Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 2004, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprl3,20 Are you connected to your community I 1k f i C)1 ý illý 13i t ý ,i ;1 quckly and convermen-t1y ofllîe anld on1 youi scileuit wwvw.haltonsearch.com 24/7 The-RgioaiMunl*ditunlty of HMlton DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT, 1997 S.O. 1997, c. 27 NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH WATER AND WASTEWATER DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AND TO AMEND DEVELOPMVENT CHARGES BY-LAW NO. 117-99 AND TO REPEAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW NO. 65-99 BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Regianal Municipality of Haltan passed By-law No.57-04 on the 21lst of April, 2004 under the Develapment Charges Act, 1997 which establishes water and wastewater development charges for the Regional Municipality of Halton, amends By-iaw Na. 117-99 and repeais By-law No. 65-99. This By-law Na. 57-04 cames into farce an April 21, 2004. AND TAKE NOTICE that any persan or organizatian may appeal the By-law ta the Ontario Municipal Board under section 14 of the Act by flilng wlth the Clerk of The Reglonal Municlpality of Halton, 1151 Bronte Road, OakvlIe, Ontario, L6M 311)1 fax: 90"425-88381 e-mail: reglonalclerk@reglon.halton.on.ca nat later than 4:30 p.m. on the 31let day of May, 2004, a written notice of appeal setting out the objection ta the By-law and the reasons supporting the abjection. An explanatian of the develapment charges impased and a description of the lands ta which the By-iaw applies are set out beiaw. The camplete By-law is available for examinatian at the Cierk's office during regular office haurs, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m., Manday ta Friday. It can aiso be found on the Regions Website. www.region.haltan.on.ca. BY-LAW NO. 57.04 A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH WATER AND WASTEWATER DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON AND TO AMEND DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW NO. 117-99 AN'D TO REPEAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW NO. 65-99. OVERWIEW By-law No. 57-04 establishes updated water and wastewater development Charges, amends By-law No. 117-99 by removing the water and wastewater development charges therefrom and repeals By-Law No. 65-99. The By-law has the effect of: " Updating the Region-wide water and wastewater residential and non-residential development charges; - Updating the HUSP Milton/Halton His 401 Corridor Area Specific water and wastewater residential development charges (note: the non-residential water and wastewater development charges were updated effective Aug. 20, 2003 by By-iaw No. 102-03); and - Establishing HUSP - North Oakville Area Speciflc water and wastewater residential and nan-residentiai develapment charges. LANDS AFFECTED This By-law applies ta ail lands in the geographic area of the Region. A key map, being ScheduieW"of the By-law, is attached. The deveiapment of land in the Regian may be subject ta one or more development charge by-laws of the Regian. For further information £ please contact: Paula Kobli, Corparate Services Department, Financial Planning& Datedat th Tawnof Oait-,e Budgets Division, 905-825-6000 or Tal free:i-866-442-5866, extension 7184. mn the Regianal MunicipaIity of Halton, the 29th day of- Aprit, 2004. ..+r lina Agneila _______________ Gel: Your Garden Grow ag Monday, May lOth - Monday, May l7th (closed Sunday) 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Haltan Residents are welcame ta coiiect rich garden-friendiy compost praduoed through Haitan's centralized campasting program. " Residents are responsibie for shovelling and bagging their own compost. " Please bning yaur awn bags/containers and shavel. " Ail Haiton househalds are weicame ta collect a maximum of seven bags of compost. " Donations of nan-perishabie food items or cash wili aisa be gratefuily accepted an behaif of Haltan area food banks. Halton Waste Management Site 5400 Regional Rd. 25 Milton, ON Spring cleaning? We can heip! Bring your reusable clothing and hausehoid items to the Salvation Army Depot at the Halton Waste Management Site. A Community Partnership Haiton Region's Officiai Plan Review, started in 2002, is now in lis final phase. Based on public and agency input, revisions have been made ta Amendment 25, which implements Cauncil's directions on changes ta the Plan. This document provides the bluepnint for land use planning in Halton for the next twa decades and covers a broadE range of issues including: grawth management, transportation, greenlands preservation, affôrdable hausing and agriculture. This revised version wili be available at the Regianal Administration Building or may be viewed on aur Web site at www.region.halton.on.caOfficialPlan in the first week of May. You can share your views and ideas by attending aur upcaming public meeting on May 19th at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers, k hifa Halton Regianai Administration Building, 1151 Bronte Road. For Joyce Savoline more information, please cantact us at the telephane number below. , u.tol IOI"»* cou Health & Social Services Committee May 4th 9:30 am Planning & Public Works Committee May Sth 9:30 am Arýneffn A Ç:nnÉ, (rmmittsan MRv 5;th 13-'0 nm A' M pril 30, 2004

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