Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 May 2004, p. 10

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1lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 4. 2004 HJGHSCOOL RPORT 1 TheOne.Th la h YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amazing things about. Here's why: L. Our copyrighted program teaches nothing less than the secrets and sktlls of lifetime collision-free driving.j 2. We teach our li[e-saving emergency maneuvers belind the ivheel, not jusi in a classroom. 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,000 grads in 30 years - I> YOUNG DRIVERS®of canada M,% Your licence to survive. «MS. 11~ 905-875-0480 uin ç!dri vers corn'f Ask us how DriveFit Computer Based Trainng will help you pass W vour rmaltest MTO g ipprOunt Begincer Driver Educativu Course PrOvIoer There 's only one YD. MAY 2004 2 WEEKEND COURSE May 8, 9, 15, 16 (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) JUNE 2004 2 WEEKEND COURSE June 5, 6, 12, 13 (9:30 amn - 4:15 pm) F-vvv v v u11 1 66DATELINE DRIJRY" Aliia Visconti John Pemrson Erika Sirome E.C. DRIJRT 109GBSCHOGL "Goîng once ...goîug twîce ...and sotd!!! toithe grade nîne wearing the red sweater!!" On May 5th Drury wîlt hold is second anua ai spning auction of senior Sparians. 'Me seniors wîtt once agaîn be put up for sale so that money can bc raîsed for eharity. Noî îînty willithe pro- ceeds be gong 10 a great cause but the younger studenîs wîtt gel one lasi chance 10 take conîrot of the seniors. The studeuis will also have their lasi chance tu attend a dance thîs year. 'Me ever antîcipated beach dance wîll Se etd Thursday May i thh in the auditorium. Not outy wlt the studeuts gelt ti show off beiri sum- mer spirit, bt will have the opportuniiy iii wîu varions przes. In order un receive a prîze. studeuis must panîicipate in actîvties sacS as. cuconut bowling, buta hoop contesîs and 'How-Low-Cao Ya-Grî" Lîmbo! Tickets will be on sale the week of May Uthr for $6, and wîll ont bc suld ai the door so be sure to gets yours! We know that the Language and Arts deparuments witt lietSe tîrsi n line as îhey were for the performnance ut "Guys and Dolis.-"Ou Aprît 26h. Mr. Keane and Mr. Menka accompanîed the studenis iii Sraîford for a day of activities. Stadeuts were able tii explore the siglts oi Sratford, wih lunch downîown. a stroîl by fice waierfront and a per- formance thai was delîghtfl ull atiof euergy and cutours. 'Me studenis were mosi enîhusîastic about their day ai the theatre. Anoîher great performance was exhbbîed b> Drurys varsîty girls rugby team. They have been practîsîng very dlîgenty and its paîd off". Their hope of going to OFSAA coutd becume reatîty as they uni> bave two eams to beat. Go get 'em girls' Another person we wouid tîke ru exîeud our best wishes iii s.ounr long-trne guidance counscior Mr. Murray ta.k.a Mirrdawgr tlic s rerr ing from the teaching profession,. and suono Aprît 27i1r Drury sbiissed is gratitude for ail that Se Sas doine. WiSSte tickerbay patkcil iith theer- ing students. the surprsed Mr Murraiy enteccd Airer speechles trll] tile principal and student gîvemoîcor. varirrus students sang sîrrîs anitre- senied grfts in apprecrarrîoiii is harîl v.îrk. [Se (Global t-d ueparirreiii showed ibeir appreeratron by a 1 tasairan themsnîcsui anîl (larîce. \% hicli brîîugb mari> surîtes t ic tIre ulni' faces. %ic.Sturrays i irîîîlr il aîrenîled ixhicli Srrîglt a seose o i ýii iîsress Ioi flictircsention.rs filS ie ccremîîny came tir cs,i dS(X6111cupeaKes. spettiirg rut "(irîrîîle %Mn Muirray" ocre erjîreil h> aitlresenî r Mu Sîrray. ron hetiitofIlle t dent buiuy. woc i iiurss ysuabrrr rese r urger s . iraSI lileestii s ul future enîlcas iurs. On 'Tuesday Aprît. 27i5. rile senor rl' ercîs srtri lîtîscî litrir i irsi gairne .ig.iniii. 'Ciasthe Kig Sglgresss i toallehi St iche t'accets anrd l.isieieiisiîvepliy hsJeýssîti coirrîtsirir luielilrei n t aura iciîtîh.rl lfieltd('trust ftireKinig Ion_2cit.Sui Speî i'. liiiriie ('reivs. ('rilerire Prilteandul itri li lalcriltIe iijnîisrrî u grheon .t.aloCai'.uiiibrrt uaiireuîii).trirltt1,1Cii ilfiefdrelt .Iiurî iliruhîigfl ic parue adtoriîsrsiciitl> ii t lits iiý i Ci. ni Ilie siiu'. tint. su. foc .itl ysuiSii.ri.ri irisutlici ir. ii o .I u tu0tt 1111l,'iris ia This weîk",que.stiorn: folooiîng'har.%rWr. IttraI ai uig/ti ut Seth Forguson MILTON DISTRICT Rion SCEOL ,"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Nearly every MD student has been asked the question, "Are you coming to the play'?" in a bid by the ticket seil- ers to bring the joys of theatre to the entire school. In most instances, though somewhat reluctantly. the ques- tioned student reaches for his nr her wallet to purchase a ticket. Besides the token Dr Seuss answer "No, I'm a Snort," given by some. ticket sales have exceeded expectations. Luckily, there are some tickets stili available for the Saturday. 8 May performance. The final performance of the thrilling murder înysîery The Mousetrap wilI hegin at 7:30 at the MDHS theatre and promises to captivate and enchant the audience. Do not miss out on this year*s the- atrical bit! The Boys soccer teami opened their season last Wednesday against Christ the King. With helpers from Ben Clifford and Louis. the Boys secured a 2-2 tie against their G-Town rival. A spirited effort was made by ail, and the remainder of the season promises to be bouni- tiful iin laurels. Be sure 10 support the teamn in future games by hedecking yoursell in blue and white and cheering whilst alongside the fieîl. [i anioller worlc of' blue and white. the Lea tfaris of' MI)HS are oraduaîlly adding more Leal' pictures ti iheir wall offl linmeticulously cataloguiirg the Buds' vie for the Stanîley Cup. Soon, their ssall of' Leafdom. ss ilI spill out over the current ssail. and perhaps corne fihefinals. the couire hal lwav ss il e fil led with Leafimemnorabilia. Wheo asked about tihess'all thai shie helped decorate. Sueph M iklos answsered "Wial waillI'.' This support ofiuhe Leat s bas led to somne triendlv chi ding otf'lairs ot- the "roftler" teaiiîs.'" As flchie so ixird lown. rio doutht. the situation ssiii heconie tense aall lans wish i ieir teani tire hes!. Asal l-ieih ls As'ork..ass as ai tireir literi- sesa and otîter isc,(el laiie(iis irs c suilies. (oe tends Iii ask. 'Wlhs iead a hbook.",'[Fie trrli lhe tuld. s.ou oeediot iead a buooks s eu s\ou r.air conre anid sec l'lie Vrnsti p LIyoui tic kets 0)55 to iis1( disipuilre "&THE ROYAL REPORT9' Preston MacNeil Liana-Darla Pressé BISHOP REDINO 1Ble1 SCIGOL1 Apnil has ended and hopefully, thîs means that our May flowers are coming! April appears îo be the introduction 10 a very busy trne, where everyone becomes engrossed in homework, projecis and activities. Lasi Tuesday, the Ultimate Mix Challenge was hosted by S.0.L.L. in the cafetorium. Students formed groups, mixed and creaied oniginal drinks, and designed elaborate pre- sentaîjons. Wiîh the considerabty large number of competitors, judges Mr. Mackenzie, Ms. Brandreih, Ms Caruana, Mr. Ciancioto. and Mr Gajewski hadl îough decisions to make to find a winner! In the end. the Canucks Quencher group was the vicior, with a delîcious drink and fantastic disptay. Second place weni 10 Strawbana. a smooîhie drink ihat hinted ai summer! Finatty, third place was awarded tu Tropical Desire, anoîher deticious drink thai tasied lîke warm ixeaiher. Our firsi and second place iearns witt bc venturing to Georgetown Mail to represent Bishop Reding ai the district wîde competition. This pasi Wednesday. the Valedictorian nomination speeches wcre beard in the Lecture Hall. Fîve graduaies were compeiing tor ihe award. but in the end. the graduating class etecied Mati Masîrangelo as the Valediciorian of the Ctass of 2004! Congratulations Mati' Three talented aibîcies hase been named as, B.R.'s Aitetes ot the Moiiih. Lee 'saibe. bailine rom tbe Junior Boys' Badminton lcan. bas put iurih outsiandine , -itori and shorn determination and dedicition diuriog ihi, e,')n, and has qualilied for more conipetitions ihansm iber rmemher. tOur ther iwo Aitles rof uIle Mlntb ortronimithe Senior Girls' Badminton îeam. Atana leirie and Olîs ia Horhas/ %ocre boili cootenders ai the GHAC tiail'lie iii o su rrkcd bard irreciber. deimunstraiing co-operation anid q)prtrsniînýhtiîîoIllie\ ti.lenoreed heir uppuois. The skills anid aiîities oft ilese ibrcc itiees bas e niade ibein Ibis montb's AilileiesutfIrle 'rtrnth' Il"mli tIsiisso i, ers\ ý Ia' tîs earý. su urr\noui. because cornic relet be hiiipio\s led k tI itiile Shorp out Hurrors production lest 5e..k' T hec caro r iitC ari be eeniî ai istîmp Rediirzon Stas ('tIi. iiit, jlsthi lii, \ee k. sith t nmi.iietrrdics and lots ut corîh '(nue andl sippriri the Hîstiup Rediiig Players! For lici. els. flt'ea tlIO I l. ilie setinrîr Quuille ri lie Neek: -Courage is resistance 1u fear. mastery of' fear - ni abisence rit brur.- -Vlu i; !

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