Thne Canadien Chfampion, Finday, May 7, 2004-2. F __ 'I i I - I EI(4Iii' flIKIl1LAY 2 storay, 4-bdrm, brick ex- aR - 75% a, Als$550equiy ocuivehom n osrale mriggepmrams regard- euihhoide$334900 leos0f incme or credi. 626 Sbunnyvate Cre4,9Mi., Cai Chrio O 1-800-328- 626 unnval Cre. Ml- 887or vîsit os eticreresin- ton. Calit905-878-1748. carocu.o FOR RENT: 294 SG. F. tOrage apace, Main St. E. 0 Thompoon. Cail 905- 878-7803. A Reputed Auto Parts Mak- er neada comm. raies pao- pie to cali on auto parla deaiaro4jobhars. Thosa ai- ready hendlin9 aato parts preterrad. HAVE your own "For Sala By Oner marketing cors- pany, with our haip. Limftad territonaes availabla NOW View info and sobmit your reouma onlineaet w 4oe- lebyma a or cali 1-866- 3339x104 S$MONEY$S 100% lot, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages, Badi credit 0K Cati Ontario Wide 1-88-307-7799. *Mironr, one oeoroom apt. n a private home, large room, LA. + D.R. ail nec appliancea, tour pc bath, A/C, privae entranca, park- ing & balcony. 5950/mth ln- cludos ulitea. Wili suit quiet non smoking lady. Cai 90-78-9861. 1-bedroom basement apt for rani May 15, 2004. Sort- dole for sngle petson, non- smoking, utilties, luundry, and cotte included. Shered entrance. 5750/monifi. Frt/luot requîred. (95)878-041 0. 2-bdrm eparment for reot Juve lit.Cuti 905-876- 3727. Acion Aparenenia t & 2 hadroom apertmevt aveul- ale Now andi for future. Fridge & Stove, laundry facîlties, No dogo 519-853- 4374 open 7 duys/week sae day pprovul. ACTON large 2-bedroom apardment, 5775/mis plus, 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. ANNIVERSARY ACTON, iuaury, opacoua 2- hadmam apartrment, ansu- ie, laundry. No pais/smok- ing. 5900/mm plus fydmo Firoilasl. Availdole May lot. Cati 519-853-3015. BACNELOJETTE Milton apt. brigft, spaclous, lrg pa- io, non-amoking/pets. 5750/mmh + tites, avait- dole Jane let Cali 905- 878-8200. BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom apariment. Availdole Jone 151 in Georgetown. Eat-in kitchen, parking availdole. Close t0 ail amenîtias. Large bnight cindoco. Cali 905-873-9582. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mlside Tocers 82 Millide Drive. 1 &2 Badroom Aps. Cosse 10Docntown. Bus stop ut Front Dour 905-876- 1249 ww.ralstarco DOWNTOWN Milon, 13 Charies St. 2 badroom apt. for rant. Carpeteri, bundo on windows, appliancas in- cludari. 51000/mîfi, plus hydro Availabla May lot. 905-878-2804 9-Spm, or 905-332-6310 evnngs. FOR ranI in Chaltanhum area, 2 bedroom uapart- ment. Garage ircluderi Avalabie Juna 1. Reterenc- as nvcessury 905-838- 2830. Ret t ody n heCýiiib- i Ci ii0l GEORGETOWN l-had- roam bas~mnlaparirneni. $75Wmth includes ohîlties, Frstata, refereitceo. Avait- ale immediateiy. No pets. 905-702-7649. GEORGETOWN 1 Large bedoornthasement apail- ment, Nawty renovafed, gas firaptaca, large kftchen. $800/mmh plus utilduies. No pets/smoking. Cati 905- 877-7451. GEORGETOWN 1 -bdrmn apartment w/baicony in omail, cdean, quiet building. No smokers/pets, one park- ing spot. Immedîateiy or June let 905-877-8639 GEORGETOWN 1 -beri- root liasement apartment, close 10 ail amendties. Sep- arate entrance, 2 parkng spaceo, fririge, stove, and AJC. $775/mth inciodes tliies. No smoking. Cali 905-702-1125. Avalable Juve lot. GEORGETOWN largo, bnight, 2-bdrm apt. iv quiet 4-plea. Close to Go, main floor, separute ertrance, parking for tmo. Avaluble immedîately. 5795/miS plus hydro Cuit 905-877- 3862, NORVAL ove bedroom up- stairs apt, uvuiahte Juve lot. Nosokingpets, sin- gle occupuvcy ovly. Cali (905)702-1978. ANNIVERSARY FOR SALE 8529, Sdi LUne (N of Steeles) -27 acres and house -36 x238f. Bailing-water, hydro,hested -48 a 328 t.Buildng-caler, hydro, nolated -Pool, hot 10h, dock, air conditironed -Contpletely renovaed horde -Finahed basenten $589,900 Ganraco Lyle Sasera 905-878-089 416-994-4049 GEORGETOWN Park Dis- lrct-New iuuury 2-bedroorn aparlment. Large open concept ltcfrenlvingroom. Central air, iaundir, park- ing, celle TV Ail ne ap- pliances. No pets, no smokmng. Ideal for single or quiet coopte. 5925/moulfi plus 1/3 ublihOs. Availabie immediately. Feferences reqaired. Cal 647-293- 1870. GEORGETOWN Victonann home large 2 bedroorn apt, $950/mifi + Acton large 2 bedroora api. 5775/mm +. Aiso one hadroom api., 5550/mifi +. Cail (519) 853-5080 or (519) 853- 5352. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Broute Street, South, Miton Wa are now accepting applicaions for 1 -1 bedroum Avaîl. May 15 For more information and/or la matie an appoint- menti Pleses Cati 90"478-5375 Builing Managent Leonard & Penny GREAT nerghbourhiood in Mltoni, sotable for non- smokng couple wîth no pets 2-bdrm fleat levai of flouse, large kitcheni and 9 test ceilingo, aundry in basement. Avaitehle July lst or ooner. 51100/mmh plus uËlilies, referances re- quired. Ca 90-78-2737. BALTON 2 hedrootn aveul- able. $945. +. Clean and quiet buiding. Cali Jacki 9W 8120195 Availalile im- mediafely IILTON village on mhe park, corner uit S, W vîew. 2- bdrm, 2 under ground park- ing spots. Amenities, avaîl- eble May 15tm. 647-292- 4351. MILTON, availabia Jane lot, 3-bdrm, 1 1/2 batho, no appiances, 51000/mmh, ail- dies autre, reterences ra- quired. Cal 905-875-2468. ROCKWOOD 2-bdrm 4- pioce bathroom $700/month plua utiliies. 1 - bdrm 4-pince bathroom $550/mth plus uilities. Availabla June lot. 905- 279-4444. RO)CKWOOiD opacloos 2- bedroom apartmant 5850/monifi inclusive. Main floor 1 -bedroom apartmant 5695/month. Also store/offica availabie. 519-856-4900. cwci;UiIVE isenfome, 170sq. fi. 3-tdrm, large kitchen, finiohedr c. rmat. Brand nec, availdote Juna 1lst. $1600/mth. Cati Richard Hiermen Ramas Blue Sprngs 905-878- 7777. OAKVILLE - 3 Bedroom tocnhouses avaitabie tm- modiaieiy tmrough Merch. 4 eppliancos. Hopadate Mailt erea. Lakeohore Manage- ment, 905-876-3336. DERRY &Thomson, cdean house, utilitres ivciudad, aeparaea shrooam, close to GO, quiet petson, non- omokar, vo pets, June lot First/Leot, $500/mth. Cuti 416-254-1519. "UMIRGETLY seekîvg JA- SON MELMER, 0GB Java- ery 18, 1982 RE: hîs son. Piee contact lîvia att1- 888-807-7773 Eut. 260" orner colontsoie.00per gal- ion, minimum 20 gellon pur- Chase. CatI 905-814-9654. A Dining Roum, Cherr- wood, double pedeafal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- ion. New otilli n boxes. Cosi $11'000. Sacrifice $2,6W. 905-57-9459 A King Pillowtop Matireso Set. Nom in plastic. Coul $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazing hargaîn, quesn orthopedic pilowlap set, nec in plastic, carranty $150 905-507-4042 ciii de- lîver. Bedroara Cha ryood, Bad, cheot, dreaser, 2 nightstuods. Dovetail Co- struction. Nover openeri Coot $8000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905-567-4042 BUY/SELL tuir lifts, porofi lfts, levutors, wheelcfraims, hospîlal hado, scooters, etc. Cail Sîlver Cross 905-847- 5504. CARPET i huve seveal 1,000 yrds.ofutnom Siais- master & 100%! nylon car- pot. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Inclodes cor- pal, pud & installation (30 yards) Slave, 905-639- 2902 Word, Frea 17' Samsonig Monior. No Mouey dowit, Cati Todey! 1-800-510- 4042. ELRAN Love Seat & matching Chair, foi rest flipo up on haifi pioces. $475. Cati 905-875-0821, or Celi# 416-802-7682. FIBERGLASS Cedar Stnip Cansa, 16 5., large capaci- ty. Needo minDr work, $750 olia. Cal 95-876-3019. FR6Eobtmates. Got col- lily chairs? Tîreai louking Wood finishes? Frieds cao- tom Wood Refinishiitg and Fumiture Repaim., 9-9, 905- 632-9090. Hot Tub: 2004 ail options, waterflt Ozanator, Red- Wood cabinet, neyer uaed, atill In wrapper. Cnet 39,996,Seilf$6000. 416-953-5197. KOEKSISTERS for sala @ $4/doz. Pleasa oel Maria @ 905-876-2883 cilS yourr order Daiivary avoile in tha Mon area. POWER MCINTOSH 720o, 9 0 M H 2/ 112 MB/i 10 , KB&M witfr Epson Siyus 600. $150. Calil905-876- 3019. BJRflIDAY NARRIGE BHtTHDAY m CLISSIFEHOMUN: N5.75.3 CLSUD ROUIS: NMmdaytoFfld #9« m 5:00 pz CINU!àss Caified_____per a 1 29 3-bdrm, 2 otorey flouse, Milton, appliances, C/A, On May 12, 2004 at 7:15 pm,thewIIb large fenced lot with dock aMs nmmr fMte e I garage & double driveway. aMs oy o MtEo Arg ta Avaîlable Juîy 1isi Holy Rosary Church $1400/mth + afiillea. Cali Femando 905-878-3067 or 647-828-2646. The ie ACTON, 3 bedroom, mica ANDREWWIILOUGHBYS aireat, gaa heat. Available tamify would like ti0invite ail halstrianda la a Febniary lis. 51050/mmh + Celetrait orf hbat Ut Mernoniai Service on afilities. Cali (519) 853. aa a 5ra :0pna Prince of Peace Luiheran Churcr, ACTON, 4-bedroom hoaaej 1299 Brat St, Bortingion, GOrl., for rani. $1,350/mmh plua (1 blockr Nortfoffthe GEW on the East aide). uttes. 5 appliances, nice yard. beauftul area.Ave) ale June lai Cal 519853-5251. BRANO NEW ail brick aemi, 1,500 sq. fi. 3licd- roam, 3-bemrroo, 4 ap- CulfBy, MICINS pilances, pie ahaped loi, At hia reaidenice in Milon on Monday, May 3rd 2ô04 air/hardwooda/comer tire- erilh hatfami t his idtaie. Michael Cunney, helored place. Faniaalic location hosand 0f Sandrs Cunney. Lovrng father 0f Kitteanrd dloue 10 scfrools/ Go/ 401/ Kiera. Dear sonof Patrick and Bridget Cumey inEng- roc centre/ftuare super tend anrd brottrer 0f Brandoan, Ofit and Pairicta alao 0f shopping centre. $1,400 Englaird. Family ard rdiands vtstted etithe MOKarala plus ubtitea. Avaitebte Jufy KoCIw FialaiHom 114 Basin Sit BAlon 906478- lai. Fimsta reqaired fo 4452 On Thursday A Maus 0f Cilrisita Buriaf will be nion-amoker. 905-878- ceiebratetaaiHoty Roeary Catolc Cfluic 139 Merlin 09f17, St., Mito on Fniday, May 71h 2004 ai 11:00 ami t. tr MILTON -rierlment10oifoiow eaitheMiltonEvergreen Catry As BAILON -Houa/Dupe exressO0f sympafry mernoiladonationas10 1the for rani, you be mhe lanrd- Caaien~ Cancer Society would be appreciated. lord. 2-bdrm, 1 -bdrm, $1 200/mth + utilitres. ______________________ firstlasi, avartehle immedi- aiely. Cai 416-822-3172. SULEY, Donald hry or w .hooserentala weli- At the Mimeo Distict Hoaptia on Tttursday, May 61h hop.inoto 2004. Donald Siey of Mion, bvurg son 0f Wesley MILTON 3-bxtnt honte ou a and Mauifyn Sntiley. Dear fater 0f jasonid h. wte large lot, tinished base- Penny and Michael anrd ha wlie Roxanne. Dear grand- ment. $1400/mth + afima, fatler 0f Jackson, Taylor and Clirisiopler. Sedly mteaed avadlable June 15tm. Cali by has brother Canton and ha wlfe Margare Sandra 416-653-9272. Morris and Gord Robinson, Bruce an hie wtfe Dianne -and FRous and isa ee Anne-Marie. DonM alds an MILTON deiached, 3-bru, ernployee 0f dme Minralry 0f Corrections ai Mapletiarsi, 2ad haalm C/A, tenedactive ai GakvIlle LegSonBrandr 114 andfred aeig yard Avitebe Jiy 11. ime assoatlion wifthtme Lonte Scola Milita. Famify $1295/mti + utilites. CaS and friands may mi i ttme AKaeb ocher Fessra 905-878-9903.Noms. 114 Main St. Mimeo 905-878-4462 front 2-4 pin ILTON, two storey senti- and 7-9 prit on Sundey. The Ferrerai Service va bhadr detacfred Greenpark 150, n tme Fusera Hont Chape on Monday, May 10th oqit brick fiane, 3 lied- 2004 aiet 00ami. interieilt 1 toooai the Burlingon roont, 3 wahoos5 p Mentonal Gardans. As expressions 0f sympafry, pliances, air condîin irn moal donations 10 mhe Canadian Cancer Society firaplace and garage. woi.ld ha appreciaied. Mnutes toGo Train. $1500 plus utiîrires. Non sntong'~ Avaitable July 1. 905-332- 6375.- «MILTON Greenparr Seti - 1600 sq. fi., 3-bdrm, 3 27" Panasoic Stereo Coi: CONGRATULATIONS, ceabroot, A/C, CV, ga- sole TV, excellent condition YOUJRE APPF1OVED. Gai rage, 5 appliancos Avari- Best ooSer. FP"ss call 905' a MG Horizon PC for only dola Judy lit. 14o0/mmh 8784681. $899 Or jusi .81 cens/day. plua ailfies. Firot/last GALLO0NS0f house Free Lexmark 3 it 1 Printer, down- Cai Rec or Frances pita ai 905-854-3435" penGi & Latex, white & Free, Digital! Camrera, Free