Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Apr 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 13, 2004 *comment Worst fears realized The primary flaw of Ontario's aex offend- er registry, which was established tbree years ago to protect children front pedophiles, has been exposed by the case of Douglas Moore. The 36-year-old with a history of repeat- ed sex offences involving boys and youmg men reportedly took bis own life while in custocly at Mfiltonas Maplehurst Detenîjon Centre. At the lime of bi s death, Moore was a suspect in multiple sex-related offences involving three boys. Police tîow say Moore was also consid- ered a suspect in the then missing persons cases of Rene Charlebois and Robert Grewal, botb of Mississaîtga, whose mur- dered bodies bave since been found. And he was also a iruspect in the disappearance of Milton's Joe Manchisi. By definition Moore was an ideat candi- date to be plared iii the provincial ses offender rcgistry, a database intetndcd to help autîtorities track the whercabouts of convicted sexual predators. However, police wcreti't able t0 keep tabr on Moore and didn't catcb up with humt until last month wben evidence of new charger led te, an arreat warrant and Moore's appre- hension aI a Burlington motel. So, why wasn't Ibis known sex offender's naine included in the province's regianry database? Simply becauae Moore's history of sexual assaults pre-dated the registy's creation in 2001 and therefore couldn't be included in the systern. That meant he was able to prey on vic- limas without fear police were watching bis every move. Such is the gaping loophole of tbe Ontario sex offender registiy. lronically, the registry was created in memory of Christopher Stephenson, a Brampton boy wbo was kidnapped, sexual- ly assaulted and killed by a repeat sex offender wbo, at the time of the boy's dis- appearance in 1988, had been misplaced by the parole systein. While the registry was created onît of good intentions. Moore's case illustrates that somne sex offenders continuae o slip through gaping cracks iii the systei - too often with tragic consequences. We wonder bow many more youtsg peo- ple must be violated - and in extreme cases killed -before we fmnd a better way. w9V nORER 6 To CACK LX>WN ONI.HPTEr CRIMS" *Our Readers Write Seminagr for women was great, says atten<i, Milton needs arts centre before another hockey DearEdltor.2 ivolved in a support group for won=. arena: stresses member of youth theatre group ating aseminar for womw hoted by Elayne Tarnli.r The day was ogttided 'Evetylbiag 014 Is New Agaiti' and 18 ladies ftrom afl walka of 1fil attended. 1 must tell you that I'm flot ulaualty a pergofl 80 patcipate as something like this. Becoming aware of my 'baggage' andi issues dia unpact my pieset lifé - ohs please. However, 1 turned out to be one of the last peol eti leave. afle day was an eye pinrorm, nd 1uinfor ail those in attcdance as welA. As a ttsult of the wo«k wbich w. began, %lyne bas agtrced 80 becomne challenges and upiseavala in a woman'as lifte As far as 1 know -there's nodbing 11k. tIts is lte Milton aiea, ansd it's about lime. The group is going Eon mel once a mioeds, andi tihe ingitial commeimeat is for a aix-monil termi A simait fee wIIl be charged andi everyone ta welcome. I wottld encourage any wotnant ont tiiere wIto, 11k. me, bas undergone avine recent sgpeavais i tiser tif. to contact Elayse ait(905) 854-080 andi join us. *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Thte Cattadien Champion, itublished every Taesiiay and Fridar ai 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main Si. E., Milton, Ont., LIT 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Meinnianil Prning, Pubisiiing & Distribuiing Lid. annup oi sabarban comitanies whicir ~ 41 inciades: Aax/Pickering News Aduertiser, Aliîstan Henald/Caurier, Barrie (905)8 7 8 -2 3 4 1 Situance, Baiter Enterprise, Brampton Giardian, Burlinginn Past, Baniingtn Shoapping News, City Parent, City of Yorki itardian, ColiingwnndlWasaga Editotial Fax: 905-878-4943 Cannectian, East Yarir Mirrar, Erîn Advacaie/Cnantry Roates, Etaiirie Guardian, Fiambanaagh Reaiew, Fareani Ynung, Georgetown Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 IrdependentActan Free Prtss. Hatan Businesn imes, Hurania Bstiness Times. Lindsay This Wetk, Mariiiam Ecanamint & Sun, Midland/Penetang- Classifted: 905-875-3300 uisirene Mîrrnn, Minan Shapping Ntws, Missintauga Busintss imes, Minsinsauga News, Nattante Guide, Nannagaweya Ntws, Newmaniiet/Aurara Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ena-Banner, Nnortiumiberland News, Nnrth Yonrk Mîrrar, Saksitie Beaven, Oakaiire Shnpiping News, Olditmers Hackrey News, Oriltia Tadar, Ian Oliver Publisher Oshawa/Wiiby/Caianrgnan/Paat Penny Tis Week, Peterbaroughr Tis Weeii, Heu Olver Asauîar Pabls/serPicn Caanty Guide, Blictimani HiliftiianiliAaugian Liberai, Scarbanaugr NeilOlivr Asocite ubliherMirrar, Stnattaiiie/iJebridge Tribune. Jill Davis Editor-in-Chief Advertising ns arcepted an tire condinian tirai. in tire evenn ai a typa- graphita errar, tirai partin ai the adueriuina space accupird by tire erra- Karen Smith Managîng Editor neaus item, tageirrer with a reananabe atiawaace ton signature, tait rat ire Wendy McNab Adaerîtsiny Dîrector cirgeri tan, but the balance ni the aduertiasent utl ire paid ton ai tht api- cable rate. Tht publîntrer renerven tht night ta catnannaze adunrtisesenn; an Tint Coles Produin Manager declint. Charlene Hall Disribuion Manîage-r Teri Casas Offi Maager The Milan Canadian Chrampian iSa %ecycablre Product Dear Editor: Earlier Ibis month t had the hon- our of parlicipating in the ftrst ever Milton Youth Theatre Production play, held aI Meadowvale Theatre. It was wonderful. The cast was awesome. t would tike 10 say a huge thank you 10 director Km Belvedere, producer Christine and especially toi Darryn de Souza, who allowed me the opportsanity toi sing solo when t neyer believed that t could. You three were se, encouraging and understanding. When the last curtain calI fmnished, t stood Ihere listening to the applause of the audi- ence and feeling a litle sad that it was over. For me, it's only over for the year t will definilely be back. As t looked around Ihat cool the- ater, 1 wonde-ed how long we'l bave toi wait until Milton bas an arls centre or theatre of ils own. t'mn sure Ihere were many mein- bers of tihe Milton consmunily that would bave loved to watch our per- fonmance - perhaps seniors 1ha1 didn't wanl 10 drive 10 Mississauga. tt's not Ihat we didn't have a great audience, because we did. tt's just that it would have been so cool 10 performn rtght in Milton. The Mfilton community missed the beauty of Alyssa and Nick's harmony. Il miissed the roar of laughter when Belh, Eltiot and Malt danced with top bats and canes. tt missed the laughter when Stephanie wiggled and Malthew raised bis glass of glublie. tt missed the huge sinile on mily face when 1 sang a solo for the ftrst lime, t have nolhing againsî hockey, but do we really need another hock- ey rink? Bramnpton, Oakville and Mississauga ahl have their own arts centre - why not Milton? If we really aren'î going toi have an arts centre for aî Ieast a few years there wiIl be many more missed opportunities. Perhaps Milton has a Bemnadette Peters or Mike Myers wailing to be discovered. l'i not lrying to push or anytbing - well maybe 1 ain. 1 just can't believe Ihat we're g0ing 10 sehedule the building of another hockey rink before an arts centre. So to Mayor Gord Krantz and town councillors, please give an arts centre somne more considera- tion. There are more than just hockey players and figure skaters in Ibis lown. Nicki Pataflo Milton E-miail ail your leltars ta the editor ta mi/toned@haltonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease On Ai 1 4 1 had the privile of ItwiDt-

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