28-Tha Canadtan Champton, Frtday, April 30, 2004 GAAESALE S2AM-MOON 99MAPLE AVE. RAIl OR SHINE!l YARD SALE 7AM 87 MAIN ST. N. (GUELPHI L.. CAMPSELLVILLE Vllttgs paietei lamniture, oit prints/ranue... FANSALNE 756 TURREIL CRES. (MATFAMY SUDNIiSION)I Micrateas, etib, bigbiair ta/utera stands, speakers, baelmitsil, .any bessieoltiItem. DRYTO TRUEAI S. LEFT ON OOCKRAY. IRONT ON TURREL. FUEE COFFEE - MO EARILY BIRDS PLEASE TW AIYGARAGE SAjLE MAT A i [1 E E S5T IV l AMNOON FBANTING CR1. (MAIN ST. IWILSON AIEA) (BTENuanstait BASEn LNi &ai BRTN I M RAIN OR IIINE -NO EARLY MIS Pt.EASEH 1 cbiîtiress books anti taira I 81 HARRISON RD. 9AM-3PM Eserytiis tram a-z, tram micraaes ta mail unit, inasitr & tiryer. DOI'T MISS TRIS ONE!! - MAIN OR 811ý1E STREET SALE SAT. MAY 1 8AM-2PM FREEMAN TRAIL (TIIDMPSGN BETWEEN BERRY & BRITANNIA) LOTS 0F GEAT STUFF - RAIN OR SIIIiII MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 1 8AM-1PM 9M1 NEMLDCK OR. Baby ciaMtisear, nenlumeti item, wstitiig tirets. Saie fer ait. RAil DATE: SUN. MAY 2 Tapa, balks, hoasbsiti tlar. SAT. MAT 1 7AM - NMON 732 COULSON AVE. MILTON - M ~?m VUE Elisabeth Hibbert B.Sc. D.Ch. Chiropodist - Foot Specialis IlaDerry Medical Centre 3006 Derry Rd W, Suite 105, Milton 905-876-1132 May is...foot /-ea/t/?Mo#t*/ Feet: The most important yet often neglected part of the body. By Elizabeth Hibbert B. Sc. D. Ch. Chiropodisi - Foot Specialist The foot was onlce described bv Michelangelo as "a masterpiece of engi- neering and a work of art." The foot is a naurvelous structure but perhaps it wus flot designed with today's footwear fash- ion and manmade surtaces in mnc. It bas been said tbat seventy five per- cent of people wtil experience somte sort of foot pain ut one point in tbeir life. The foot walks an average tour tîrnes around the world over the course of a lifetime. It's noa wonder that things go wrong front time ta timte. What can we do ta protect them? If we tuke proper cure of our feet we cao dramatically reduce the chances of problems occurring. Yau can take cure of your feet on a daily basis by wearing proper footwear and by providing preventative cure. When self-cure is nat enough a cbiropdist cao provide general cure, prescribe spe- cialized medications. provide prescrip- tion orthotic inserts. or perform surgery ta correct foot problems. The Onturio Society of Chiropodists (OSC) is a non-profit professional asso- ciation representtng chiropodists throughout the province. The society is dedicated ta promoting foot health excel- lence through public educution. The OSC sponsors a foot health month in Ontario in May. Let's att take a look ut aur feet this May and treat them ta some much- deserved cure. The first step is ta put your feet into shoes that fit properly. When buying your shoes make sure they are comfartable in the store. Take a walk uround, shoes should not be purchused if a break-in periad is required. Shap for shoes ut the end of the day when they are slightly FAMILY CHIROPRÀCTIC CARE - under my roof Dr. 311 Marttn Street, Miton (905) 878-5165 'Notlong ta worth more than titis day." swotlen from the duy's activittes. A proper shoe is one that is made for the activity you wish ta perform in them. Guidelines for qualities ta look for when purchasing a general walktng shoe are: -soft breathabte uppers - ow heel (under t inch) -rubber non slip soles -firm sale in the arch area and flexible in the toe area strang heel counter (back of shoe) laces of Velcro ta keep the foot in the shoe -a round toe area with enough depth (toes should move easilyl -wide enough ta fit att the toes (na bulging ut the aides) -a haîf loch gup fronm the longest toe ta the end of the shoe A quick trick ta establish if your shoe fits is ta take a piece of paper trace your foot and then put your shoe over the top of the drawing,' the foot trucing should not be visible. The moat expen- stve shoe is not necessurily the best but it often means it will lat langer. Shoes do wear out. The length of time you should wear your shoes depends upon how active you are in them. Once the sale loses its cushian it will no longer absorb the force of walking and your body will suffer. Sometimes custoni-made' orthotics or shoe inserts are necessury ta create proper foot func- tion and relieve foot pain symptoms. The feet are the faundation of the body. If the feet are aut of aligoment, then the knees, hips and back cao also be affected. Prior ta getting orthotics you should have your feet evaluated by a foot spe- cialist. If you need orthatics, a prescription should be written for the devices and the foot shoutd be cast using a pluster cast. The ortbotic should then he fitted properly into the shoes you have selected. Orthotics should be prescribed and manufactured under the direction of a pri- mary cure professional who is licensed in this field and who will follow up with orthotics on a regular basis ta make sure the devices are func- tiottîng opttmally. General cure is requtred to keep your feet in good shape and free of probtems. Special cure should be given to the teet on a regular hais. These are some guidetines: -Cut your tornutîs struight across ta prevent% ingrown toenails -Use a nuil file if you have thick nuits or sharp edges. -Check your feet everyduy for blisters, cuts, scratches and nail probtems. You can use a mirror ta see the bottom of your feet. -Wash duily ta decrease the chance of bacte- rial infection occurring. Dry completely after bathing especiully .b' between the toes, this wilt decrease the chance of getting a fungal infection. Rotate your shars from day ta day ta allow them ta dry out completely and ta change the potential pressures on the foot. -Souk your feet and file off callus (dead skin), do not use acid medications. -Use emollient creams ta soften skin and protect fromt cracks Foot exercises and stretches are also necessary ta keep the foot healthy and functioning ut its best. Use massage techniques ta relax the foot. Stretch the bottom of the foot by holding the heel and pulling the baIl of the foot towards the leg. Rolling the foot on a ralling pin or can wilt belp relax the muscles on the bottom of the foot. While sitting use one foot and rotate the ankle ta spell the letters of the alphabet. Point and flex tbe tors holding euch position as far as you cao go for 10 seconds. While standing raise yaur beets. bold the positton and the lower always stretching'ufterwurds. Chiropodists are regulated health cure providers in Ontario educated exclusively in the assessment, treatment and preventton of foot disorders. Foot conditions include structural deformities, complications of diabetes, sports injuries. and ingrown toenails. If you have any questions regarding yaur foot health, contact a professional. NUSIARDS GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 1 BAM-1pm 9214 OURUN UNE (N. 0F 5 SI0E RD., W. 0F INWY 25) 25 yrs ai cailecting. lawmmaer, tais, acres. tiasr, naine itesitaintts. GARAGE SALE MAY 1ST & MAY 0111 9AM-12PM 4193 20T1 SIOEROAD, RURAL MILTON Astiques, turelture, arigleal quaiity artliesa, louis, as teys, ciatine asti alier anal. Ra etc..etc.. IMlOOuw Rni OR MM0 - NO EARI.Y MîOIS '1111l'% A-_ GARGE SALE SAT. MAY 1 8AM-12PM 650 CHILDS OR., UNIT #18 "Doubles", kits laya, bouaeieit ganda, table &chtairs, bookt, A maith ans, RAIN OR 81111E!! GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 1 8:30-NOON 24 ROBARIS DR. (THOMPSON & MAIN ST.>