6 - The Canladian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 9 2004 *comment *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main Si. E., Thse Cassadias, Champion, publisiied eveny Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., LBT 4N9 <Box 248), iS ose ni The Metroland Printîng, Pubisiring & Distributîng [Ltd group of suburban companlies sehlci 41 u iuts: AîaxPickening Neses Advertisr, Alliston Henald/Couie, Barrie (905) 8'78-23 4 Adoance, Boiter Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Burlingion Post, Burlîngion Shopping News, City Panent, City of Yorkr Suaniian, Coliingwood/Wyasaga Conorction, East Yorki Mîrnor, Erio Aduocate/Country Rouies, Etoticolie Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Guardian, Flambonounh Reviese, Foreven Young, Georgetowen Advetisng ax: 05-76-364 Independen/Acton Frer Press, Hahton Business fines, Huronia Business Advetisng Fx: 05-86-264 lines, Lindsay This Week. Marishan Econnnist & Sun, Miand/Penetant- Clasifie: 90-8753300 uîsheoe Mîrnur, Miton Shiopping News, Mississauga Business Tines, Clasifid: 05-75-300 Miosissauna Newts, Napanen Guide, Naosagaseeya Newes, Newmariiet/Aurora Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ena-Banner, Northuambriand Newes, North York Mirro, Oaioille Beaver, Oaliviiie Shopping Nrws, Oldttîers Hockey News, Orillia Toîtay, Ian Oliver Publisher OshaseajWhuiby/CiarinBion/Port Penny This Weelr, Petenboroughr Titis Week, Picion Couny Bude, Richrmondt HilO/ThornhiilVaughan L.ibecai, Scanbnrnugh Neil Oliver Assooîate Publis/ier Micron, OiouBviiie/tUxbridge Tribune. Adversising is accepteit on tire condition ibut, in tire evnciouta typo- JlI Davis Edmor-io-Chief gnapirical ennon, ihat potion ot tire advertisinn oyact occupteit by tht ennu- Karen Smith Maoagiog Editor nous ien, tugtuer with a teasotabie aliowatce ton signature, wiii roi be Wend Mcab Au'eeisog Drecor hatond ion. but thre balance of tire aduertîsement wîii ire pala ion an the appti- WendyMcNab Advetisin Dir c a Cbie nite. Tire yublihsr tesenves tire nîgt to categorize aîiserisements on Tim Cules Production Manager deciine. Charlene Hall Distributioo Manîager Teri Casas Office Manager Ose difoen Caîsadae Ch&mpion as a Reepelabi Priaiet i, National insecurity? If we are t0 believe Auditor-General Sheila Fraser's latest report - and there's no compelling tesson why we ohouldn't Canada io no better poepared 80 prevent a terroriot attack than it was before September 11, 2001. So, what exactly bave we been spcnding ail the oeported millions of taxpayers' dol- lars on? Fraser, who brought to light the sponsor- ship scandai, taxI week unveiled a List of security horror stories that sbowed LiberaI Ilmeasures' taken in the wake of the devas- tation of 9/11 have donc little to give Canadians an easier nigbt's rest. Included in her report was: - Inoformation on the 25,000 Canadian pasoports bost or stoilien each year isn't passed on to front-line border security per- sonnel. - Transport Canada bas failed to investi- galle as many as 4,500 airport workers - who must have restrictedl ares clearance - with possible criminal fies. - Watch lista, used for screeniosg people entering our country, are "in disarray". Frighteningly, past omissions included two of the September 1l hijackers whom American authorities identilied in August ot that year. This fact seerns to indicate, andl Fraser concurs, the U.S. (and other nations) have done an equally poor job when it onst shoning up national security. Again, as with the sponsorship scandai, rnuch of Fraser's criticisrn revolves around a lack of communication hetween govem- ment departmnents. Money has been spent and directed toi proper areas, her report indicates, but the lack of co-ordination hetween various gov- emment agencies has led 80 continued weaknesses as our bordera and airports. Surely, the federal govemment isn't wait- iasg for another terroriot wake-up cail before fixing these very serious problems. According to Fraser's revîew of secttrity measures Baken hy Canada since ai Qaeda oeils rained down terror on U.S. soit, oui govemment bas spent quitle a bit of money wîthout delivering much in the way of pro- tection fromn terrorism. It makes us question - again - a gov- emment that has spent millions and has very little to show for the expenditure. Iseems the public coffera are leaking as profuscly as oui country's bordera. We suspect Paul Martin is crossing his fingers that scathing Auditor General reports dont corne in threes. * Our Readers Write Father Curtis says Easter ils the perfect time to remember God's love is the ultimate prize Dear Editor: [ast week, moost of us heard thc excitmng news pertaining 80 the win- ner of the largeat lottery prize in Canadian history. Surprisingly, the real story didn't deai with the historicai amounit of money won, but rather the fact that dic winner warted aloot a year toi dlaim thse $30-million prize. In fart, the prize winner was only three days away froin losing it ail if hie hadn't come forward. Why would someone keep such news a secret for so, long? One could well underatand and appreciate the initiai shock period and the tirne needed to make proper arrangements when accepting such an amasa of fortune. Maybe a monUi or two - but s whole year? As you can imagine, rnuch speculation has corne up about the lengthy silence, and maybe we'll neyer know junt why hie wsted an long. But, it does seem odd, don't you tbink? And yet, many migbt question why we Chriotians - like Uic lot- tery winner -migbt be slow in claiming oui prize, which is far greater Uian any silver or gold. It's a prize won for us by Jesus, and celebrated every EasBer -Uic gift of etemal life, Uic gift of love. The celebration of ilaster is a tione for us toi rernember that God's love is Uic strongest power. IS a gift one must dlaim and pro- dlaim daily, Uirough oui personal decisions. Love is more Uian a feeling, it's a decision and this is clearly evident in Jesus' final bours on earth. When it could have been ani easy for Jesus 80 reset wiUi anger toi Uiose who judged, mocked and crucified Hirn, He chose gentlencss, forgiveneso and compassion in rendon. It's whcn we say yen 80 love, for- givenesa, kindness and compassion amidst Uic anger and negativity Uiat surrounids oui lives Uiat new life begins toi flourish in oui relation- sbips. flaster challenges us to dlaim Jesus' love as oui way, our prize. -sSe WE on page 7 Smart car a prelude to smart growth in Milton You might have seen a photo elsewhere in the paper, showing off a neat piece of rnacbinery wbich twirled its way around Milton Tuesday. lt's a fuel-efficient automobile made by Mercedes- Bcnz calid the 'Smart fortwo Cabriolet'. It's popular in Europe and is expccted to bit the Canadian mnarket Uiis fall for the firot tirne. 'Me car grabs Uic eyes. It's ornai - snall two Smart cars fit in a regular parking spot. Is uses diesel, is powercd by a Uiree-cylinder, 40.2 horsepower engine. A typical car bas somne 120 borscpowcr. Fuel efficiency is a main su-ength. 1 was chauffeured by Motoring 2004's Jim Kenzie, a renowned car buif from nearby Speyside. Tucsday moming was sunny and made for a perfect day toi tour around Milton te, sec what's becoming of ibis burgeoning town. Thait got me lhining about the namne of lie car - Smnart -andl the issue of srnart growth. a not- so-totally-defined concept the Ontario govern- ment, led by the Tories, created a few years hack. First, we pulleil out of the parking spot on Main Street. Righi there, I was strnck hy the ahility to solve Uhis town's parking issue in Uic cote hy parking two cars per spot. (l'rn not sure if bylaws sHlow for cars 10 park with Uicir bumper toi Uic back of Uic curb, as Uic Smart car cani). We zipped aiong Main Street past Bronte Street and found ourselves in Uic middle of Uic pro- poscd Sherwood Survey expansion land ares. Here's a great opportunity for Uic Town to get development right and ensure proper densities, woodlot preservation and trails. Up Tremaine Road we went, over Hwy. 401 - a main artery for ibis town - whcrc an inter- change might go. We hopped onsto die 401 and pasaed busineases Ihat have set up shop as well as sorne farming properties -Irn not sure bow long Uiey will stick around. We passed by Uic future site of Uic power cen- tre, off of Steeles Avenue and James Snow Parkway. Down Trafalgar Road we went, east on 80 Denry Road, past Tnadcas Dive - where many of Miltons new home are poppmng up fis- tically. We zipped hy the new Milton Sports Centre andl approacbed Milton District Hospital, wbicb bas acres of ernpty land. lt's awaiting ils expan- sion anticipatel te, bappen in the next few years. South on Bronte Street we beaded, passed Exxxotica, whicb precipitated Uic Town 80 create legislation 10 deterneine where adult husinesses trust go. Eventually we passeil Town Hall, wbicb is pro- posed 80 undergo an expansion, and made oui way back 10 The Champion office. TiMe car didn't break a sweat, but 1 did, tuming rny head looking aI ail] Uat's going on in town. It took enginecra a few years toi get Uic Smart car right. Milton, toni, mnust be planned right. Residents should Uiink of themacîlves as engi- neers and tell tise Town bow thcy Uiink their town ahould devclop. Your voice is your "Smarr',engine. J tiR