Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2004, p. 25

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- I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Aprif 27, 2004-25 r l 0 CLASSIFED HOTLINE: 905-875-3300 I iCas 1BàS ifie Al lsiid d per ieIN oU OMnes BIR THDA Y ANNJVERSARY Pleae lon o$r-~~ta celebrate Anna Vanden Boom's SOth Birthday Sa ai We love, Ils on Sunday May 2nd, 2004 adhnu at Holy Rosary Paish Hall, Love Rebekah, Jorî 139 Martin St. 2 Jsu 4 Milton, Ont. fromt -6PmJoiu24 Sest Wishes oni UPCOMING MARRIAGE BIRTHDAY Larry and Pat Watson ofMiltan are pleaaed ta onnoonce the apcoming marriage of their son Douglas to Jacinta, daughter of Robert and Shirley Gauvreau ofMarmora', Ont. Wedding avili taile poilce June 19, 2004 in Mador, Ont. oýve and happiness fore v 2 otorey, 4-btirm, brick an- ecotive home in tiesîrable neîghbouthouti. $334,900., 626 Sunnyvale Ores. Mil- ton. CalI 905-876-1748. DISTRESS SALES Bank Foreclosures. Free liot of Foret/sute properties in M/lton, Georgetown, & Dakille, Receive a fre compaterizeti prîntout Fra recortina message 1-888-266-3496 ID#1042 or go to: haltonforaclosurae.com ffema Ble/unprings GORGEOUS Green Park semi, thousantis in Up. gratins, close bo ochools, shopping anti 401. Cali for tintai/o, 905-693-9593. ove ufth1/r largeol mur- fatals of finuocial protiacta iv North Amerîca, Ivukîng for peuple w/ru wuvt lu suc- centi. We aBer An excellent educational ol/sterat lvfa/ you uur business, a campre/rensva support nntwork, anti cam- pera/iva proutr thal are /19/r/y teinsrab/e lu mol Candidates ehoald: Deuire t/rn poenti for an excellent incame, ha cura- mitled lu wurking harti, avnd pessersas strang tiesîre lu succeeti Fot mare Information, contact Ketry at: 647-883-0089 or 1-888-222-5131 5-YR @ 5.75v%, A/su ega/tp mragge prugras regard- lessof vincorne or credt. CaI CHOIS @ t 800-328- 7887 vr v/O/l us ut auvu s/n. c/aircockbarv cvm *Milton, one bodrovra apt. in a prîvule /rvm u lrge room, L.R. + DOR l 0/11w appliancns, fvur pic bat/r A/C prîvate ontrooco, park- ing & ha/cony. $950/ml/r vn Olutides at/Ilies. tîl sait quiet nun smoking lady. CaI 005-878-9861. for rent May 15, 2004. Suit- ah/e fur single persvn, non- smouking, uti/ities '/auntir anti table includeti. Strareti en/rance. $750/ravnth, Pirot//aut requireti (905)878-0410. 1961 Pont/uc Parisienne Broughum. Rebuilt trans- mira/on, recent brake wvrk, su/iti botiy, vnry ls/n rust. $1.600 as ls, 905-877- 5835. 2-btirra quiet apt. in Milton, tytiro & lieut inclutieti $900/mth. CaI 905-878- 8862. ACTON 1-hetirovr auparl- ment. Avaloh/e May let Caîl 519-853-4953. Acton Aparimente 1 & 2 betiruor apartrannt avaîl oh/e Nua anti fvr future. Pritige & Stove, lauvtiry tasi/itins Nu tiugs 519-8W3- 4374 open 7 tiays/week some tiay upprvvo/ ACTON, 1-hetirovra Avaîl- able îmmately. Fridge, s/ove ubilîties includvd. No pets, /îrstlllut, ve/evunovo requireti, Ou/i 519-853- 3077, BRIGH-T 2-hedrovra hase- Ment upartment in Counry son/tog, hetranen George- tvwn and Acton. Lots o/ outdlovr parking und stot- uge. $850/ath inclusive. No peO. 5198539743. oarge i-ncrvar. a//h/ May Itt $760/ralh p/us hy- dru, ivo/uties appliant- ns/parking. Nu srauk- ing/pelo. Cret check, firstasI, referencas. 905- 877-4427 DOWNTOWN MILTON Mil/site Tuanra 82 MIls/te Drive. 1 &2 Betitora Apto. C/van tu Downtown Bus stup aI Front Door 905- 878-1249 www.rea/stsr.ca DOWNTOWN Milton,' 13 Churles St. 2 hetirovra api. for renvI Carpetei, blintis on wîvtiuws, appîloocas in- clutieti. 51025/ml/r, p/us hytiru. Avalah/o May ltI. 905-878-2804 9-Spra, or 905-332-63/0 evenivos. OOWNTOWN MILTON, 2- btirm apt., parking, launtirp. 5950/atr. Aval/ah/e May tost. CaI 416-986-0600. GEORGETOWN t -heti rora apavliment wlha/cony in smoi c/non, quiet ha//d- ing. No vmokeml/pels, une parking spot. May 1 t. 905- 877-8639. GEORGETOWN 2-beti rovm hasement, sepurate ontrunco, non-smoking, no pers. /mmodî/e/y, $850,rmlh atîilies înc/utied. References. 905-702- 817h. GEORGETOWN 2-hed- voora bungalow appel floor, 51.300/atr Inclusive, ail appliances, nu smukem/pels, Relerences. Iramediale. 905-877-2993. GEORGETOWN one beti- roora apt, îrametiutey. A/su 2 betiruvr, Ju/y lot. S/nI le/couple. Nu smok- ing/pets. References. (905)877-1209. GEORGETOWN siul 1- hetirovra aporîment 5495/munîli plus rytiru. Avalah/e immntiiatn/y. No pets. CaI 05-873-3355. GEORGETOWN, brîglit t- betiruora apartment, A/C, parking, nu pets. Aval/ah/e May lut. $800/month uni/i- l/ns inclutint. 102 Ma/n Street, South. CaI 905- 507-4982. GEORGETOWN, Lot ge 1 hetiroura baisement.C/a lu shopping. Oas fîreploce $800/ralh p/uv utilîlîns. May lost. CaI 905-877-7451. GEORGETOWN, park orna, t betiroora u/stuiy, large /îving/tining avreu, wo/k-out t0 tieck, non- smoker vu pnt. Avoulable Ju/y lot. $960/rath inclutino ullties. 905-877-0196 est. 82?5 rtaps, 519-804-0016 evenîngs. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Mil ton We ate tua accvptîng upplications for il1 betitoom Aval. May 15 Fat mote fnfotmation anti/st 10 make an appointrant, Please cai 90"-78-5375 Leanbard &MPnn GREAT neighhuurhuuti in Ml/Ion, suituhin lut non- smaoking coup/e wîlh nu pets. 2-titra liraI levaI ut huusn, large kitchen anti 9 lent cerlîngo, launtiry in basement Aval/ah/n Ju/y lot or ouner. $1100/mîli p/us ut//t/ies, reterences te- quireti. Cai 05-878-2737. UMEHOUSE, pr/vaIn une bnOrvara apuvtment iv thn country. Appliances anti utllios inclus/va. PîrsabasI. CaI 519-853-0298. MILTON 2 hetrirauval- able, $945. +. C/non anti quiet bui/tiv. CaI Jake 416-918-5913. Avaîlable iraretiiatey MILTON large, 1 -btirr w/tr dock, un site /aunidry close t0 ul amen/lies. 5825/ml includes ut/lit/es. Avaîlable May lot. CaI 519-635- 1430. MILTON, avai/ale./îîvo itI, 3-htitm, 1 1/2 hatho, to appliancos, 51000/alO, utIl il/Os eunra, roterences ro- quired. Cli 905875-2468. SPACIOUS, new/p renoval- v/t apartmenlt 1bdrm. fll baîbroora. full kitchen, tîru place C/A. sepavate en- trunce, utilities îno/uded' parking avalvole, closv to ail amonlîvo. No pots/no chîltiren/no smoking. Fivst/last/Ro/vrences ro- quiveti P/vase ou/I 905- 878-0198. 3-htirra, 2 otorey house Mil/un, appliances, C/A, large fencei lot with tieck, garage & tiouble tiîeway. Aval/ah/e July lost, 51400/rats r- utilitieo. CaI Fernantio 905-878-3067 or 647-828-266. ACTION, 3 betiroovm, n/ce street, gas haut Avalnb/e Febray rot. $lûhhîmîh + ut/Ilies. Colt (519) 853- 5658. FIRSTTIME BU VERS W/ry rent when you cao vwn with zero tiown? Frees îlot of homes sosi/able wi/h no muney tiown untier $11 00/mnthin Mifon Georgetown & Dakoîille. Visit IiatentpRnng.nnnr or caI 1-88&266-3496 ID#1051 Remas 8/un Springs MIILTON - Duplex for rient, hou be the lanti/ori. 2- btirm 1-btirm, $1400/mth + uni/i/les. fîrot/ast, avai/able May lot. CaI 416-822- 3172. or wwe.houseren- ta/s.wehhop.inlv MILTON, twv sorey serai- tietuchei Greenpark 100v sq/ht brick hume, 3 beli roora, 3 waohrooms 5 ap- p/lances, air contitionîn, fîreplace anti garage. Minutes lv Go Train. $1500 p/us untinis. Non smoking. Aval/ah/e Ju/y 1. 905-332- LARGE 2-betiroura, MayiJune 1. Hartioo Iloors, 4 upplionces, tarai/y rvum, park-like senîing. Ar- linglun Blvti Bur/îngtvr. 905-681-0070, w.praon- //ne/viewi.c MILTON 3-btirm town- house, nna/y renovatei, near st/ravIs, GO station. $1200/rath + uStinis. Aval- ah/e May lost. CaI 416-316- 4272. OAKVILLE - 2,364 heti- vvvm town/ruuses avalah/e imaetiatep lhrvugh Match. 4 app/ianceo. Ho- petie MaI area. Lakeohore Management, 905-876-3336. large, c/eus hume. North anti of M/Ston, c/van 10 401. Obole kilt/ras il bath 6 425 or 5450/Mu inicludîsg atI/- lino, parking, /OuOt/y. Mast ho vo/y veusat, non smoer, no pets. Mature raie pIe- fevreti Aval immetiate- lp/Map lot. 905-875-1618 or 416-402-806 HOUSE lv s/rhare in huI- lui new renovated 100v- home, ase of entvo home, inc/adîvg patio 8806& pool. Master hdrm and omal voora avoulable CaI 905- 878-7835. liurtt tc::dle-y ir-i thr qratlabiatx qr8Dtapicatt ROOMMATE WANTEO o/rare 2-betirooraupt. 5500/atr 1/2 cable. First/Last/ Relavantes, immntiatep. 905-878- 2234. IVAN ZUVIEN - Dan, Lielle (ne. Gundaca) and big brother Jashua are plnased to annourice the birth of thaîr tiaughtnr Sarah Elizabeth, weighing 81b l oz at Milton District Hospital on Febraary 291,2004. W8th special thanks to Bath, Marilyn, Dr. Cver and ail the nom/nan staff at M/hon -Hospital. Milton St. PauI's Church on Main St. Starting April 22, 2004. 8 weeks $80.00 per couple. Cali Bill (905)318-9381 Marianne (905)878-0602 ln Ioorlag memo-y of Tony Saliba Ocloher 15,1925 - May 2,2001 Sai/y missei rememberei a/ways, anti forever in our heurts. Audrey and Family DOWNS, DAVID GEORGE In loving memory of David Dos, mach Jatil sos, asti brother who was taken froimo as on April 28th, 2003. Lsoingly remembereti andi oatiy misseti Mom and Doug FiGHTING tral/c icketsI No peints = nu insuranco in- creuse anti an w/n lot nss Fraie consultation. CaI 05-257-1789. I3AYCARE uvalah/e in my /rome. A/I ages wolcumn. Pleuve caI 005-876-2407. DAYCARE netied in sur huma. Milton/Barlîngtov bourder, aun transportation a must. Contact Amy@ 905-319-3h34. DAVCARE reqairod for a 2 & 5 peur olti on Pînevew School Bas Route. Pieuse caI 905-693-0073. RAINBOW Vi/logo Dupoare lias spaces avoulable lot chi/dron 18 muntho lv h poam. 005-878-7552. Vîvît us ut rainhbowvillagedap- Ott f Word u Id? the wolid km " VOIE waw SOM Adverffse your upcomin gaalge sale with us! Caol'878-2341 for details! JO HeIp ue celebrete WEDDING ANNIVERSAR y Joanne Thompson's John and Liz birthday et an open houe Thueday, May 6th fromn 5-9pm Apmil 28, 1.979 - April 28, 2004 for ocaiondettia 05-75-801From your Fa'iy

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