20--Champion Country, Tuesday, April 13, 2004 ele-Farmers' CAIS enroliment deadline nears N h t V ____ Uieir minds. Il could be Uic April 30 deadline 10 enroîl in the Canadian Agricultural icorne Stabilization (CAlS) prograni or any nuro- ber of other deadlines Uiat corne aI Uhit time of year sucb as an appeal of property assessmenta. Tbese are ail deadlines wiUi great inspor- Fanners eurolling in Uic CAIS program are 00W required to complete Uic applica- tion forn and gel it 10 OMAF's CAIS pro- gramo administration office before Uic April 30 deadline. As well Uiey bave t0 open a CAlS account aI a participating financial institution and deposit enougb money 10 gel Uic desired level of coverage. immune to the necessity for advertising soner or tater finds .itself immune to business."ý Derby Brown tABill Mailloux Commentary those details in the hands of an accountant. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) urges ail faetners relying on an accountant to prepare the CAIS application to be absolutely sure of details on any doc- uments they are aaked 10 sign. We have received catis from fanners who are fmndmg out 100 late that the accountant they hired for tic job is charg- ing them a percentage of any future CAIS govemment payment in addition to a flat fee. This is a sure way of ensuring thc CAlS rooney, wbicb was intenderi to help farmn- ers, fmnds ils way into the hands of accountr- ing professionals. The old axiomn about 'buyer beware' should be kept in mind. Most fmnancial institutions Uiat offered Net Income Stabilization Accounts to farmers, as well as somne new institutions, are offering to open CAlS accounts. These institutions are îypically offermng a variable interest rate of 2.5 per cent on the account's balance. Some rnay pay more if the bal- ance exceeds $10,000. Some farmers who were in Uic NISA programn have the opportunity to transfer producer-contributed NISA deposits to their CAlS deposit. Govemnment officials have aasured us thaî fmnancial institutions are willing 10 lend farmers dic deposit amount, taking Uic deposit as security. Howcver, OFA, Uic Canadian Federation of Agriculture and oUier Ontario farmn organizations, maintain that having farmers deposit into a CAlS accountr is boUi unrealistie and unneces- sary. The govemment bas agreed 10 inves- tigate alternatives 10 CAlS as part of the annual review of Uic progrant. One option avatlable 10 famers who need 10 borrow 10 make Uic deposit is available Uirougb ACC FARMS, a new wbolly owned subsidiary of ACC Fanners' Financial - one of Uic services of tbe Agnecultural Commodity Corporation in Ontanio. Tbrougb ACC FARMS, farmers can borrow and deposit for an annual net cost of 1.25 per cent. However, farmers wanting 10 use Uiis service need 10 apply 15 calendar days before Uic provincial deadline date for application - rnaking April 15 Uic fmnal date 10 appîy for Uic ACC FARMS option. Farmers cas caîl Uic OMAF CAlS infor- mation line at 1-877-838-5144 for more details. OFAs Web site www.ofa.on.ca provides links 10 tbe OMAF CAIS infor- mation page, and a call 10 the OFA aI 1 - 800-668-3276 will provide belp 10 farmers. Bill Mai/houLx is vice-president of t/he Ontario Federation of Agriculture. COmm IUV N@rmmumLmCorne see why Cotemnant* SOaS by MAAP Is considered the, techno4Okal leader in hot tubs and spaS. Wbhether Ws our exclusive Gatvatuinewà coated stetfmane!ýour DuraMaaxlm ait weather, rnairitenance-free cabinetry, or our innovattve lbermo-Lockl nSuation systen, yoif l be amazed at the difference technology makes. Drop byç junp in anatc the great easM weekend. mmi "I'm doing okay, but 1 wish 1 didn't have diabetes. The people at CDA make it easier." Jody, aged 10 HELP SOMEONE YOU KNOW. CALL 1 -800-BANTING ~jCANADIAN jASSOCIATION DIABETES CANADIENNE ASSOCIATION 1 DU DIABETE www.diab.tes.ca " Spring Tune Up I Inspection " Lube Oil Filter Service " Fuit Range of Parts and Indoor I Outdoor Accessories * Various Services inctuding Generators " Awnings, Vents, Chemnicals ONAN REESE ROADMASTER Visi aIi ur S 103 Steeles Ave East Units 8 & 9, Milton *a Division of John's Truck and Car service (Milton Inc.) visit us a: www.johs rvete tance 10th Uic Iancial future of farrns and Most of Uic information required for Uic Uic fanilies Uiat operate Uiose farms. For application proccîs will only be known by the CAlS prograro in particular, the eacb individual fansier since il deals wiUi Ontario Federation of Agriculture urges product inventory and production details. farmers 10 gel Uieir applications compleîed Fanners cas complete Uieir own CAIS and filed as soon as possible. 'Mat way application, but some may decide 10 put howroom for more Details 905-878-4765 905-878-5648