8-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, ApnI 27, 2004 47 Laure , W678-2881 Page SYouth wins writing contest on mîentoring 12 -year-old writes about how much he values his mentor from Big Brothers By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Nobody knows better than bis mom how 12-year-old Tyler Wilson's life bas been impacted by Big Brothers of Halton. Struggling for words, Ms Wilson-Gervais tried to explain just what it's meant for Tyler to have someone guiding hum througb life's twists and turns and helping him, recover from the tumbles. "Steve's had a huge influence on Tyler's life," Ms Wilson-Gervais said. hi his Big Brother, Steve Roy, Tyler found a friend and mIle mode). For the past six years. the two have been a teasn tacing lite together, enougb in itself to put Big Brothers of Halton in Tyler's good books. And then there's the hockey. "About four or ftve years ago, we lived a very different life," Ms Wilson-Gervais explained, the memories obviously pamnful. Financial hardships were just one of the chal- lenges they faced, and activities like hockey, whicb many kids take for granted, just weren't possible. Once again, Big Brothers came to the rescue. -They offered Tyler a chance to play hockey in a Milton hockey organization," Ms Wilson- Gervais said. To the then eight-year-old boy, it was as if he had been given the world. "Be'll neyer forget them for that," his mom said. So it came as no surprise that when Tyler found out he had won a contest with part of the prize being a $1 ,000 donation toi a charity, he decided to give the money to, Big Brothers of Halton. "They've done a lot for me - they paid for my hockey -and I wanted to thank them by giving them the money," said Tyler, a grade 7 student at St. Peter's Separate Sehool. As the Ontario winner of CIBC World Markets' Miracle Generation Challenge, Tyler was recently presented with a $500 Canada Savings Bond in addition toi the $1.000 for char- ity. The 2003 Miracle Generation Challenge - the third annual contest - asked youths 18 and younger to write about mentoring. la his com- position, Tyler described his relationship with his mentor: "I always know that I always have a buddy to caîl whenever I need someone to talk to or share special things that happen in my life." Sue Storey, chair of the Children's Miracle Foundation, said she was impressed with Tyler's entry. "While reading Tyler's entry and ail the winning entries, I was amazed to see the under- standing of tIhe impact mentors have had on these young people's lives," she said. Lena Bassford, executive director of Big Brothers of Ballon, said it's important that the word continue to spread about the importance of mentoring. "A mentor ils someone witb life experience who's willing to share it with another," she said, adding today's world makes mentoring essential. "We live in a society with a whole sector of chil- dren that falîs through thse cracks and docsn't have the same opportunities others have." Although she's thrilIled about the $1,000 doua- tion, Ms Bassford said there's sometbing even "Even more (important) than the money is the fact that Tyler recognizes the impact of bis Big Brother on bis life and bis family's life," she said. As for Tyler's reaction to winning the con- test, Ms Wilson-Gervais said he's proud of himself. But even greater than that is bis happi- ness over having one more chance to tel) the world bow much bis Big Brother means to bim, she said. "When Steve's happy, Tyler's happy." For information on volunteering witb Big Brothers of Balton, cail (905) 339-2355. Stephanie Thiessen ('an be reached ait stîhiessetn(a.snlonc'aniadianchýlanipion.ton. The Ontario wlnner of CIBC Worid Markets'Mirwae Generation Challenge, 12- y.ar.od Tyler Wilson, recently wrote about how much hle buddy Steve Roy and the Blg Brothers programn ham meant to hlm over the past six yeara. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 27kCQGECQ Cogeco Cable Programming, Schedule - Tuesday, April 27- Monday, May 3,2W04 %lly Local Televsion Channel 14 4; 1 wjw w .cogeco.ca 5pi6m Ptugged n' 5pin 6p. PIýgqA nA 5phn, AF"' PIsggtd S,ý 5prný Spir PI,.gged In Sop, 6pr Plngge5S oi 5phr 6AS' PInaA W AF"n %Pe ýOSRTH HALTON STIO 5 3Oprr S-or ShASA,,ý A3Apr APSpeakn Haito 5 3Aps A SAssA CA,,ft SAnýý,ý 5 3üp 'P 10 hA K.sm V A,.,i L uirPaaAphl 19 A SSpr Milton CooncASI Apr 26 7 AASS, C .AA5 e A SA5 A p, M S)AAA VA. 500 Laurier Avenue Cs 30p AS M., A )SpaAs MloON L9T 4R3 Ainp21 905-878-9306 Kinsmen TVAuctionMonday 6pm Visit wwwgeorgetownkinsmen.ca