B12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 30, 2004 Bulk Bag Soil - More Popular than ever. Convenience. That' s what makes Bulk Bag Soit so popular these days. It's so easy to get GreenThumbTm Black Garden Soit delivered right to your home with one simple phone cal1. In fact, you don'treven need to he home. 1. Simply cati to book a dehivery date. 2. Mark an X on your driveway or wbere ever you want the bag placed on the day of delivery Be sure the area is 4' x 4' and is accessible by car (excluding garages, car ports and over- hangs). If you can drive your car to it we can most likely place it right where you want it. The "X" can be chalk or broom sticks or any thing tbats handy. 3. Pay with Visa/MasterCard or put a cheque in the malbox for our delivery personnel to pick Up. No-Risk Guaranteed If the GreenThumbTm Bulk Bag Soit or Mulch is not what you expected, Halton Sod will pick itu at their cost and refund 100% of your money. No way you can lose. It's this simple: "you calI .. we deliver." Halton Sod is owned by Greenhorizons Grosp of Farms who manage: Compact Sod in Camsbridlge, Hamilton Sod in Mount Hope, Ontario Sod on Osiceille, Haiton Sod in Horsby, Niagara Sod in St.Catherines and WiUow Valley Golf course in Mount Hope, Ontario. TaIk of the town Here are somne non-paid testamoinals, exactly as submitted. Once again we have just received our bag of soit 'great Mothers day gift"!! Third year in a row 00W - completely satisfied with service and delivery as usual! The Barkers! John Barker Hello, just to let you know I get a bag of soit every year and enjoy the convenience of your product. There is no mess for me to dlean op and I cao use the bag of soit at my leisure and need. I onîy have Y o '~ ~ 1 e dlovs thec bu rcunl1ed mote soi gogru ater garenact projece. There is nothing like it. In addition to that when the driver Thanks for offering the soit in bulk bags. Now I cao get my bus- band interested in gardening since he doesn't have to do aIl the work reenThUnbTM i one day since he canit stand to see dire aIl over bis precious driveway. Blaclk Garden Sou ayo I have used your giane bags service in the pase and bave just placed my order for this year. I wilI be trying out your fertilizer this year. The topsoil was the best Ive seen. le is a great service. Diane Low Great black garden soit. .. super delivery!! Neyer a probleus. Irenejenton I'm looking forward to the large bulk bag since in the past I have ta-ken several trips to purchase smaller individual bags of botb soit and sheep manture. Ind veryAnge/a Monaco withn deivey zoe 4Third year of purchase of garden soit - very sarisfied with the prod- Get $500 efud onretmedbaguct and the service. Don Fraser MMC300404$ -* Bought product last year for last home and loved ie! It was very - * ~ * andy having aIl that soil delivered at once, no more hassle with * small bags. lie Martin 100% Morw - G anwfe.I like the idea of the neat dlean no mess delivery wieh the bule bags. Brian Giberson My garden was the best ever with your Green Thumb Black Garden Soit. Ryan Krukoski Ontario Sod is owned by Greenhorirons Group of Farms who manage: Compact Sod in Cambridge, Hamilton Sod lu Burlingeon, Hamilton Sod lu Mouut Hope, Ontario Sod in Oakville, Halton Soin Hornby, Niagara Sod in Se. Catherines and Willow Valley Golf Course bb<ICa- 1h mu gflt meJ~>I(IO1 lM lu Mount Hope, Ontario