1O-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 7, 2004 F -;Six tanks stolen from eompovnd Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-in at a Milton business. Sonetime overnight April 16, suspects entereil a fenced cornpounid at the rear of Corelmne Auto Parts, located at 842 Nipissmng Rd. Cuiprits used boit cutters to snap the loek to a storage cage maside the comnpound and stole two oxygen tanks, two propane tanks and two acetelyne tanks. Ail six tanks were empîy. The total luss is $1 ,900. If you have information that leads to an arrest in this or any other marter, vou may 6e eligible for a cash reward. You w'ill neyer have ro give your name or testift in court. Crime Stoppers of Ha/ton doesn 't subscrihe to ca/I disp/ay. P/case ca/i 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or chieck out Crime Stoppers' Web site at wwsvu.ha/itonrimiestopper-s.comi. Car sought after farm breakmi Police are trying to locate a vebicle spot- ted near a Fiftb Line ban around tbe tirne the structure was broken into. %,tjuJ >5-,!5 1' unkp0I! 'u s wortls oi cquipmnntincluding barnesses, bridles and four pairs of black riding boots. 'Me vebicle spotted is a maroon Dodge pick-up truck with silver or white stripes at the bottorn. Equipment stolen Building equiprnent was swiped frorn a Higb Point Drive construction site overnigbî April 26. The site supervisor reported that the equipment was stolen frorn two storage bins. Taken was a red and black generator, tw(s Quick Cuts and a Kanoo cbipping gun. 'Me estimated value of the stolen equip- ment is $2,5(X). Police Blotter Thieves entered the unlocked garage of a Holly Avenue borne April 28. Between 4:30 arn. and 12:30 p.m., unknown suspects entered and stole a lawn trimmer, Iawn rnower, extension ladder, step ladder, cbain saw, power wasber, cord- less drill, and a case of beer. Home broken into A No. 15 Sideroad borne was broken into April 28. Unknown suspects entered the bungalow by prying open tbe batbroorn window sometirne between 8 arn. and 6 p.rn. Stolen was a DeWalt cordless drill val- ued at $366. Car windows smashed Tbree separate incidents of vebicle win- dows being snashed took place recently, police said. Overnigbt April 20 a window of a Ford Windstar van parked on Vanier Drive was smasbed, causing $900 in damage. Ovemigbt April 21. tbe rear windows of two cars parked in a Sunnyvale Crescent driveway were smasbed by unknown sus- pcts,.'The estimateil value of tbe damnage is $ .() Also Apnil 21, between 9:.30 andl 10:3(0 arn.. unknown suspects used a rock to smash the rear window of a car parked in a Williams Avenue driveway. The darnage is valued at $500. Car broken int Higb Point Drive was broken into last week. Between 9:30 a.rn. and 12:30 p.rn. April 26, unl(nown suspects entered tbrougb an unlocked door and stole a CD player and a celI phone. The estirnated value of tbe property is $925. Alil terrain vehicle swiped An ATV was stolen frorn a Laurier Avenue borne overnigbt Monday. The 1983 yellow, tbree-wheel Yamaha ATV was sitting at the side of the bouse when it was stolen by unknown suspects. Thief attempts to steal Porsche Unknown suspects failed in their atternpt to steal a 1994 Porsche 968 frorn a Bronte Street South business parking lot. 'Me suspects had tried to open the pas- senger-side door with a bool, causîng $1,000 in damage. Break-in attempt fails Unknown suspects attempted to break into a Cedarbrae Avenue home Tuesday. Sornetirme between 10 arn. and 3 p.m.. the doorknob o) the bouse's side door was removed but the borne wasn't entered. Two of the home's windows bad been pricil loose a couple of weeks before the incident, police said. Thank You. The Salvation Army in Milton wants to thank everyone who made a donation to our Red Shield Campaign. Your support will make a significant difference to our ministry in this great town. Flor those who stili wisl you can eall us at (905) our office at: Unit 3, 1001 ON, L9T 5B2 ýi to make a donation 875-1022, or stop by Nipissing Rd., Milton, M