Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 May 2004, p. 7

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Second bank opens in Milton The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 7, 2004-7 to surprise of many residents W*OUR READER~s WRITE 'Time Capsules' are gems of injmrmation c îatt(t'd frooî pilt issuea of, Tht' M itonl L îplanators t'coiment is sonettni's pro- vded to place the situation in < onte st. January 1903 'Me surprise of tbis week is tbe opening of a brancb in Milton of tbe Metropolitan Bank, witb W.B. Clements as agent. Milton bas been well served by tbe Bank of Hamilton and ifs popular agent Mr. Loxton, but the business is prosperoos and increasing bere and no doubt tbere is plen- ty for two banks. The Metropolitan Bank. tbougb recently organized, is one of tbe stroflgest of Canadas financial institutions and is the first of tbe banks to commence business witb a reserve equal to its paid up capital. Agent W.B. Clements is a native of tbis neigbborbood, bas lived in Milton ever since bis hoybood, bas long been one of the town's leadmng and moat socceasfol busi- ness men, stands igb in the estimation of bis fellow citizens and will doubtless be a soccess in bis new vocation. He will be assisted by Messrs. Fletcber, late of the Bank of Commerce, Guelpb and Harrison, late of the Standard Bank, Parkdale botb of wbom are experienced in tbe banking busi- ness. It is located in the building on Main Street formerly occupied by Bastedo & Co. (Now the Bank of Nova Scotia>. "On Monday last Sir Wm. Mulock, Postmaster-Generai, received a communi- cation fnom a gentleman residing in Milton, allegmng that be had authonitative information f0 the effect that the recently appointed posfnsasten at that town bad obtained the position over bis rivais through influence secured from person by reason of a monetary consideration. 'Me Postmaster-General considered the charge 50 senious as to-demand a thorough inves- tigation in onder to fmnd wbether or flot there bas existed any sucb wrongdoing as is charged. Accordingly be bas obtained authority from bis Excellency in Cooncil for the issue of a royal commission to Judge Gorbam, Judge of the County Court of Halton, directing is Honor f0 at once conduct a public inquiry into the charge. 'Me commission is now in course of prepa- ration." Thie above appeared in the Otawa conr- spondence of this momning's Globe and bas caused quite a sensation bere. The trouble is the resoît of the spoils systeni and the dan- gfing of the Milton postmastersbip before 357 Osi, Acton 519m853@O200 Capsules edîtorial on school board trustees: reader the noses of a number of applicants for more than a year to keep tbem in line while a provincial election and subsequent bye- elections were pending. Government appointments should flot be used in that way, a.nd still tess should provincial elec- tions be allowed to interfère with the filling of Dominion offices. If the vacancy had been filled by the capable man immediately after the deatb of the late incumbent and if menit rather than "lpull" had been considered there would have been fewer soreheads, little trouble and nn scandaI. In saying this there is fn intention of belittling the merits of our newly appointed posfmaster. Menit, bow- ever, is a secondary consideration when govemment appointments are made. (TMe man appointed was Robert Stewart who went on to hold the position for a number of years.) Corp. Minebin, tbe Halton old boy and bero of Harts River (in the South African War), bas received $20 as bis share of the Guelph banquet surplus. An effort is on foot to secore bîm a life pension. A Yorksbire 50w belonging to OC. Pettigrew, of Boyne, bad a linten of 20 young grontens last year and raised 18 of tbem. Last week sbe went one benter witb a litten of 21. She lay on and smothered 3 of them, but her nwner expects to maise the other 18. Tbe carnival at the rink on Friday nigbt drew a larger attendance than any pneced- ing one of anme years past. There wene sleigbioads from Brampton, Oakville, Georgetown, Streetsville, Palermo, Campbellville and elsewbere. Tbe ice was in fine condition. Tbe number of costumes was flot large, but some were very gond indeed. The races wete well connested, bot there was some disappointment on accounit of tbe principal one, flot cnming off. Those wbo were ready to compete refiised to pay tbe entrance fee of 50 cents eacb. 'The band played fine music. This naterial is assernhh'd on hehaif of t/he Milton Hislorie ai Societv ha' JirnlJills, wh an he reached h.' e-mail citjilills(a-izdi- revit onh. Dear Edifor: TMis letter is in response f0 the recent editorial regarding five trustees of the Halton District School Board's boyconting a meet- ing in profesf f0 the board's lack of a giffed program for bigb scbool students. The editorial fails'to mention that these trustees don't have a voice in the day-to-day govcming of the Halton District Scbool Board - t wbicb tbey were elected by the public -due to their board's adop- tion and adherence to a policy gnv- emnance model. Unlike any other board in the province of Ontario, this particular skewed model fakes away their democratie rigbf s as taxpayer- elected members of the board to question any board decision on education. As far as i'm concemed, they're effectively sileficed as represefita- tives of the electorate tbey serve. These trustees can't oppose board pnlicy. Thus the part of the editorial tbat states 'We bave no qualms witb trustees opposing board policy. One of the vital miles of these elected officiais is fo belp shape the scbool system sn that if meef s the needs of our ever-cbang- ing wnrld" is misleading. This parficular policy gover- fiance by the Halton District Scbool Board doesn 't allow for dissent or discussion, and trustees wbo do object bave no recourse for their dissension but to fry and bring the matter to public attention. These trustees bave voiced their opposition te, the wasting of tax- payera' funds in fakcing the provin- cial educational tribunal f0 court, and their voice bas failen on deaf ears at the board. Wben all ia said and done and affer all the legal bills are paid, 1 wonder if if wouldn'f bave been cheaper to simply create a new gifted class at the bigh scbool level. As for deducting wages for tbis so-called "willfui neglect," perhaps the Haiton District Scbool Board could deduct 50 cents froni every- one's yearly aalary. i'm sure this princely sum would belp the board pay back their wast- ing of tbousands of dollars in fax- payera' funda that tbey're oaing f0 oppose the tribunal%'scorder. f believe that the trustees should be there for ail cbildren, incloding the apeciai needs studenta whose voices bave f0 sometimes be beard looder than the rest because tbey're being marginalized by the very people wbo were elected to repre- sent them. f t'a bard f0 addresa conflicts like grown-ops when the Halton District Scbool Board's policy treafs theni like chiidren. Dr. M. Josling Girls softball presîdent says he'-s frustrated at neighbours-' unwillîngness to amalgamate Dear Editor: Tlhere bas been a lot of press in The Champion since the new development began about Milton now trying f0 greef the fiewcomers. However, 1 bave a gond example of how tbis doca- nft go both ways. Recently, the Milton Girls Softball Association contacfed Georgetown, Oakville and Miasissauga to see if on fwo teama could play in one of their leagues. If toms ouf that Oakville and Mssissauga are already playing basebail together. In years gone by, we used to have six on seven feama of on own in Milton. But as our smaii town gnew, 50 did on kids and the new developments seem f0 be moatly younger famnilies. As well, soccer seema f0 be growing in popularity. Yet for the kida wbo bave been honing their akilîs aince liff le league, basebail is still their f'u'at love. Since potting ouf the caîl to join a neigbbouring league, bene bave been the resoîts: -Georgetown Girls Basebaîl Association didn't refum on calis tis year. Last year, they played three exhibition gamnes with os, - Missiasauga Girls Basebali Association didn't retum on calîs; - Oakville Girls Basebail Association didn't nefum our caiis at first, and when we fmnally did get f0 speak to them, we wene tumed down since they felt if wouid be ton much wonk to amalgamnate; - Last year Acton tonk their basebail teama fo Rockwood/Guelph aften we had set op our achedules with them. They didn't even cafl and let us know that they no longer wanted fa be part of the Milton Girls Softball Association. 1 thought baseball was suppose f0 be about gond sportamansbip, and I thought volunteering was about the kida. So maybe the people from Milton are fiendly, but I guesa our gestunes joat aren'f neforned. Steve Sherwood, president Milton Girls Softball Association Have your say with a letter to the editor. Fax letters to (905) 878-4943, or e-mail them to miltonedC&haftonsearch.com. 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