Local women starting up singles club Group'sfirst meeting slated for Sunday By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion TThen it cornes to meeting ike-minded people for friendship or something VV more, many men and women find a bar just isn't the best place with its loud music and .meat market" mentality. So said Miltonians Helen Vanderbreggen and Carol VanderMaaden- two single women in their l'orties and tifties respectively - who decided to create the atmosphere in which they'd lècI comfortable socializing. And so began SinglesGet2Gather, a new business the pair is launching with its first event May 16 at Secchino's talian Eaery and Wine Bar. 500 Steeles Avenue, froni 4 to 7 p.m. foi- ages 35 and Up. A second event, also at Steechino's. will be held May 30 from 4 to 7 pi.. or those aged 25 and up. "Iwent out into the single world, and I'd go to dances. But what was lacking was good conversation," Ms Vanderbreggen said. That wasn't easy to tind sshen haIt the lacility's occupants were a littde tipsy. Ms Vanderbreggen said, Iaughing at ber atenîps to talk to people. At about the saine time, Ms VanderMaaden was cxperiencing a similar ordeal, she said. Oinding nohing of woth in the bar scene, and not iinpressed with speed dating and some of the other meet- ing "opportunities." Joined forces to start new venture tt was when Ms VanderMaaden put a notice in the paper to start up a book club that Ms Vanderbreggen called, and the two quick- ly became fricnds and allies, just months later forming SinglesGet2Gather. "'he idea was to create a social club Uiat's not necessarily for romantic connections, but if that happens, great," Ms Vanderbreggen sald. Each social event Uic womcn put on wili bc designed so nobody feels uncomfortable, Uiey sald. Whcn people walk into Uic room, Uicy won't be facing a rooni full of stragers. RaUier, Uey'll be grected by an 'ambassador', who will takc Uicm and make some introductions until Uiey feci comfortablc on her own. "We want to take away Uic fear of rejection and meet friends with Uic sarne interests," Ms Vandcrbreggen sald. Admission to Uic May 16 and 30 events costs $2995. The atinosphere will be casual - wiUi dinks and an appetizer buffet. The two women sald much Uiought was put into the day and trne at which Uic event would be held. They concluded there's often not much to do on a Sunday aftemnoon, adding Uic event isj purposely kept to just a few hours. "h 's a sale environnient that women want," Ms VanderMaaden said. 'lherc's just one mile: "When you enter the roomn to meet some new friends, you must speak to everyone you encounter," Ms Vanderbreggen said. "Even if you just say 'hello', everyone will feel more at ease and welcome." Both Ms VanderMaaden and Ms Vanderbreggen have raised children in Milton and decided it was thc perfect place to start up their new business since there's nothing else like SinglesGet2Gather in the arca, they said. In addition to SinglesGet2Gather, Ms VanderMaaden runs her own company, Full Potential. Through this company, Ms VanderMaaden focuses on Uic various needs of women. Each month, Full Potential members gathcr for a workshop headed by Ms VanderMaaden. Topics range froni communication and interpersonal develop- ment to business skills. She said it's her love for helpmng people reach their potential that inspircd her - with Ms Vanderbreggen - to think up SinglesGet2Gather. "J'vc been on a personal growth mission for two decades now," she said, adding she now desires to pass on some of what she's leamed, and hopes to evcntually offer some of these workshops at SinglesGet2Gather. IJlimately, Uic goal is Uiat - through friendships - attendees of Uic events will leain more about thcmselves "to go forward ini life," Ms Vanderbreggcn said. The women said future gatheenngs will be held in neighbouring areas like Georgetown and Oakvillc and eventually, Ms VanderMaaden said, Uiey hope to franchise SinglcsGet2Gather. For more information on SinglesGet2Gathcr, or to register, visit www.singlesget2gather.com or cali (905) 875-2384. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadj- anchampion.com. SPECIALS 0F THE WEEI. OnIy $700 (rou.8.0 (Mixed baskets excluded) 4'" Pink Daisy Oni 9 lion' $12 OnIy (P.81.59)?F (U SALE UNTIL SUNDAY MAY 16/04 GREWAL GARDENS -Wholesale & Retail- 6626 Trafalgar Road, Hornby (Between Brîtannia & Deny) 905-878-7107