4-The Canadian ChamDiarl. Frldav. ADHl 23. 2004 9 77 1 -1- MM !M y Miltn wwn;e a 1. BACKfN The Town of Mllon andithe Region of Hafton have been knvatve nit #ie Halion Urbmn Structure Plan (HUSP) - a stratsgy for managing Reglonal and local growth for the naoct 20 ysars. In relation to the propoeed growth, the Milton Official Plan provides for approximately 2000 hectares (4940 acres> of acdltlonal land for new growth, ~hc le refsrred to as the 'Urban Expansin Aream. Mito Counci and ReglonalCouncil ratiflecl a plan for the phaslng of tis new growtit kn May andI June 1998 respectively The first phase of reeldentlal davelopment ln te Bristol Survey Secondary Plan Ares la currently wids.way. Thte Sitarwood Suwvsy landsa (sels Map 1 attschecf) represent Phase Il of teproposed resldsntlal development. ln accordance wlth the policis of btse Milton Officiai Plan ancI HUSP, bteTomnofMlon la B' -- M «" WA . Shuoo awà»M nyP 8 n"a.. u I mn UMM A MW 1 Indien Crssk Subwatsrshsd & 16-Mls Crsek Funetional Stormwtsr& Enromnfmn Managerent Stralsgy Boundarles Spca Itd r <.