r Champion Country, Tuesday, April 13, 2004-15 CIIL 'I Photos by GRAHAM PAINE ý ý1w :à9ýMký vEggsycpert htînters gather up the goodies Two-year-old Fiona Allen (ut lit and above) hunts for Easter egga buried under straw wlth some heip from mother Clare durlng Sunday activities at Springridge Farm. Above right, fellow hunter Aynsley Hein, 23 monthu, shows her mom the plastic agg she uncovered. Aside from the hunt, Sprlngridge held Easter crafts, egg painting and a pettlng zoo with baby Iambe and rabbits. Mobil & LUBRICANTS Furnace, Stove 011, Gasoline & Diesel Delivery T SSA Licenced Service Technicians sStocked Esso & Mobil Lubricant Warehouse www.chalmersfuels.ca -DIïÈ 1- * met tothe point? ' When you're Iooking for home improvement specialists, then look to the Business Country Directory CChampion C00r Cali Joice at 905-878-2341 ext. 241 to advertise Robert Noble Ltd. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING 150 Pt. of Hose For Crossing Lawns High Pressure Drain Flushing & Repairs Same Day Emergency Service 2 Trucks to Serve You - Radio Dispatch (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service __ 905-878-6869 , « PO. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD ,l <gWeii Drilling * Well Rehabulitation " WeI Cleaning " Flow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems " UV Sterilization Systems " Complete Pumping Systems CO.Te >g5 854-4515 CoeU: (905) 69 1-6 118 1 ý,n n ý