6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April -30, 2004 *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main Si. E. Milton, Ont. L9T '4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Pubjisher Jili Davis F2ditor-in-Chief Karen Smith Managing Edutor Wendy McNab Advertising Director Tim Coles Production Manager Charlene Hall Distribution Manager Teri Casas Office Manager The Canadien Champion, publishîd every Tuesday and Fniday ai t9t Main Si. E ,Milton, Ont L9T ÉÏN9 (Box 248) s one ni The Metnoland Pnintiint, Publishing & Dinnnibuting LiS. gnoup ni suburnaan compaties ohicS iincldes: Aîax/Prknniinq Sews AdvetOist, Altision Hiiold/Connini, Bannie Advance, Bolten Enienpnise Bramptn Suarian, Buntingion Pnst, Baniiogion Shopping tNtws, City Panent, City ni orki Guanian Collingwood/Wasaga Conrection, East Yonk Minnue, Enîn Advocaie/Couniiy Boutes, Etobicoke Guanaian, Fiamboeough Reviîw Fonever Yoang, Geoigetown lndepenentSnion Fiee Press, Hlton Basiness Times, Bunonia Business Times, Lindsay This Week, Mankham Enonomîsi B Sun, MidlanS/Penetang- niotiene Mirron, Mitn Shopping Newst Missisoanga Business Times, Mississauga News, Nataoee Guide, Nassagawtya News, Newmanket/Aunona Ena-Bainte, Northumberland News, Norih York Mirnor, Sakoîie Beaner, Oakoîlle Shopping News, Oldtiioes Hockey Nens, Orîllia Today. SshanaWhîiby/Clarîigon/PoOt Perey This Week, Peterborough This Week, Picn Couni Guide, Richmond Hiil/ShornhilSaughan Liberai, Scarborough Mirror, Sinuffvîile/gbridge Tribune. Adnertioing is accopied on the condition thai, te the evneot a typo- graphîcal ereoe, ihai portioe of the advetisieg space occupîed by the tro. reous item, ingether nîth a rtasoeable allouante ton sigeaiurt, null nt be charged for, bai the balaece ni tht adnertisenen nili be ptit for ai the appli- cable raie. The pablîshen ithernes the right to caiegorne adetisemntsorn declire. Tht Miltn Canai Champion is a Recytiabilt Pnndaet Tough election talk Paul Martin han got to be giving noure nerloun thought to calling a spring federal election. Tbough hin party's popularity han been significantly damaged by the nponsornhip scandai, Martin's confidence han got to be buoyed by the politicel bornbshell dropped by long-linge Conservative oppo- ient Joe Clark. Duerirg an interview oit CTVs Question Period, Clark sairi he would choose Martin over Conservaîtive Party of Cainadca leadecr Sîcolîin liarpcc iii the tiext clection. (l i ks enss.ie lî1,11 Marii , "lic dlLhil uc s'ktin hlîî(ic Iller pi nispeL 0l !lipi l,îltn flic, cu lttir\ leis,,, lîtînt iceliîn' c\ttcIt, (ssor d s noi vuhîl 1 lare and [ot iu n supplor'ters , 5aiotcI Iue hc,îi its flic\n ,lscldu'tLT poîulariln poils. C larîk ,îuldenl lie doesn't actuaIsv lI ( cîtîner toatly anod adviscd voteis 10 ,,houî-. flic local canodidage ghey lîke iisgcac ol sulpportin- nl nationtal paly. Igs nol shicprisiog Clark is still bitte, about lits heloved Tories' meiger with the Cagoadian Alliance Party lutst December. For Clark lIce WOLtidncl are still fresh, and a strong Harper showing against Martin would be like having rock naît ground mbt them. StilI, few could have forecast Clark's torpedo-like annault on Harper and the new Connervative Party of Canada potentiatly within weekn of an election cal]. Members of the new Conservative parly have to be asking themselves why Clark couldrut haste just laded away quictly. There's ligtle doubi, too, tat Clark's renari were on the tîinds ol Marliîi'and his cabintîc tinjislers as they coîlliercu osýer dinner Moioday nighl to slcaîeg-ize fite fino- tng tif' itt cleu.tioo maIl. tri îl I beral pits pl101t Ns, h3tîct %IEs x;i!! ceclirog froînt 1utc cllc t, onf flic sqttttt sorshtp scatîdal, aidt! iîario N i ,caer tut cil! ant cl,,cgîor soliîer iliailt îrcilrn Lould Ne lle\ Igo imtiposstible ii igntorec(',t' nit s i apîtedri tiisuis of Miltîtro scîtsesi chiallenger'. Clirk's ,,orignis sctn like the desper- aie aottnmpt of ait obsuolete poliniciato 1 bc i es vatt sfonu e 1roî'. It's slratîgely iroînte thal Clark's scalhitii words iioay have more influcence on Ibis election Bloan tony in wlîich he was a can- didate. * Our Rea ld ers Wri te Resîdent's recent crîtîcîsm of town's growth seems chlldish and overly dramatîc: reader Dear Editor: Lerter s rier Pitt Kelîs"s riiosi icect tarît about Miltos grons iiis (cihi hh 0 uI(\ N,lics,, (ilt l\ittn1 - Ii iii uidx lnt&1. bntds, nil tltîcscs andi itsti hl "iniccIn situesý I1 outii nîîl isI lis tttttitcil isîiU11d 1a We,, ilsi leeliesL ,, l Nlitrnr i eteilItîi,ttt Hmut îlots uîI)iîuaiortc. iti,'iiîc sutvslîl-h mts unOrolit Vispaisiton onI tîtis rushI i su l itievitable. Couir rie iii with ouir uuouîrcilliers arrd 'sriall tumssi busi- îîess iiuiids' \ns býit c ese lEnt -îttotl ix -oiini. ilic tIpu t gIittne, t l. ,t n l, rn Il- ii i a ute s \ Itesil I ItO ltt l,,,l ii 1Ii01 'iI lt in i i i e \xsIluittttitt suitd il i1111h , \l K,,'inliL 1,,rnosrlc n,'s ,'îs c ilizi \iti dP'i o ou ' tîit iliuiî , Moi dccii. whlioîl now Etse a ltocaîl til to loelp ilîîn p.îý tîncîr mai îoiiutlif ,, looil. Pop~ risc flic roIes spofIti li i tue anI erîîoy fli ot niiîds of l , tii-cii 11 rCliii di loîîti titcis irx \lîîiîîî i hI \itîtîl s ,,î s lit ;" \Icii us s ii \1 lii olIi,, s ointý Teret cutîmIs iliu itpln Kevîn Smith Norris Circle E-mail ail your letters to the editor to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. CupI of coffee and some memories -great combo t don't normally have much to do oco my lunch hour. A typical I to 2 p.m. uaualty includes a vinit 10 G few ntores, maybe a bit of banking, and then lunch snmewhere cheap. An I pop in and out here and there, t usually chat with nome of the store employeen and own- ern. There's hound to be a funny anecdote or two. As I wan thinking about thin column, t began thinking about memories aond jusE how special they are. ts there anyone who doesnnt have a childlnood ntory he/she can tell over and over again, cracking up every tune? Neîtrly every day, t'mn privileged 10 hear some of them. The other day t dropped into Enpress Yourself Cale - which junt happens 10 make the hent cof- fee in the world - and employee Darlene took one look at my pink fuzzy hweater (whicb I Soon leanned was angora) and launched mbt a sordid tale of love and war about her own fuzzy sweater. Il WGs ait Steadman's, hhe said, a store that used Bo be on Main Street, where she ftrnt naw the ptnk Angora sweater that, as a I 6-year-old, she fell itn love with. That Chrisutmas, it wan aIl she asked for, and nhe got her winh. Not long after, her younger sister decided to borrow the much-loved sweater. Ladies, we al know how the story ends. But for Ehe guyh' nake, her sister stained lte sweater, and put il into, the wanher and Bbc dryer. Wben il camne out, il was the perfect size for a Boy poodle. War broke out. To tbis day, Darlenens hister doenn't dare ask to horrow anything from ber older sister. Over at one of the local gift shops. B oftent speak witli a lady who grew up in a small town -much smaller than Milton - as a panîor's daughier. Bt wasen'l utousual for misguided and lonely women 10 beconne infatuated wiîh ber faîber, she said. But he wan smart. Whenever he wîss going 10 be counseling or visiting a single wonîan, he look along his wife. 'hat certainly came in handy the day he was asked over by a very single woman. His knock on the door was answered by the woman who was wearing nothing but a barely- there negligee. Needless to say, she was quile sur- prised when the unexpected pastor's wife stepped out of the car. Thet here are more poignant memnories 10 which I've been privy. One thal cornes 10 mind wan shared by Joseph Manchihi wbile I wan inter- viewing him about the Iragie disappearance of bis son, Joseph. When I asked Une grieving father wbaî bis non wGh like. bin mind drifted 10 G time years ago when an operation left Mr. Manchtsi wbeelchnoir-bound. Wiîb mintmng eyes, he remem- hered being pushed around hy bis son Joseph who seemed gtad just 10 be witb bis dad. Memories are special links 10 people who may not be int our liven any more. But an my chat wiîb Mr. Manchisi reminded me, Bhey're ail the benter when lhey can be sbared wiîh loved ones still a pant of our lives. Being mtndfut of the grief that's struck the Manchisi family, why not spend a few moiniutes today calting up G family member or friend and sbaring some special memories svbile you stilI cao.