Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2004, p. 11

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The Cunadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprl 27, 2004-11 HJGHi r y % SCOO TPOT The One The 5,l YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amazing things about. ."~ ' Here's why: 1. Our copyrighted program teaches nothing less than the secrets and skills of lifetime colision-free driving. 2. We teach our life-saving emergency maneuvers behind the wheel, not juat in a classroom. 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,000 grada in 30 years. YOUNG DRIVERS',elof canada <è~ ourlicence to survive. Ask us how DriveFit Computer Basad Training will help you pass your road test MTO * .4pproed Union« »wva Edacatte Couva Punieu There's only one YD. MAY 2004 2 WEEKEND COURSE May 8, 9, 15, 16 (9:30 ami - 4:15 pmn) JUNE 2004 2 WEEKEND COURSE June 5, 6, 12, 13 (9:30 ami - 4:15 pmn) L i ,.'~' "THME ROYAL REPbOaR" Preston MacNeil Liana-Darla Pressé DISHOIP REDINO Rion SCIDOL1 This pasi Wednesday. Bishop Reding pulled together again 10 raise nnoney for Trinity House, Si. Joseph's Home tor Boys, hoîh residences for sîreet children. and Wiogs of Hope, a home for handicapped children. Ail three houses are locaied in Hatti, where we were ail surprised îo hear that the average age oftihe citizens is sîxîcen years old. On Wednesday, we were privileged 10 have the Haitian Resurrection Daoce Theatre group put on a speciacular presentation 10 the student hody. Through iheir ener- getic dance techniques. they expressed emotions, offered prayers, and told stories about life in Haiti. A paid Civies day was held ut the scbool; each student was able to be exempted front wearing their uniformn by paying a mere two dollars. Everyone's money weni a long woy; the collective effort pro- duced over one thousand dollars, as a token of our appreciation for their touching performance, and our best wishes for their futures. B.R.'s badminton teamn continues to advance! Congratulations to Lindsey Furik, Jaime Greenfield, Olivia Horbasz, and Alana Petrie, wbo after having their skills and determination challenged lant week, were victorious! The two pairs are now qualified for Women's Doubles at the GHAC finals. Besi of luck! Coming up on Tuesday after school is the annuol Ultimate Mix Challenge! Run by S.O.L.L. every year, the competition pro- motes fun times wiiboui alcobol. It consists of pairs and trios collaborating and creating an original drink and presentation. The entries are judged, awarded prizes, and the first place teamt goes t0 Georgetown for the district-wide competition! Details on B.R.'s winners will follow! On Thursday and Friday, the Outdoor Education class ventured to Kelso for a bilcing and camping trip. The group went for an excursion that încluded a hike fromt Speyside to Kelso that lasted for several boucs on Thursday. a night under the stars inside lents, and a long hike back the following day! Tbe clans is preparing for their four day long trip t0 Algonquin Park ai the end of May, where tbey will be portaging, canoeing, and lots more btlcing! If you would like tickets t0 attend this year's musical, Little Sbop of Honrora on May 6, 7, and 8, please contact the scbool for more information! The productions in sure 10 be a great suc- cess! And don't forget graduates, the Valedictorian nomination speeches will be held during second period on Wednesday! Quote of the Week: "!treedomn is flot worth having if it does flot include lthe freedoni lu make mistakes." Mahatma Gandhti misluvlçun onn reverson ERRna affme E.C. DRURY Rion SCHGGLn 'Hello. today is Aprîl 27, 2004 and l'm yîour hosi Erîka Strome for Daîrline Drary News, This week's top stories include: Utimate M is Chaîllenîge, Proni 2004, Sears Drama Festival. Halton Skills competition and the Halion Seniors Badminton Tournament. Nîîw over 10 you Alicii.- -Yes. hellît Erîka. Inn hrre wîîh the îwo winnîîîg Ultimaîr Minx groups. 'Brisa De La Isla' consisîîng of Maryse Lalonde, Justine Williamis, and Kyle Smith, and 'Creme de la Creme' consisting of Krîsîîn Mcllroy. Krîsîen Beaver, and John Peterson. Other groups thai compeird were the Pork Soda Group. and the Leaf Spirit Group. The îwo wînnîng groups wîll n0w go on t0 compete ai the regional competi- tien for a chance tc0 win 100 dollars! Bock 10 you Erika." "Thanks Alica. April 21, 2004 E.C. Sent some of their hesi 10 Georgetown tor the Halton Skills Olympien. tn the îechnical area, Dean Staples and Adam Hamilton came away wiîb firsi place in Character Animation. James Caswell came tn third in Internet Weh Design and Jamie Camacho 100k third in Hairsiyling. As far as the bospiîality side of the competition goes. Jesse Tunnir came in forth place in buking, and Sean Elliot placed foarth in Colinary Arts. We are very proud of our sîndenîs accomplishments. Now over t0 you John." "Wby hello Erika! It seems tbat winning is in tbe air ail over Drary! As many of our viewers know, Drama ai Drîîry went 10, compete tn the regional Sears Drama Festival Competition. These talenîrd young actors gave a stunning performance of their plan, 'Bonjour. La. Bonjour.' The jodges scere thrilled banding ouI an award for excellence in acting 10 Melissa Neabel, and an award of menit mn acting to Stephen Ground. Our troupe was invited 10 compete in the AII-Ontario Festival, which witl take place in Ottawa on May 9.14 ai the Centre Pointe Theatre. The troupe is raising fonds to take tbem to Ottawa, and will be holding a Cabaret Performance witb a sileni Onction in the very near future. Donations for the onction are mont welcome, and will be sbown with a reserved bid. In nrder 10, keep up to date witb the fast-paced happenings of Drama at Drary. you migbî wanî to cbeck out their webnite ai: http://home.coEeco.cal-penish/ECDwebsite-homebtml Now back to you Erika! "Yen John, the tbeme of winning is evident bere at Drury, as il can also be seen in tbe world of sports. April 21s1. Drury hosted Halton seniors badminton tournament wbere Steve Hicks, Carl Chan and Jon Tomer cleaned up. Steve Hicks won two of bis four matches. but ended bis seanon after placing nintb in men's singles. Carl Chan and Jon Turner teamed up for men's doubles and placed third due to, a forfeit. All tbree competitors witl be travelling to Hamilton. April 28tb for the Golden Horsenboe Athletie Conference. Bent uf luck! Now over to Alicia, wbere I believe sbte also, bas some winning news to, sbare." "Why yen I do Erika! Wbile fuît renults were nul available at press tinte. we believe tbat il in necennary tbat we mention Scott Rankin for bis outntanding accomplinbment in tbe Cayley Math Competition. Scott received a score of 136/150, meaning that be gnt une question wrong out of 24 un the entire test. This in the bigbent score EC bas seen in over 20 yeams! Way to go Scott! We will be sure to pont your results as soon at tbey become available. Over teu you John! "Alica! Hello! 1 junt received word that tbe firnt qualifying round for E.C. Drury's golf tram wus beld ibis week ai Granite Ridge. Leading after round one is Adam Ruiz. Seth Ferguson MILTON DISTRICT BieH SCHOOL l"MUSTANG MESSENGER", MD students have been active in the community this week, demonstrattng the range of skills that MD has harboured. A number of teams were com- peting in both sport and work in Halton last week and managed to bring home a prize or two. On Wednesday, a number of students travelled to Georgetown HS to compete in the skills competi- tion. The students competed against their Halton peers in various activities. Pat Stokes and John Kitching built their way to first place in the home building competition, while Alex Barrie took fîrst place in precision machining. Good luck in the provincial skills competition. Lady Luck was on aide with the students who suc- cessfully completed the 30-hour famine. The stu- dents willingly gave up ail food for 30 hours to raise money for World Vision. The collected monies will go towards helping malnourished chil- dren in third wonld countnies. "Oh motha," says Kristen Martin about the famine. 'It was hard, but worth it." The generous support of the famine reaffirms MD's commitment to help- ing others in our community and abroad. The collection of Leafs memorabilia has steady grown since the trouncing of the Ottawa Senators last week. Following the game, a flood of blue and white filled the school as students celebrated the Bud's advancement to the second round of post season play. No doubt, many students await the celebraîton that will surely follow the Leafs' taking of the Cup, or so say those die-hard students. A certain character will be dying hard in this semester's presentation of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. Tickets are now being sold, but one must hurry lest they sell out! Tickets for the May 7 dinner/theatre muat be purchased before the end of the week. For $15, you can experience great food as well as excellent theatre. Buy your tickets now. That's it for this week. Don't forget to put on your detective caps and come out and see the play. «0> 905,875,0480 w ww. y oun gdriv ers. corn

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