The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 30, 2004-15 Play ideal, savs director -from CRANFORD on page 12 funny play," explamned Mr. Cranford. "The sexual innuendo jr rather tongue in cheek, flot that blatant, but it's not really for kida." He added that T'Me Affections of May is ideal for a smaller stage like the one at thse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, where things can solmetimnes get a littie cramped urits more prop-oriented productions. 'We've got a bit more room to play with this timne," he said. Show-only performances of The Affections of May cost $15 per persmn nd mun May 7, 13 and 14 starting at 8 p.m. Dinner theatre engagements -at $35 a pop - are slated for May 8 and 15, with dinner served at 7 p.m. and the production to follow at 8: 15 p.m. Tickets are available as Delacourt's at Main and Martin streets by cash or cheque. They're also available by caflig (905) 875-0629. Steve LeBlanc can be reac/ted al, sic- v/Sweet sounds of spring bulent" #- Wi * - coneryet Rn.u pinot bond Croohsd pholo by GRAHAM PABVE Wff -Aé EXCITED TO INTF A NEW SERV NON-SURGICAL Fi CALL FOR YC I Vfw elt« Makseay 0.. FE O S LA IN wwyubvryii.o " Registered Nutritiosal Consultant on staff " Lss weight eating real foocd " Suent metabslism, teed healthy and esergized " Faeusirg an a lifestyle change " Maintenance pragrams ELECTUM tomL TON EATMEIff *Reduce 12 ta 30 inches in 5 weekn *Bud muscle tare tant *Condense 9 saurs of exercîse insu 40 minutes *Firm up thase sard ta tans areas *ONE FREE TRIAL SESSION VAOIJSA CUWIUM TUAMM " Redure the appearance of cellulite " Smooth out dîmpled legs and dentiers " Naticeable isch loss in targeted ares " EsSarte lymphatic drainage " Free leg assessment leew clients orlyf ~CE LIFT ~4/*SV#WÀ1a1~ >UR One accident shouldn't keep you locked in with the same Insurance Company. Generally speaking, a 6 Star Driving Record means you are free of at-faut accidents for six years. If you are a 6 Star (or bercer) and arr invoived in your first at-fault loss, most insurers grant "forgivrness" on renewal. This means dropping you to a 5 Star instead of Zero. AssumiÀng you incur no furcher at-faulr bosses, you sray ar the 5 Star bevel untit you once again quabify for the bevel six rare providing you stay witb the same insurer. Swtching to a différent insurance company wiIl usuaby resuit in your drivmng record droppiog ro Zero Star and a substanial prerum increase! This in effect forces one ro staywîch cheir current insurer for five years! Dalton Tiaumis IS able to offer the forgiveness rate on new business theougb oue Finre-Star Program. If one ar faubr boss is ai you have on an otherwise dlean dnvmig record, wc invite you ro cabi us and fid out whac your options are! I*L Dal[on Tîmmis Group L.el h o ui r e a rn e Oton Tirnuni Insuuance 4125 Upper Mfiddie Roas, Burlington, OnsuLo L7M 4X5 905-633-9019 or 1-888-385-8466 or viri us online wwwrdalonùmns.con