26--The Canadian Champion, Fridsy Aprif 30, 2004 MAY, Ernest Edgar 'Ernle'-- pîtaf. Ernie beioved brother of Eunice Workman, Ella Bonham and Vers and her husband Elmer Baitey. Uncle Ernie will be fondly remembered by many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. Ernie wif I be dearly missed by Neta Irvine and her family, friends and neighbeurs. Friends were received ait the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rond, north of Maple Ave- nue, Georgetown, 905-877-3631 on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Fi- neral services wiIl be held in the chapel on Friday April 3Oth ut 1:00 pm. Inturment Hornby Presbyterian Cemetery. In memory contributions 10 the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario would be appreciated. Expressway Trucks Milton (A division of Viking Truck Sales, lmc) 8050 tawson ROad Milton §We are Iooking for a Raceplioniat ta i our team. Must hava a plaaant lelephona manver, ha orgaa- izaci, and wark i ndepandenly. Parton tight office da- tes, knostadga of Microsoft Office pradacta an ai- vanlaga. Please fax rsur to- 519-632-8725 or www.cgreers@xorpg"avo.com T.AA. -IUN MILTON Part TMme - DRIVERS Otean Orlving Rtecord. Able 10 Drive Standard Vehictes, Reliabte. Pull TUrne - MAINTENANCE Handyman, Janitorl or Mechanlicat SkIS a plus. For more information, ptease calt Frances Semple or Doug Lockhart a 905-875-2915 Ext. #2328 AZ D)RIVER With dlean abstract and OVOR. 3 years dump experience. Please cail: 905-878-1900 Part-ttmo, PuUlTins lpWantod Individuel reqaîred fa datail and cleav-ap cars, gavner- ai dlean-up, miscallanaeoaa work in support of reafosa- lion of cura, pick-up und delivary oit parts and supplies. Must have vahid drivers icenaa, able ta, wark in fast puce environsent, haa attention la datait, cao worh unsaperviaed. PlOam .416-984-608james WOODWORKING SHOP In Georgetown Ruquires futf lime retiabte persons. Some heavy lifting rulquired. No esperi- eance necesssry, witt train. Appfy in person te: 9 Acacdemy Road 905-877-6757 Looking for help Sattrday mornings, May-October at the Milten Fartai Marke selling meat Leoking for a frienidly, honiest, dependcable person. Cash handling and knowledge ef meat cuts an asset. Culi or Fax Heaume ttc 519-767-1875 MIDAS Auto Service Experts Assistant Manager/ Service Technicien Opportunity for s self-motivated, knowfedgeabfe individual with strong mechanical skills who en- joys working with the public. Re- sponsibilîties wiII include vehicle re- pair, handling store in Managers absence and sharing time between service bays and counter as re- quired. We offer an excellent atart- ing saiari group benefit package and ongoing training available. Drap off resumne, Attention Tim 178 Guelph St., Georgetown, ON L7G 4A1 Labourers Two oppornanities (one luiaS sca; ne trepaeary) esiart vo work ondes dhe direction of pubbic works supervisnry avte performing maintenance actis'ities, and providing labour- intensive support vo oher staff. Gond communication and public-relavions skulls are key, as you ssii answer customner inquiries and couceces. You maso be able vo maintain and operale compartors/eollers, wood chippers, single odle truckhs, smali dumnp trucks ans i pckup trucks vI'itb pl loaders, small teactors and attachmients, and power and hund tools. The ability vo effectively loud and weigh material wieh 4-wheel drive louders is essential. You hold a bigh schoolI diplomna and a valisi DZ drivers; licence, and bring winter control experience and the reilingness vo work shifts, standby and overtime, inrluding weekendu. Municipal esperience, ansi carrent First Aid, CPR, Chuinsaw and WVHMIS certification would be ideal. The fl tise position also relquies a basic hnowlrdge of confines pace entry and vilt control oprariona, as weîl as documentation of tIe successfiil rompîrtion of a mesurai examinarion. Tht bourly cage for vise fùuiltise position is $17.19. 'nse boarly veage for thse tempoeary position is S 15.47. These cages arr in accordance thse Collective Agreement betwren the Town of Halton Hual ansi CUPE Local 73. Postng #1200414 (fit-time) and #200415 (temporaly) Wr offr a highly profeasional, progressive unit aupportire woek environseno. To be au iuvegeal part of our geocing commusity pIeuse arusi a detailesi ersame, including references ansi a cover lettr in yoar own handwriting, quoruag thse appropriate postiog number(s), by 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 14, 2004, to: Ms. Jacqueline Socles, Manager of Humasn Resoures, Tows of Haltos HUis, 1 Haltes Hills Drive, Haltue HUils, Ontarie, L7GC 5G2. Faxt 905l-873-1431. We taunk ail those sodo apply, but advîîe Chat os/y t/are applicants selectedfor an intriews soi//de costarted Persoî,a/ information is co/lected red"te castdority of the Municipsal Ac, 2001 (S. 0. 2001, c. 25), and soi// bi useS to se/et a candidate. We are an Epual Opportuoity Empoyer DIVERSITY CONSULTANT/COORIDINATOR -laiton Region iv saeking a diversily cansutanticoordinator to support tha work of the Hallon Oivarsify ildvisory Commintea This sl a pari-lima position. rHE INCUMBENT WILL. 'assisl wittIha devetopment of s community consutation tool needed la detlermine banniera auperienced )y diverse populations in Hallon; 'plan and implement communily consultations la gathar input tramt kay community leaders, service )roviders and grass ravIs levai communily sambars. This may inalade facililatini loavs groutis, hep vformant intervies and public meaings; ,anutyza data coltected during community consultations. For more information about qaltifications, laem of paymenl or vîher inquiries: CALL: 95-825-6000 Eut. 117972 SUBMISStONS: Ptease forward a curriculum vitae by e-mail, fax ar mait by April 30th, 2004 la: Job contact information: Pesetla Forsytti, Managar, Heat Promotion and Communications Prograst Hallon Region Heallh Department - 1151 Branle Road, Oakvitte, Ontario LtiM 3Ll FAX: 905-825-8588 E-mail: forsythp@region.halton.on.ca Allarnate E-sai: haliez@region.haton.on.a SunOpte Organlics A divitsion cf SunOpta Ina. I5Tl - Nus- daq) (SOY - TSX) requires a fuît-tise In- aide Sales/Administrative Assistant for lits corperate office in Norval. A highly uvuergetia and professional tuas player euth extensive adminis- trative anS austoer service experi- enca, computer (Microsoft Word, Excel and Poser Point) and a sidu diversifi- cation of skills la ruquired. Candidate should have et least 5 yaars office and customev service uxpurience. Bifingual - French/English weuld bul s definitu as- sut. Te tind out moe about SunOpta Inc. go te: ww.uropta.com Plusse sand pour rasusa le the Human Ruseurcea Manager, 2030 Bevaird Drive West, Norval, ON LOP 1iKO amnati matbrecht@sunopta.ces or fax te 905- 455-2920. Warehouse wurker needed immedialtell (off site) Harveoler Rd. & Guelph Lina turiioglen, On Hoaro 4:3Opm- 7:3tpm (approvimatly) Manday- Frîday Cundidates must be able ta label lreighl and hbis of lad- ing while identily destination oi irelyhi and stage accordingly. Must ba able to lift weighl approxe 7lIs or lass Sameday Rigt e ay is an equai apporleniiy employer Il inieresied in the abane position, please tend youn resuime tIi: Fax 877-329-7677 E-mail: drrecruifldayandrossisc.ca GOLF SHOP CLERK! Vite ara oaekint an avlhusiaolic, cusoeer service orianlatad adaui to 1 h an inlaçîral part of Qakvilia Enaculive Golf Courses oparatiovo. Eoperiance lia nol nacaouar. MuaI bu availabia fines bagivvivg of Ma vI eand of Oclober. Appren. 35 hours/waak, includilng oe weekand day. Applications li Heaumes may bo Faxed lo: 905-876-1346 or Emaîled to: info@oakvillegolf.ca Tel- 905-875-3932. PRODUCTSION LAOUERS Co Bunc ering for i gb sfoi l edlocalto m ine. Ala &Reamas O CoîoCe agnsa d &Eaiinfacot o roicmo Oniy quleand tes w îil ha contaced. Dr.bivzel s.co ScolBu riverg Wat Ceil 905-877-4448kging Lidl isc euatn equal Restitues iy ConoChmanyLi FREEAN SAFFIN eurDrivGereon l Us. or o ilm 30s hori'sona ed Ceali a 905-377-40064o DpprpRumn Coffpat: enviotmen.lStmE d,M40 ton Noe Phon Cosis Pkn frleae IPRODUCTION in the MILTON arva. $11-$1 2/h r. Ail ahiff avaitabe. Stant Imediatey. Fao reoumne la: HCR 416-622-7258 an Tel: 1-888-411-1660 1 vuad semeevei te Islarm my business. Must hava leadership abiltiy and duaire fer aboya average lycose. Cali Cllaml 1-888-269-0755 Buil a caseer starling day ave. NEW BURLINGTON SALON Appt.by Lino & Han. 5 hourly mage, fll a part tise comssin& bous avuipmnlnruvided exellent Oearils pua. no ollantala raqaired advanced training new aradaaaes waixasa prsgaus Contact Darteno by phone f905) 848-5770 or Sp tax (905) 848-9399 xw.hestchuic.com -Wnicane-t,s a0 o arid af chsoie. A Division 01 The World's Largesi Hairstyling Chain requires: Hairstylists Fuli-tîme or part-timre experience Great commissions; Career advancement; Flex work hours; Solid benefit program Té arrange an interview please cal Vicki 905-849-8808 ext.221 SALON CO-ORDINATOR WANTED Trandy humr stadeo in downtowo Mlt o iooking fan a salon ca-erdinator sdit a creahie edge. Encellent tl- aphone and eviul marketing okillo raeqairad. Fanlas- hic opportatl for the peson who anjvys making dani- viono. SaIle position wiitfh great growth oppartunit and banaflita. Cal Kevin at: 905-878-7668 or l Fait your Resume to: 905-878-3396 eA, dupt'. os aii et tIse Tswa of lfste 98ký WhS e - bee rlMd diuleti - -I~ Utoihe - - prow. of our odwmn ss" ee and f~u s.esalî MCWi- tir. Sem Tolil meI tis Cet 4E« dLI Do e Lef MI Il i1 .M frIl1 EitIo mut taun: Zttu att options, waerfal, Ozanatr RieS- Coul $9.995. Oeilf $5.000. 418-953-6197. SEAT Sule! Freshan up Iynur dioaote/Sinivgrooc 1chair seata w/saladeS tab- dces 19.95/aa. Seul cushiova qualilp foust ne- placement trocn $29.9ia. P iel Furodre anS Fab- fcal 9-9 daim. 905-632- 9090. WASHING mchina/dryar, unS cooking slave ail 3 den fon $150. Cai 905- 878-3982. CASH paid for antiques and callealibaes, china, fig- urines iasalary, tarveura, ceins, aIc. 905-878-3145 cel: 905.876-7950. 1981 Pntiac Parisienne Brogham. Rebuilt tans- mission, neient brakla work, solSd bod, very fl ut n. $1.600 au la. 905-877- 5835. 1990 Fard Croco Via, 149,0OOkms, dlean car lots nf vas, a-paased. $1,950. MuaI oaa! 519-853-3909. 1990 Mazda Pelaege and f993 Hpanda Elanfla for sale. Pieuse cal 905-877- 8436 S inlarastld i1985 Plymouth Voyager v- good condîiîion 1 PW/PL/PM, li# PIS, NOC, 1AMIFM cassette. 226k, E- l lealaS, $3.090 oSa. In Cambridge. 519-623-2796. 1998 FORD E150 Van, 235,0OOkms, eocellent cn- Sft0o, $3,900. (519) 853- 3015. 1997 Saun aedan, idaak, 5 spd. $4000, 000. (905)873-3983. 1898 Chev Tralier, soit top, 4x4, 90,00Okms. $8.8900 obn. AM/FM/CO piapan, gaS condition. Cul 519- 853-4263. I2000 Lincoln LS Sport. black, lealhar, iccacula, billet slaese, custom duai aohaas. $16K, cal (905) To service greetinig card depts. in Milton Approx 15/20 hrs/ wk. Must have good comnmand of English. Cali Sylvia 1-800-387-5614, ext 4491 MONDAY ONLY 9:OOalm-4:00 p.m Nef ait catis wii receive a response. Local Manufacturing Company requires fuîltlime FORKLIFT OPERATOR Monday to Friday, and occasionat Saturdays. Forklift experience a dlef- mnite assaI. Heavy lifting required. Send resume te: Unîlock Ltd. 287 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown, L7G 4X6 Att: Rich Sedore SEARS CARRIERS Reliable individuais needed for door 10 dooir catalogue delivery in Miiton. Cal 905-873-0103 Leave message with narie, phone and address. a