher Nick Mazzorato. who laslhed (111e through the Blakelock shortstop*s legs [o drive in Reg Taylor for the tying mun ai Maplehurst Bal Park Friday. -I think we've shown we've got hitting right dlown the lineup and that we can corne back no imaiter what the deficit.- Third basemnan Tini Kirk ignited Friday's comneback with a two-rmn single that SERVINS MIL TON -qMWý 1 scored Mati Mastrangelo and Marcas Gray. Redmng scored four rimes on lwo-out situa- tions and got at least one bit from eight of ils slarling mine. Defensively, outfielders Taylor and Jamie Pedra made huge tbrow-outs ai home 10 highlight an impressive fielding campaign, while ace starter Liam Tennant combined moments of mediocrity wilh some signs of brilliance - collecting seven strikeouts in bis allotted four innings. In BR's season-opening stalemate, Gray and Pedra drove in last-inning runs while young lefty PJ. MeCoil delivered three big innings of relief to spoil Iroquois Ridge's vieto- ry party. __ Sandwiched between these two lies was a 10- t) spanking of hapless Oakville Trafalgar. Sporting a 1-0- 2 record heading int yesterday aftemoons,ý cross-town clash with Milton District.,tihe Royals close out regular season play with tomor- row's double-header at Maplehurst. They begin against Oakville's Q.E. Park at 12:30) p.m. and then take on Oakville's White Oaks at 3:30 p.m. Meanwhile, Milton District bas ail been guaranteed itsell' a playoff spot already alter a big 3-t) opening week thai was capped with a 12-1 rout of young and struggling E.C. Drr Friday at Brian Best. Tbe Mustangs also tumed back chai- lenges trom Oakville Trafalgar and Q.E. Park. They'll batie both Georgeown's Christ the King and Iroquois Ridge tomor- row aftemoon to finish out the regular sea- son. AIl but elinsinated fromn the post-sea- son lollowing an 0l-3 stant, Dmury took on the Ridge yesterday and faces Blakelock and Oakville Trafalgar tomorrow. The playoffs start May 17. *Front Wheel Drive * ront Axie Repairs FIDEI WARRANTY AVAILABLE Free Inspection --Wrîtten Guarant.eo NV ~4ç4~sk >4~~7~fL/ ~ eFree Towlng withln 54l" Ë- AVEUEAS-T-;Units 3,4 & 5, MILTON 958& .What a debut!