Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 27, 2004 Hands off our dump We have a message for Toronto -hands off our dump. We urge Ontario Etsvironment Minister Leona Dombrowsky go, seriousty consider that message sent via Ilalton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn in their meeting yesterday. Currentty, Toronto is sending 125 trucks a day filted with trash to, Michigan where statle officiaIs keep Ehreatening to tum theru back. The City had pinned its hopes on dumping its garbage in the massive Adams Mine projeet near Kirktafld Lake, but Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government has lled that project. So Toronto is ohviously casting as envi- ous eye toward Halton's landfill site in Milton, which could be opened up under the emergency powers granted to the cenvi- ronment minister. But if the enviroomrent minister altows this to happen, shte would he punishing Hatton for Toronto's failure to deal with its own waste probtems. The devetopment of Hattons landfill site was a long and arduous task that spanned 15 years ansd cost regionat taxpayers $100 million. At the same time. Hatton embarked on amnbitious recycting cam- paigns to reduce the ansounit of waste heing dumped ai the tandfitt site go increase its tifespan. lEs cuarent lifespan is estimnated to he as high as 40 years. but if the site is opened up to Toronto, it could he filled to capacity within two years. Years ago, Hatton made one of the most difficult decisions a political body may ever face -finding a suitable place toi buitd a new landfitl site within its own borders. Measwhile, Toronto potiticias twiddted their thumbs and refused toi follow Haîton's lead. They lacked the vision to deat with the probleru that is now stran- gling their city. Hailton shouldn'î be punished for Toronto's shortsightedness and lack of political backbone. Rather than open up Halton's landfitl site, Use environment minister should foltow Use advice from Flynn and Savoline to change the certificates of approval for various pri- vate landfilt sites to allow them to accept municipal solid waste. mr I Mk~r ~ j * Our Readers Write Itys sad to see so much Ii ttering: reader Rural trash pick-up a nightmare, says reader Dear &litor: 1 agree wholeheartedty with Mike Honsing's recent letter about littering. It's s0 sad to aee so mueh garbage along fence lias, ditelses, fields and yarda. l aeems that water bottes, coffe cups and plastics are everywhere. Let'a have more ctean-ups i Milton. Sehool kids and office workers coutd take inse on their lunch and help dlean up. Everyone coutd be encouraged to maiestain Ilseir own properlea- on an ongoing basis. Also, developiers should be held respotssible for the debris around. build- ing sites.. We onty have one planet toi sustain. Let's keep il dlean. Dear Editor: It's 6 aru. on a Wednesday ils April and my recycled boxes are ai the end of my long driveway in rural Milton. Guess what? The boxes are still fuît. They were supposed to be picked up yesterday, but there they Carol Kerr sit - waiting once again. Mary Street Since heing forced inti having my garhage picked up a few Retired taxi driver says thanks to ail his customers Dear IEditor: years, as weil as their cards, gifts and well My wife and 1 have sold Crowe Taxi wishes. Service and we wish to, thank ail our cus- John Crowe tomners for their loyal patronage over the Miliside Drive *The CanadianChampion Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Thse Canadien Cihampion, pubiished every Tuesday and Fniday ai 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Meirolard Printing, Fuislishing & Distribuiing LiS. group of suiiuriian companies which ~ 341 includes. 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Richmond Hill/ThornhiibVaughan Liboral, Scarborough Neul Oliver As.uocate PubPinshes Mirror, Siouftnille/Snbridgi Tribune. till Davis Ednr- sesC/nef Advertîsîng is accepird on tho cnndition tsai, in tht tuent oi a typo- graphical irot, that portion of thi advertîsîng space occupied by the erro Karen Smith tlaeiagieig Edinor neos item, togeiher with a neasnnable alinaurce fon signature wîli not ho Wendy McNab Ado errsisig Direetor chargeS for, but the balance of the aduertisement wuli bo paid for ai the appli- cable raie. The publîshîr rosîmves the rîght to cateonse advîrtîsements or Tins Cotles ProdideOioei Manages dîclîre. Charlene Hall Dinsutîsîsii Maniages Teri Casas Office Manerac' IThe Miiiass Casnadian Chsasmpion is a Relasbihe Product i' months ago, it bas ben an interest- ing experience. On the plus side, il's convenient to just put out Use Erash and recy- dling materiat at Use end of Use driveway. It has saved me froru driving 22 Iom to the waste site south of Milton. I guess I save about Usree hours of mny Saturday and a fair amount of gas, too. It hasn't changed my garbage habits, as I've been recycling and composting for Use tast 14 years, but it's nice to, know Usat I'm get- ting more service for my tax dollar (even Usough I have toi pay for it). However, why is my garbage still sitting ai the end of the driveway Use day after il was supposed to he picked up? Several weeks ago t called the Region to, let them know my recy- cted garbage hadn 't been picked up on the specific day. I said that when 1 got home that evening at about 6:15 it was stitl there. Being as environmrent type- and with the rural roadside cteaas-u approaching t thought I'd better bring it in so the rural critters woutdn't spread it aIl over the road and teave me to pick it up again. 1 was totd that Use coltectors work until dusk and that 1 should have left my trash out. TIsis isn't men- tioned in any information package 1 received. When I asked for Use approximate time and route schedule, 1 was totd Use Region dido't ask for Usat infor- mation froru the company they hired to do this work. tnteresting accountabitity. So Usey arranged to have il picked up onl the off recycting week, and t received a catI saying that would happen. I dragged the boxes down again -and guess what? They weren't picked ucp -agaies. I even tefi themi out wett past dusk. I called the Region and was told Usey were going toi monitor the route and to, let them, know if any more probtems arose. They did apotogize for the second failed pick-up, but I was again stock with recycling hoxes near to capac- ity. And Usen last Wednesday it hap- pened again. lIlI catI the Region for the Usird time and maybe my trash witl he collected before the end of the month. After an experience like Usîs t cas understand why in Toronto people still aren't convinced to use Use "better way." When people say "more cost and tess service," 1 think I know what they mean. Syd Read RR#1 Pud by Steve Nease

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