14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprnt 27, 2004 pL*08aiitnm AO Ymr ITnited W-e In .Xctjoln S Qhie Unitedt Way of Mtionth.& United Way of Milton Lt now mn a position ta launch an endowmentfwad - named Thet Legacy Fa d. The purpase of setting up an endowment fondui ta create a venue for loyal donors to K "W- make a contribution with which they can impact aur community in perpetuiy. 77se capital framn The Ugacy Fund will remain intact in perpeluty wvith ail of the investment incarne earnedfrom the fond ta be used ta initiate and support prevention progran within huinan service agencies. XnU W 4h 31w0 Thefocus on prevention and education will. in tine, reduce the agencies need to respond t0 onlyUNPn MW .8@0,f4 " the immediate needs of clients and wil1 allow thems ta focut on the developmnent of an even m o m z% c41 " Pt* heaithier and vibrant community One of the United B'ay of Milton Funded Agencies is Literacy bx ilid i* eIÉgt M North Halton.th MwàMo W Od * Mental HeaMt Week, May 3-9, 2004, ia a national week aimed at raning awareneaa about di apoe- À1ci)t" *o tance of gond mntal bca"b To achieve gond am"na heallb it ns important ta ame lis balance mn Ourtu po Mm po W0 ON lvesanmd lte theene of the week, 'Malang CaimectRons" undeelnea die importance ofreachiag ont ta tlaaae wba can help us acheve tliat balance. h M yteWN pt$ W Mental bealdi peoblemsanmd mental illnesa affecta everyone. According tu Healtit Canada, appeoxi-A 06 " Wd# o oa nalely 20/. ofndlvitlal will expeuience a mental illnesa during ter tifetime, andilt eemainmgn idM MM 80%o llkly will be affected by mental illneaa in Oimily membera. Ahuatly society ns baaed on healthy attitudea. Alilasugit awarencaa andI madfsnatang of mental tiI- rin bus mxeaaed aveutie yeani, dmer atill temaina a aenae of féar andI saae about rnntal ilneaa. PoSb R H MP N Social exclusIo continues ta be one of the laigeat bacnees faced by people wbo expeeence mental ill- nesa. A mentaily healthy aoclety ta one wbeee dua fea at tc of acceptance will flnally be ovconte. Peupe wdamnal ilnesindexlspratpet- nt farr blane orsamue - n orde to get and ttty well. Witi tie righ atctut and acces ta appropelate tteatanenit, peuple witb mental illneaa ame conape- tentt contriibtiag menfeer of our aeciety Bacit year Halton Headâmae Sevicea ofièr a ftee aeai ta hlgbbgbt Mental Heaitti Week. TIa >ea, m ta d pal mall v Caaia Mental Health Auaaoln, Halton, Oie aemmna ta UVndeatnd ADHD" on Thueaday. May 13,2004 gt 6:0p.m gt Oie 707 Galax Banquet Ha in Oakvtlle. Canadian Menta HealthAaaocation (CMHA) ta Ohe ct a d mdOie lead agenty of Canad' Menta Hcaid Week~ lhe cmr measage ta titat mental bea"tis art of evnyene's iieaktl CMlA HaIto pro- vidiea aervce and educatlna peviana fSr màdviâta witt mental tlieaaeanmd lot the Senea pubic inthOe Halton area. Take toine tane durtag Mental Healtb Week ta leun mm ab"u mental ilauts. Cbeck ont om webaet gt ww.cmha-batonca o« cal us at 905-69l34270 f« mmt ailbnan The United Way of Milton - Neighbours Helping Neighbours Hlow can you help? aIf yoa watt outlia af MiltuaR a niato hy pageli daiuolioa - piaau dmIgnMt your danlbn "hant" ta lTa Unitni We o aiUlla. Maka a diret donation a Atond a Unitod Way af Mfta Spociai Evoat Trel: (905) 875-2550 Fa=: (905) 875-2402 URL wmmitonunhq M en E-mail: offlee@miiton.unftedway.ce NO GST* excludes hot tubs & mattresses *sale ends Sunday, May 2/04 SMaking room for the new SPRING CL EARANCE Simmons SBeautyrest Mattresses For best selection Selected bath & beddinz ensembles 50% off aW LOAIN iO SEV g g Mî 400 Mai S.E26 GulS t.E _ E* 90-9394 90-7325 HOMEDECO OPE 7 AYS SUN12- 0. ýý.*