i 0-Thu Canadian Champion, Tueuday, Aprîl 13, 2004 16 CIIOL R MILTON DISTRICT Hien SCHGOL "1MUSTANG MESSENGER"' On the first day back from the long weekend, no doubt everyone wîll be feeling a bit remorseful for not getîing that extra bit of sleep during the holiday. Fighting cranips caused by eating too much choco- late, MD students will be working hard this week t0 compîcte aIl outstanding assignients for midterm reports, as well as university subrnissions. The first acceptance letters are slowly filtering in t0 the graduating class of 2004. Every morning of the past week bas been greeted by a cry of delight, fol- lowed by someone running down the hall waving a piece of paper. These moming episodes have sparked discussion as to what everyone plans t0 do with their lives next year. For some, it's university, for others a nice year spent relaxing on Australia's beaches is in order, It is difficult to keep one's mmnd within MD's walls while dreaming about the possibilities of next year. Music may be the calling of the group of music stu- dents that joumneyed to Hamilton Place last week to perform a selection of pieces. Great music, as well as aviator glasses, followed the band and delighted the audience. MD's excellence in the field of music bas one again been upheld. The sweet waft of freshly baked goodies filled the front hall last week as a group of food and nutrition students held a bake sale in the spirit of the Easter holiday. Sales were great, and the students enjoyed the change of diet. Last Thursday, MD was host to, a charity basketball game that pitted the students versus Milton police officers, Ail monies raised will go towards support- ing the Special Olympics. Il: was a bard fought bat- île where the cops came out on top, but despite the bass, ail involved had a great time. Enjoy the four-day week! À We eeceed y., FIRIT PROFESSIONAL r n_- exPectatioj,7s C40 Mis igo il in t collision loi ý» ow =ýcW" 0--e - t ~~O1ie "D6ATELI1NE DRUEYP Alicia Visconti John PAerson Erika Strome E.C. DRUET sien SCHOGLZ "NeYok NewYr! "Qui ig icni Erk eld 'Tm siirry but Vini jusi so exciied abouit he sprig trip lto New York!" 'lu esterad the curriculum dîscoveries lui subtiei s sucli as Arts. Englîsit andi Social Sciences. Drury lias begun organleing a trip to New Yorik May 25 ihrougl ti Nl ay 29. Te tript inclues visioii, places sucli as, fle Gueg en heitit M useunt. lie Meiropi-tii Museutiiol Art, [lie Mutseu tit)î Natitral Histtry flie Uitdci Naios Bro adwnay sittîns. Gritiuni Zert. Cetral Park, Hlis Ilaud, Statutei of libentiy. Vue Sqluare and mtiret Su make sure lt) brîîîg lu yîîuî $1001 deptisil lto se cure yîîîr spt oni lte trip. There wîli be an infoirmation uîghî tir paîcîts as weii ils studenîs lu Tuesday Aprîl 13th ai 6:3ipni in the lîteker boy. -l'Il he surr 10 pet a loti of shopping dontîthere.- sites Alicia. "Speakiug of'shiipping, 1 need 10 geî my ouatil for the Buuuy Aucln. enclaimed Enika. Senior sîndenîs are gearing up for lthe 2nd aunuai Bunuy Auciion, wich wîli lake place Aprîl 141h. The Buîîny Aucioît uirrors the Christmas Fif Auction, where yoanger sîndenîs have the opportuuiîy 10 purchase senior sîndents. and make îhemi their slave "hunny" for the day. There wîill he aclivities andi games anailahie iu which stadenîs eau show their 'hunny' spirlit A portion of the proceeb1s wiii he donaîed lu lte apcoming Announcemenl Cluh. "Oh yen, te Announcemnent Cluh! ArroIt you heiping oui wilh Ihat Erika?" JP questind. "Sure arn! Wity don't I tell you ail about il." Wiîh te moming annuicemrent iu desperale ueed of a uew face, Mr. Sheppard. Erika Strome and Mrs. Joitoston have coilecîîveiy developed a new formai for moming aonouoicemeots. Tuesday, April 13th wiii mark lte iteginning of EC Drury's firsi radio station. With iteip from nia- dent goveroment. lthe fieldi hockey îeam and Mrs. Syer, lthe Announcement Club is weii nits feet. New equipmeul repiacing the oid PA itas hee itrougit andi instalird in order lu produce a igit qualily, radio-iike anuounicemenls. Some siodenîs have aiready iteen seiected 10 particîpule iu itis endeavour, bai more are aiways weicome. Interested studenîs mito watto 10 in cao contact M. Siteppard, Erika Stmome of Mrs. Joitoston for more delails. "«Soundu like fun, cant waiî tu heur te oew style!" Proclimed John. "I know, il wili ite sucit a surprise for lthe sîndenîs reîumiog from lthe Leadershtip Retreat." Alicia said. Students from ail grades lefi to euperience lthe atnal Leadersip retreal ai camp Edgewood in Edeomilis, soulth of Guelpht. From April1 5ti ln, April th participants look part in skili btuilding acîlvilies, bot indoors as weii as ouldoors, for lte puepose of improvîog leadership skiiis. Tite evenîs, whîcit promoîr frieudsips and esiablîsit role modeis, are desigued for ail age groaps. A great limie was defiuîîely had ity ailt Trîvia Iasi week's question: Whaî year did -Grad Puils- begîn in the ye,îr btooks? Answer: 19901 This Week's Questioînt Whaî ye.îr iîl D'rtury's inous iîîcker hay g.'i îîew carpel! ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"» Preston MacNeil Liana-Daris Pressé DISUGP REDINS 110 SCIGOL The croirai and mostimtportant holiday otf our Christiau faith canme and mmit quickiy ibis pasi weekend. Naîuraiiy. Bisbop Reding bas been busîlîng wîîh celebraîtot aclîvittes. Mrs. Caruaîîa's grade il ciass gui on a speciacular tableau prform- anîce of lthe Statîirtns of flie Cross. wile lthe chittr sang sweeiiy. Bîshop Redîîîg was proîîd of wtt tif il's students. Kateilutt Jîîlîîsîon and Kîtît Anies. as ihey becaîîîe dîteciors il Viols Rosary Panis oif al Statiomns of' the Croîss play. logeihet. tltey n nue a script, desigited a1 sel. and chîîreiigrapbed danîce routinîîes that li enied yiiuih group presenîed. Sindeni Govemmeit pui on ibeir annuai Food Drive as weli. mt an admtirable totl of cris. Ms. Langils finit period class won the compelilion mt 501( cans. mile Mr. Vacca receîved an honorable mention. As meli. Sîndent Govemnienti s planning greai fundraîsîng evenis ibis week, wth Wacky Haîr Day lomorrow 10 support sîndroîs in our scitool mito are paelicipaling in lthe Coi for Cancer ai Bisitop Redîng. Tickets wiii be soid 10 stodenîs mito wisi to wiîness the itair-cuîîing of the volunîrers. Thte scitool spirit dors 001 stop itere thougit; ihrough- oui lthe wrek, ihere wiil te karaoke during lunches in lthe cafete- ria! For lte first lime ever ut B.R., ltere miii te a Dance Show. Tonigit ai lthe school, te Date Tram miii preseni titeir great abilities 10 an audience. Students have bren morking since September 10 gel titeir itip-itop, jazz. andi îap routines ready. For only $5, people ca ontme and viem lthe grace andi spirit of B.R. 's omo Dance Team! Lasi werk Bisitop Reding was fortunate enougit 1itouht lthe annuat Connections conférence. A one-day event lthai involves siodents from across lte Halton Caîhotic Board, Connections feu- tomes studenîs îeaciting otiter studenîs. A variely of aclivilies fromt Soccer SkiIIu 10 Specia Effecîs Makeup ta Making-A-Rock- Batd-in-30-Minuîrs mere a par of lthe festivitirs during lthe day, wiîth a deticions lunch includeli. Bisitop Rrding's Connections' Tram, compourd of Dainet Borreiti, Chtristine Marshtall, and Jonaltan Borriti, worked lremendously itard to ensume ltai titis year's Conference was lthe succeus lthai il was! The Senior Boys' Basketball term citallrngrd the Milton Potie Deparimeni lasi Wednrsday afiernoon. Thte even aliomeli siodents lo be reteased from teir fifth perioli classes 10 match lthe gamne for oniy a few dollars! Bot lrams gui on an rnciting show; itowev- er, B.R. 's Baskrtbai tram came oui on top! Congratulations 10 bot lrams for lte effort, andi especially, lthe sporlsmansitip exii- iîed ty bot parties! As mcli, badminton ai lthe scitool bas becomne a big event. T'Me leani bas aiready partîcipaird in loortamenîs ihis season! Delaîls of ibrîr viclorîrs miii follom! Quote ni the Week: "Some prices are 11101fion higit, nu mat- ter how much yuu may wani lthe prize. The ne thing you can'i trade for ynur heari's desire is ynur heurt," Loin McMauter Bujold