2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 13, 2004 See dealer for détails. 400 Steeles Avenue www.milton.toyota.ca l'.. A ýldd -11 LIM - dl f11.911 - PD E -1 l:r B BB, .- Al A.. 1-) dB Z- l ld 'l - - PA) Il 111511 121 ý"12 - ."Uý.l 1 IMB and = W P11ý11L11.11-1 .1, A. AlSR-$12- ,8004174MI94ý COB t- ld PG 591 2"ý BOB ll4421,225 2ýl W 72 1 ý 1- -'l -- -- ., . A, C.= 1,11 111, 2 .1 -l -. Il* -A 1- 1.1 .1 lý -1- 3 ý1 11-d -11- 1-11 l., .1 lý d. ..B BdA.ý'. . ...d. ..d 905 875-1700 Residents IUKC2 Ï00A. ut massive Sherwood Survey plan By JASON MISNER The Champion A massive urban expansion drat plan on Milton's wesî side - hugging part of the Niagara Escarpruent - is proposed to include a huge 100-acre-plus community park, protected watersheds, woodlots and trails with more than 13,000 housing units spread throughout. But residents and at least one politician aren't convinced the plan is best for the town. Residents got a more detailed look at a massive urban developmenî plan that could see as many as 40,000 new residents flood Milton ia the next 20 years. Called the Sherwood Survey, a revised draft plan was presented to more than 90 people who attended an open bouse ai Milton Sports Centre last Tuesday might. Development, in a best-case scenario, could begin as early as the spring of 2005. The original draft plan - detailing the preliminary growth plans for the vast 4,940 acres of land - was first unveiled by Town staff last June. Tuesday's meeting gave residents anoth- er look aI the plan - which hasn't changed aIl that much -with some defmition, notably housing densities within four neighborhoods. 'Me bulk of the units are proposed 10 go on the south side, îoîalling more than 8,000) units. On the far north side, 772 units are proposed 10 limit the impact on the vistas of the escarpmenî The area - which looks like an L-shape on a map - is primarily bounded south ot Hwy. 4011, east of Tremaine Road, niorth of Brilannia Road and west of Regional Road 25. Also, the community park, 10 be locaîed in the solsthwest pant of the survey, south of Derry Road adjacent 10 Sixteen Mile Creek, is proposed 10 iîsclude soccer fields -îwo lit and thrce unlil a play area, spray pad and multi-purpose court. The area is already home 10 the Milton Sports Centre. 's going t0 be jewel," said Mel Iovio, Milton's planning and developruent direc- tor, adding it would be the town's firat large urban park. Residenîs were shown buffers that are intended 10 protect Sixteen Mile Creek and Indian Creek. ln addition, a financing review of the sur- vey - determining how infrastructure will be funded - has been completed and shows developmenî charges are proposed lo be increased. 'We have te, make sure developruent pays for ilself," Mr. lovio said, stressing the impact must be minimal on taxpayers. The numbers weren't available aI the meeting but were t0 be made public when a report on developmenî charges is released. The charges, undergoing a mandatory five-year review, must still be passed by town council. The area is 10 be serviced by lake-based waîer, handled by Halton Region's main trunk line known as the 'Big Pipe.' 'Me Sherwood Survey is a comprehen- sive plan that began three years ago 10 address a hoît of issues such as transit and e 0e MAJOR on page il