B12-The Canadian Champion, Fruday, Aprol 30, 2004 Thnere's just too many icky things out there for me 10 was fiee of Seeve LeBlanc 10 save that ohings, unless they're mosquieoes or snakes. or as the verv least have rabses. 10 reinided me of iny own clashes woth nature. Pin a big nature lover -as long as sa's on a golf course, television, or from my car. 1 don't mind looking, I jusn don't want to interact. Too many icky things. As for the pigeon, it's nos Steve's fauls, as l'mn sure he knows. Ots like George said on Seinfeld, ' We have an implied agreement with birds that they move out of the way when we come along." That's nos always the case, though, maybe because birds aren't that smart. 1 would say that 99 out of 100 times if you're driving along, they know to move, even if it's at the laso second. T'II always slow dlown to avoid asisoals or swerve if is docon't mean colliding with another car, but birds are supposed to know to gee out of the way. A couple years ago T hit one that didn't move on time. His friends and family knew enough to fly away, but nos hins. 1 was distraught. You don't want to kilI living every finme 1 sec or hear about worries about dos- surbing thie naturat habitat os thc Massassauga Rattier, I just wonder why. Treland doesn't have any snakes and shey do just fmne. Call me crazy, but fewcr killer snakes docsoî't bother me as all. Aoiyway, I didn't know what to do about the bird, but O had to drive back that way a couple of minutes laster. Maybe as least I could morve it to the side of the road. When O gos there it was gone, which was a relief. Now l'Il slow down for birds, jusn in case they don't know the miles. Another timne, a squirrel camne down my chim- ney and was stuck in the foreplace. I had glass doors, and the squirrel kept throwing jtseîf againss the glass. I couldn't very well juot open thc doors and let it mun shrough Uic bouse, sol I called the humane society. flic mars tried to ges Uic squirrel with tome kind of contrapsion, but it went back osp the chininey. 0 'Wc'll omoke him out,"~ he said. Good thinking. So I lit a fore andi came back down the chirnney and hr Uh oh. The man managed to, get Uic alive, sol it had a happy ending, aI squirrel lost somne of its hair. When T was living in Uic Beaches, my bouse. T wasn't having anything bats. O've seen enough movies to much. T don't mind Uiemi ousside l cas mosquitues, but -who can sleep around, which probably would suck have somnebody remove os. Bus, shey warned me, n he in noway could I actually kill the bat.oravet loecalled up a fniend, who doesn't have the heebee 10 S ebees over creepy hnsHefudtebti the corner of a window franie, covered it with a blanket and took it ousside. 1 had another incident with a batsas the cottage. uirlThe slsong was flying around the room, and the squnTe everybody was screaming. O was as the top of the toi the fore. bravery chain, being a so-called man and att, so squirrel Out I had to do someshing. though the 1 pus a fishing net over my head and started whacking as the bat with a tennis racket when it a bat gos on flew back and forth. 1 donst know if the bas was to do with lateghing as me or nos, bus everybody else was, know thas and evensually is juso gos tired of the game and ~cause they lefs whichever way it came io. with a bat Good for hlm. Nature is wonderftal, as long as my blood, is doesn't get too close. YOUR TORONTO AREA MAZDA DEALERS 2004 MAZDA6 GS-14 WINNER OF OVER e160-hp 2.3L 14 engins a i l Sport antonnotit transmission * 4-wheel dist brakes witl ARS * 16'weeel Traiction 70 * '*kk controi e Power Iobos, windows ansi mirrors <heetesi) 9- AVFIVCD 4 speakers and 2 tweeters sterec r, Tilt andi tellescopic INENTIRI HIGST IMACT sleering *Remote keyless enty * Croie contralil* Air condining e tenon payrrieal indedes freight ansi P.D.E. ANAROS PROItTON RATIN ONS 05011 ne B- -m- ON 90 DAYS R 1 ý ONLEASING' AND FINANCING- APRIL 29u. 1MAT1 9-00 A.M. TO 9:00 PAXUCAE IACN FOR 60 MONTHSt -OR- LEASE FROM $258* PER MONTH/48 MONTHS WITH $3,950 DOWN PAYMENT $SENEII IWOSE -AND- www.maado.co Acton Achilles Motors Limited 357 Queen St. East (519) 853-0200 (905),453-8965 ASK AIOU OUR LOYATY OSIERS FOR EXISTINO MAZDA CUJSTOMERS. MIAUAUES GT Ali ADOMlOM CASH AWARD OF UP TO $1,M0 TOWARDS A PURCHASE OR LS MArRAi às. lSa ffw* &àeno De&dy lu wuVmV h = . cw.â lez. Tm" 2 to oA,~wbhr ' . . oenon X nacnC I nAO ieaneNru tiei on rl.idrrrm urro Om~mn riru yrsOI500 Tire amnesty big success once again With more than 400 Halson residents disposing of about 2,100 tires, it's safe to say the seventh annual Tire Amnesty held Saturday as the Halton Wasne Management Site was a success. This evens gave residents a chance to get rid of their tires with. out charge. Normally, the fée is $5 te0 dispose of cap 10 five tires at the site. During the Tire Amnesty, Halton staff also collected 28 boxes of food -weighing about 300 kilograms and $475 for ares food banks. "The succesa of Saturday's Tire Amnesty Day shows how Halton residenîs continue 10 piOch in to prosect our environonent, while at the same lime heîping those iln oecd,- said Halton chair Joyce Savoline. "It's thanka 10 these kinds of initiatives, and resi- dents doing their part to help, than we have been able to double Uic life of our landfill." The tires coltected will be tumed over 10 a recycling company that fonds osher uses for Uic tires. Some will be re-used as tires in developing countries, while others will be made inso items such as boas dock bumpers, whcel chocks and blasaing mats for road con- struction activities.