Changing menus. Oakvile Placer t)s uf-iIy jr veled trie nevs 70 C) at Foodcourt ttat aornrnates the ýýcett fora rof oct rr"w 6500 a el q expansion Relax rn ta c run rdrng q et.rnr tcxr to ceirny Pt n5Cf w andi wvater coljrs cepictr q histnrica l The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 23, 2004-15 Interested parents urged to attend *from GROUP on page 14 Although anyone is welcome to attend the meeting and there's no obligation, Mr. Hughes urges parents who want their chil dren to attend a Chnistian school to attend. Jeif Bergsna, and his wife, Sara, found thernselves in the saine position as the Hugheses. Tbey knew they wanted theur tbree kids to, be taugbt in a Christian scbool, but since Milton doesn't have one, they decided to send them 10 John Knox in Oakville. "I love Milton. Nve been here for 20t years, and it offers everything except a Christian school," Mr. Bergsrma said. ITve always feit Milton could support a Christian school.' He said it doesn't mak sense that bis two school-aged daugbters should be at John iKnox, talding coveted spots away from cbildren wbo live in Oakville. He added that not having a Cbristian scbool could deter potential residents fromi movmng here. Milton bas two pnivate achools- Hitherfield Preparatory Scbool in Nassagaweya and Milton Heigbts Academny in Campbellville, but neilher offers a Christian education. Mr. Hughes said be doesn't doubt Milton Christian Scbool will eventually exist. But dic level of parental support will partly determaine bow quicly this bappens. "This is a participatoiy sport, not a spec- tator sport,' be said. So far, the conununity's response bas been positive, Mr. Hughes said. The group bas an active mailing liat and bai recently been distributing flyera. As well, it distrib- uted a survey to, churches and stores lin the ares asking parents if Uiey were mnterested in a Christian education. Forty to 50 surveys were returned, wiUi those replyisg expressmng a desire for a school with a convenient: location and ses- demic excellence. Mayor Gord Krantz said be thinks its beneficial for Milton parents to have ai maiy options ai possible regarding their cbildren's education. "Froin wbat 1 know of Christiai sebools, I tbink Uiey're great," be said. "lt gives famn- ilies options wiUi regards to the teaching their children receive." Mr. Krantz said if's imnportait that stu- dents are taught 'Uie three Rs in addition to Christian teacbing, aid be said he's sure this will be the case with Milton Christiai Scbool, sbould il continue moving for- ward. 'I bave no issues witb it at al," be said. As far as Mr. Hughes is concemned, Milton Christian Sebool will serve as a legacy. "lt will bave a tremnendous impact on Milton and the students wbo pass throîîgb its halls." Mr. Hughes said he feels ihis is what God wants tbemn to do so, there's no tumning hack. 'We bave a lot (if work 10 do. aisd we're going 10 nerd a loi of belp. But we believe in a great God wbo walks witb us and betore us. If's going to be a great adven- turc." For more information, caîl Ellen Hughes at (905) 8781-7529 or e-mail miltoîschrst- Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiesaen@nhiltolciliddidnchdmpiôn.omjr.