Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 May 2004, p. 9

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4 t,' A 7Tr Diane Wolstenholme Sean Miller Colleen Gorman Elizabeth Williams Three people have butt out, one stili struggling Four people, four stop-smoking techniques. Some have worked, some havent. Read on to find out how thc four partici- pants in the Champion Smokeout Challenge are faring. Diane Wolstenholme Diane Woistenhoime isn't uscd 10 beiog a hero. And whiie she recognizes ibat people on the sîreet who cati her their hero are mostlv joking. il's niice to know shes iîîspired sorte of theni 10 altenipl 10 quit smoking. she said. "il she cao do io. 1 catio dot' k s hat rmcihebrs of the public seen b be thinking. Ms Wolstenholme said. As an additional victory. she said she isn't cal- ing as mucb chocolate now. To curb ber sweet tootb. Ms Wolstenboi-ne said she bouglit a hunch of lavoured herbai teas. Looking back, Ms Wolstenholmc said shc couldn't bave quit sithout the help of ibe patch. Sean Miller Witb bis busy ssork scbiedule, Sean Miller said altbougb be intetided 10 set anoober quit date this lime wantiiig tot ry cold turkey instead ofi takiog Zybaît--il jusi did't itappen. -Tinte Ihies bso su-last." lie said. -l dont bave lime 10quît." But bey. at leasi bhes liunesi about bis iack (il progi ess. TbhaC is itake otite situaititi, lie ,aitd. adding lie îiîiîîks tade m s n lavc tried ti quit U)mi îd aied ss iiil I-.c îînuUoied to ktioss liesý iii tbe sanie botat. -Personalix, I tbiik Uliithe ottîx btîîest oniei tbe group.- lie ,aid laugbiiig. pîkitg ifuin at te tithers'vict(iriesý As a State Faim agent, t kniow ihal when a crîticalilliness sînikes, there are cosîs that go beyond basic medical care such as lodging for famiiy duning reaimeni, home modifications and medical equipment. A Crticat tIness Insurance poiicy provides you wiih a lump tam payment thal aitows yoa 10 focus on the impontant tings, lîke geting belter. Cail me for delails. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR» STATE FARM IS THERE.- 3006 Derry Rd. W, Suite 204, Milton <acossîfriite siriiîatt Sttefamineior Sii,,' Lt-i.î *Scaî-boruî'gh. ,ntario 'titis Farmî aents Oifisi lie ,pouts ithroua maktingareeent ci t UnProident. ln Caaa. al pidul andrvces makte erte rt, ttant nUPi-t tarueuttien ant ssu lit Poient te andArcituitnsuaneCompany. Nt nuintueofithee taie Fai amiynofounptsnes is iuanialy bP02445CN î,spnsile o îese podcis,tUnumProotentiSnroi an ailiate of tate Far 06/02 Stil. be's not ssitbttut sonte progress. Mr. Milter said bes down t0 about a quarier-pack iront lus lormner fluli-pack-a-day. "loni tryiog 10 cul otu the pointlcss cigarettes." Colleen Gorman Aithougli cigarette cravings are titis a tbing tif the pasi. Cîtîleen Gormnan said she bas tbe occa- sitîtal bad day. "T-here are limes ssben l'ni îired and tbiîîk. 'A Cigarette ss citld tasîe good oîs.. But Ms Gîtrotao said sbie just ignores tbose tiItuebis. atnd titey quickiy go a%%av. Ms, (oriiu as , a m(tstlx social sotoker wbo tqtit ctuld tut key a lew nîotltîs agtt. Aller sbe qui t e said lier ss etelt becante a bi t an issue ss ita îe-ondiuîe.but sbes tinalis' hroughlit liZtai Uitt der ctîttrttl. Ailliii ail, she said shes feelintg gleat. -l eels lîke i'se doue titis lnot smtoking) for NOW YOIJ CAN LOOK AND FEEL FANTASTIC IN JUST ONE HOUR. 1 1~ Ytu've oitly guioe ie Whc is hy you shoîîld only trust the oîe-hoîîr îeeih h iti,- îrtg iieatmeîiit tit's been cii cauly poven ta be bath soeand remarkaîbly effetie. W'îh BriteSmile, youriieeih cuî be.îp ta 5shads whster andd the reut a ast fir yeurs. sn'i yoîinseîle wrni'it CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! www.britesmile.com B RItT E ~SM I LE- DR. LARRY TENASCHUK 905-878-9882 Enhanced Lue,, & Coz,,,te Den&tuy. *N,,,,.d to .-ih fiiiii w" 'eglrtiifor .BiîîSml , ù es. 500 Laurier Ave., Milton years.' she said. "I dido't anticipate it would be ibis easy." Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Wiiiianîs bas just ft.nisbed ber firsi mootb as a non-smoker witbouî regular visits 10 Positive Cbanges for bypnosis. Sbe saîd last monîb she tboîgbî she'd be okay on ber own. and she was rigbt. With tbe belp of lte self hypnosis she was laugbt, and ber relax- ation tapes. tbe monîb passed by with ber smok- intg ottly one cigarette. 'I did'ti enjoy il ai ail. il wvas awful." she said. -My stontacb swas upset. i1swon't be doîng that agalit. Ms Williamîs'lusbauîd aisti decided 10 quit somokinîg, aîîd s usiîîg the patcb. "We tîtotîvate eacb other t0 keep going,-" Ms Williams said. adding, 't stili bave cravings. but iben i gel up attd do somnetbing and iî's gonte." WE UNDERSTAND YOUR NEED TO FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANT THINGS. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE.' PositiveChanges- "Where Resuits Happen" " No Diets " No Drugs " No Shots " No Weigh-ins *No Supplements You use your own mind for safe, sensible permanent weight loss, sales mastery, stress & pain management, alcohol free & stop smoking. Calil Now for your FREE Consultation 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown (Two doors south of the TD Bank) (905) 877-2077 1

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