Down Lease * * * Payment Payment Il$3200 $306 Cantyon Crw ab4WD modet shown Envoy XL SIX modet shaym For the latest Information, visit us aam anada .com , d??~ b o rlcl ota Bulck *GMC Dealer or cali us at 1 -800-GM-DRIVE. tae an a 3&/4&/4&48 (3MC month lasse. A down pament or trade ut $4.560$4,.5 ý805/SOO$4,iuO (Sierra ev utL x Cab 4WD TK15753 lSDI LM7 N138 QJPl FtM UK3 Z71 Z82JCanyon 2WD Crew Cab TS15643 iSO L52 M30 B84/Enoy~ SLE R7EEnvy SE L R~ l rqumed.Annelcne utborowng t 0fi/2.%/09%0.9 pe anura. Option ta purctrase aetsans end la $25,220/$13,65=/$0,0531$21,127 plus applicable taxes. Annuel kilometre imit of 20,000 km,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~r $02preca"6oer.Ohrns pinsaalbe Fegt(1,5/90$5/50). licence, Insurance, registration, PPSA, administration feen and taxas nul loluded. Tlt SMAnTLEASE monthly fmnent ant the GMA puchne inacerat ar nt aeltbl mifi odarenutnecultedontheCaa PrchnePricV shown. The difillrence belmeen the prioe for fihe SuAxnTLEun/GMAC Purcttnse Financlg uSfer and the Cntucne. oSerle eemd uner exoncll dicînurelam ta . acue utborrmini, fieteroou te anme reprenenta actual interesf. andina requlred tube expreaed an en sonnuet percentage mblch las3.24%. (Sierra Nevada SLE Eut Ceb WD i<1553 50 L7 NS OJ RS UK3Z7tZ82)*Fmenclg o epponei GAC credif onty. DOurn peoment, trade ndor aecurity depufil mny b. requlred. Mottly payment and cnet aI burrumlng lifi very depend- iogon mnet brroetiett dranpayentfrae. ixaple $0.00 et 0 A Rstemuthly paymenl le $20M3 for 48 montta. Discounts or uther incentives may b. avalleble etere consumera ot forea cash purchase pric uSer Bpaefctlg St puhae fiancifi ffe, cnasmre ay . fregong ucf tiecont$end inceritives whicf may reeuft In a higher effective Inter«a rate. A$,000 credif ea exclusive, of applicable fanes and la refiectet In offee 1 tfie averlseent.V*ASar eppy t 204 trm o deonatefo moetscf eue equippeti an descriet. Offara OR*l fo qudie refai cuatmera in Vte Ontario Pontiac - Buicer. OMO DeaIer Marketing Ansaclation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a aa lyiotdrauauaesdecdi Nrtmee Otal.Denetrdmab.ruIred. Umfled quantité f SieSirra Nevada avallable. Dealer* are free to set Individuel prices. Umlted Il or e frdmrk of Generai Maturas Cofrpurafon. TD Canrada ruet tene anar ut mar. Viae International Service ....JOrM Caad Trust and GM ticened uner u markse. *Trde-mrk of The Tomono-Dranlnion Batnk.