16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May il, 2004 We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE jPLATNUM DITIN '~Masterpiece Mattress - Michael Douiton - a fifth generation descendent of the founding Doulton family - signa time-iimited MdkmPid Lop" - Pu Set9 $special event figurine 'Rose' during his visit ta ;ý 3 0 Delacourts Imat Tuesday afternoon. The stop was Kn« ma-Set $509 King 9 Part of a two-week crosslcountry tour. The artiat annuaiIy travels In excess of 300,000 miles on tour ta Ome W meet collectors and slgn the many pleces af work. __ -- na298-1D- *JP329 Charity barbecue M-18 IIMI M d-_-2M at M&M on Sat. VO pwdmeFew could argue there's anything better than a sizzlmng ham- burger or hot dog on a warmn spning aftemoon. And it's even bet- R 811H-A 4091Eecr 1c ter when oretngesosupt a worthy cause. [~ f ldie barbecue wîIll take place in front of the M&M store ai 420 Main 269~W Oýiet ...~ 7 ermSieO 127 St. E. wth store staff and volunteers doing the gnilling. 23 For a minimum donation of $2, parttcipants wtlI be able to enjoy a hamburger or hotdog, a drink and a bag of chips. thet Every cent donated wilI go to the Crohn's and Colitis S1e ac o yMINS.« participate. urging people 10 help them cook up a cure for inflamn- UIA D 'S N T T R S s S P E R S O R EW i h m ore than 150,000 C anadians suffering from the disease, bzilteat www.skmepfoctorycom 1 Se RD. Z' Canada is believed 10 have the highest incidence of IBD in the 'ailabl e *Senior aiscount OPEN SUNBAYS! «- NEW S world lios CoS Olde Mon Wed. 10-6 p.s., 246.MaiiSt. E For Miltonians who can't make it oui 10 the barbecue, there's Thts., F. 10-9 pm., MiU another way hefore the event to help M&M in ils efforts. Until 1 MSunday 11-5p.m. i 0 4 Saturday. customers can show their support by making a minimum doniation of $2 and having their fîmes printed on stars displayed ai the Main Strect M&M store. Li is simple: you GenrThumb*Tm cai - we deliver,oi Black Garden Deivr even if you're *I~~1 flot home. K1M ' in Bulk Bacs tt uhome A rattovii e s ndoiey oi Opoei: Moh ta Fil - 7 tif 6 / Sat - 7 tii 4/1 Cioasd Sun- For the yard you Ive alwaYs dreamI-0ý t i L t- 'O.i ! .JU.,Iii