12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 4, 2004 'Milton's Just Wine starter kits j e* c 4. 0 u IidflU is d L Iinternational wine event - v -t ~~~~~1 Coniing front Europe, Guninar Ostlîy grew Up app)re( iatîng good wine. So in the year 2000, when hie took over Just Wine on)lronte Street S in Milton, be had bis own ideas about wbaî w,îs rubbish and what was possible for c lients making ibeir own Wl ne. n 2002 lie tbougbt hbcd donc really well wben the wine kits be was offering won 16b gold medals at an international wine tasting event sponsored by The Wine Maker Magazine in Vermiont. In tbat year, no other kit supplier Was awirded more tban 7 golci medals. But in Dec ember 200)3tlbe even ex«ý e(ecd iniselt wben bis 'Premium Selection' kits sWept 2(0 gold nietials wberinof0 01er kit supplier was awarded more than 1) poIds. A reniirkaiîle achievement considering tbai the 1499) entries front 41 U.S. States, 8 (anadian Provinc es andi 4 c ounîries bad ,ilîîiois cdoubled] over tbe prevous year. "It just contrms mv beliet tbat'iimlourel'v is (an ompete wiîh niany Winery labels aI a trac limanioflth c ost .and nciw Weve taken anotber plant step ftnvarîi" ,aii Cunner. From good to great Mucb of the colour and i lavour of red wine is deriveci not from tbe juice but from tbe grapes skins and natural solids. Traditional wineries bave always known ibis aindlbave aliowed juive to ferment in tbese solids betore pressing. Tue longer the skins remain during theefermentation pro( ess the more colour, aroma and flavour ( oripounds are extrai ted. Now, after long experimentation, lust Wine is pleased to ,iin(iinc a breaktbrouglî pro ess wbereliy t bey ( a i ofl(fer c lients a i rushed grape roduc t in kit forni. With their neW (rsbcGraîx Par ks, clients (an now, for the very iirst imie, take home ail tbe sensory potentials of the grape plus tbe in( reased ageing advanîtages offered by the, very fiîîest Wineries. lust Wine urges al nId an(d new clients to en(quire abonut ibese ners kits Wbeni (bey visit the store. How to get started lust Wîne offers ,îll the services needed to c iniplete the Wine maiking prixcss. [(use scrvi( es are puýt1 Jfor Uijifront anid i ni Indu mixing i ngredients in a primary tirmnîeîiur. Servi( * suc bI s m(introlling tenilîxratire in i spe(u aI iirninialioin roii<n, racinîg, stabilming, de- gasnilarîts iîg ,and ilterng are t,kenii arei id1 Gun liv lusi VVîîui staff. '\l(i) i WIO 5 iS tly UIcîsi /nU 3421 arrarîgus ialîttlin piipointnieiit. I(lint,, (ian bring (lumîr omviileiru bîtilis, v. bu b tIbe stîi r icrlzus und inses, or lîntiles can lx pur( bisemi ilt lie store. It ruiuirici, labiels andîisbrînk c apsulis ire iviilaihle it i nomninal i îst. lirsiînuIlabels are îlsîî ,iulailei Al i(îîrks andi taxis are in( ludedin the kit pnicev. New (c ustîînîers often recjuire auim e on kit selec tion. We w il guide i lients through aî large c boit e ut Premîium Selc( iorn and Regular Sele t inmn red and Wbites. And now, onI-i ourse, tbey w.il 8e ufering tbe sanie guidant e on our new C rUsheci (rape [la( ks. CW.hieam Chardommay f* CNIea>Cabert Off1 MM rot SL S.#2 U Why ju.st join a club when you can join a movement? 2 tor The power to amaze yourself. Pitsertie té, wa friend 905-875-924e6 -327 Bronte St. S., Unit #10, Milton Oî'er 7,700 locations to serve sou. www.curvesintemnationil .com nnar Ostby owner of Just Wine Iocated at Bronte St. S., Milton Just Vine ,loffers superli Specialty Kits for Sherry, Port amil i e ine. t ieeîkits require clitterent niaturing limes to bring out their ini( ate layers nf flavours anci aromas. But taste, price and va)lIue are ýail personal îbings. just be assureci that A the ad(vic e arli beip you nee i s always available. Enjoying good wine is as old as history itself. But now, more than ever, making it yourself adds so much more to the pleasure. Cal! in at Just Wine, 342 Bronte Street S, in Milton, or phone 905 876-9463. CATH ERINE WILKINSON CR, RMT ReIahjý 1 KIRSTEN REINHARDT, RMT 1 *Chronic Pain *Motor Vehicle Accidents *Whiplash *Headaches *Sports Injuries " Shoulder & Neck Specialists " Stress " Relaxation " Reflexology (foot massage) " Pregnancy HANDS ON REHABILITATION SERVICES Laurier Medical Centre 497 la urier Avenue Suite 8, Milton, Ontario 905.875.3902 for appointment - .te U ndsv u o5 % off e * ear e