Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Fr/day, April 9, 2004 f y00 are ccrrenfly on course; recev tly liceosed, cots/der/ng a chatte from yocr carrent broker or look/ng for a new career, y00 owe /f f0 yocraelf tt attend Ibis seminor. You Wili Flnd Ouf Abouf *Who soold coro/der real etnte lard aho shocld not/ *Provircial licerorng cuce R00/ai LePooe trait/tg. persota deoelopmert ard support Ho Co lger a qcrck stai *fow to mamite yocr rocosne mêuui SAI 141h, 7:80 03 Ili m amlu CuhMBcLr a l»àc St, ugltmu Seatrtg os liartei ca/i toc te resemve a0000fr ROYAL LEPAGE Milli 56878-8101 mumm um effeto 95-0877-822 'li linn uper STORE MANAGER A custemer focosed rota/let et bigb qcality liens in tbe GTA reqoires a Store Manager. A b/gb errergy, motivated individua te sork witb a seasened teamr of sales prefessienals. Send your resume in confidenoe f0 Eltis Chîtiz at elfis@deblins.com or fax to 416-782-3734. Sa/ary fa be defermined. DZto DRIerSia REQUIRED Pr e /pebl w t rneexprince Drive raish fri candideerFates Plasb o ward s u rA &esCanata: WANTED: AZ DRIVERSD Fieated ork or rSoutrn o Ontario and Michigan. Experience prefferred. Home weekends. Bans/ifs. Cati Beat Transfer 519-853--5773 - Ext. 6 or 1-800-862 -1470 - Ext. e DRIVERS WANTED A-Z 3 years oerrfrable experrence. W/ill train on dry tank. Company average cage neer $2t.tO0 Local & long hacts ana/fable Ail cait/tg t/me pa/d & border crossino Excellent betef/tpfackage-Company pid RtISD plan affer eligibility. Apply in person or fax f0 GRANT 2111 Lokeshore RdWfMiss%ù at dd t. Oni [119J Hz DRIMVE NEDED Local compony bas position tsr qcaliffed driuer. ioat toper/ecc on asset. but not reqo/reit. Compet/tive cotes witb overtîme (home euery nrghl/, benebits Clu 140G4UO A Heiage of Qsality, Salit onse Homae ai a rime Oince 1978 GRAPHIC DESIGNER The teid's Herifage Grocp of cômpatres is seeking a gsalilied candidate for tht role nf Gîaphic Designer cithie oui Marketing Departmenl, This cill lime position is locafed aI sur Head off ice in Cambridge. Tht Graphic Designer is respersîble for keepîng ail maieriai up-Io-dat and cernent fer intieroffîce ose, qcalify cenirol of ail ecfgoîng materîis, prieriiong sko for dis- tribution, and proeîding crealivo spark for sec prolecis. Tht soccesoful candidate ciii posseos a proves frack record of creatise cccomplîshmenis and sod knoci edge rot curreol software applications and hase excellent communication and argoni zahiota okilis. Tht Reidos Herîfage Group of Compaties is ott e/tht largeol homehcildîog and deveiepmeni eperal rots on South Western Ontario, cifh prolecîs acieiy uodercay af a tomber et silos on Guelph, Ccmbridge, Kitchener. Waterloo, London, Collingoged, and Hutsville. Tht Group alto bas Divisions înoved in Renocafrons, Real Esîcle Heafisg & Arr Condîfîoning, Properfy Management, Eocavafing and Latdscopitg. lmef.x a couabq MMt unit mu.m hyfiAM 2Mi4 to 519454446 Atu ilm m 1 Il FNI 1 P/eese, te phono cal/o. On/y/thoue app/îcats se/ec/vd for an interview wi/i he cenfacfvd wuw.eidslierltmgeorffl.coa, LICENSED -~ELECTRICIAN Applicant mont have the ahiliry ro wark onsoperviset. Construcion eoperience 1 oa asoet. We offer a competitive cage and benefit packaoge, andt o compony vehicle. Pleax senti rexan to: Fax: 905-076-390 or E-Mail: fnfo@orthursfearfc.com Irrigation Operations Manager Ready to move f ront inotalfiig or service lu Manager? 3-5 years mit/mm toperience in irrigation, Organize crocs, trock inveofory and solve problemais Receve and refcrn phono colla. C/rot dri- o/ng abotroct. Borlioglon. Please fax reoume f0: FULL TIME LICIENSIED TECHNICIAN 1 Needed for ail-make car and traiter dealerahlp, will conaider 4th or 5th year apprenti ce. Benetit plan. Competitive wages. Fax reaumne ta Carl at: 905-877-0380 Clasifie Hou Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm (BUt LINGTON) raqairas Lic. Truck Tire Installer Wo offer excellent cages and gnocp benefit. Coîl for details, aok for Dave, 905-9318-mO Fax: 905433-426 PRODUCTION WORK on tht MILTON area. $11-1 2/b r. Ail oh/fIs ava/lable. StartIlmmediately. Fax resamne le: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 lu work for one of the very best in the fibergiass manufacturing business. Are you a dependlab e, dedicated and safety conacioca persan? Guardian has immediate needs for good people f ike you tor join aur team warkinig 12 hour rotating shits <10:00 - 10:00) tai cover our 24 hour operatian. You can have every other weekend off. Studenta can earn up f0 $9,000 (wvith premiuma> May thru September and even more with overtime. Muat be 18 yeara or over. Fuil Tinte Workers can average $48,000 + per year with overtime and look forward ta healthcare, dental, prescription drug, l/te, ahort and long terni diaability inacrance benefita, pension, company match RRSP, safety boot and clothing allowancea, paid bofidays, performance, aafef y and affendance incentivea. Whether applying for tful time or aa a aummer atudent, camte prepared fa complefe an employment appficafion and provide fhree work reterencea. App y in persan up unfil Apnil 23rd, 2004 tram 7:30 am - 4:00 pm af: Guardian Fibargiasa 300 Main Stroet, Erîn, Ontario NOB iTO Fax: 519-833-9749 (30 minutes East of Guelph and 15 minutea South of Oranigeville on Highway #24 (County Road #124) No te/ephone caf/s p/ease. On/y/thase se/ected for an interview w/f/ be contacted. A Heritage of Quaty Buit One ome ai a Trne f lace 1978 MARKETING MANAGER The Reid's Herifage Croup has an excifing position avoulable for an eoperieoced marketing professionol for this key toit on 0cr marketing feam. Reportitg to the Dînector oft Marketing and Sales, yoo wli bo respoosible for a number cf crifîca tooko ioclcding; supereisiog tht day-le day operatiors of 0cr Marketing Depadment proo:dîng tht creatîve spark for adoerfisitg and marketing maferials, implemenfîeg marketing pions, coerdînafing market research, prehlem so/eîg, qoalîfy coofrel, schedcliog ood client communication. We are iookitg for a seaeoned, reslfsorienfed profeoulonal crith ai leasf 5 years sim- Ilan toperrence in the Nec Home ltduofry. The Ouccessful candidate ci/I be a feamn ployer, posseso excellent erganreafienal and leadership skills, fhrîee in a buoy envi- roomeet, aod os knoo for their scperb communication skilis. Tht Reid's Herifage Groop of Compatlies is ont of tht largeot homebuilding and developmeot epenafiono on South Western Otanto, crfh projecto acfioely coder- way af a tomber of sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Cellingwood, and Huntsville. Tht groop also hos Divisions iteolued on Retoostroos, Real Estaf e, Heatîng & Air Cooditienîng, Prepedly Management, Eocaoating and Latdocapîng. This positior cîfl be located cft oor Head Office in Cambridte. Plosa fax a caee,.n Off.e and ranime by April 23J114, te 519-654-9746 Attention: Noman feseurces Oopmrtmeaf P/ease nre phone ca//s. On/y those app/icaefs oe/ec/ed for et in/erview wi/I be cen/acfed. www.roldulitagegrouq,.coi Cail 905-877-4,448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company .,îfL4+Hs the tollowigseana fl i and part time positions avaitabe: 3 Golf Course Technicians If y00 are a teans pfayer with excellent communication skiff s ard warr 10 wvrk in a fuo fast paced enviroomeor. please forsiard your rescmne iv: P.O. Box 56, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2Y3 or Fax 905-878-1699 or e-maril fiie&taaigaru:gfç Ke'ntucky Fried Chickennw Milton Is ioek/ng for respoosibe, an reile parI rime staff. Pasae apyI l anaager rai 276 Main Si. Nursery & Garden Centre Help Wanted Mcst be eoperienced, pet-lime aise needed. Applyîn pero wîth reocme te. Lagolm Nursery 6711 Reglional Rd (lfwy 25) Mutton e Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! UNo Fees!Men/Women 16-6 yrsI * Needed for samel No extras. P arnscallI (416)221389 HiOME OEALTH COE NEEDS RN'S & RPN'S As an employer ai choica w. offer: a Compelitito pay rates *Pay by tht oisif *Pard educatiso oppodluortres *Benefît packagelso qcaifrod staff *Prrmary care clients *Supporte teamt enorroorment *Caring atmospbore parme l looking for RNs & nPNs *Cuiront CNO Registrtion *Voli Or/tors lic *V/s/t/ng and shift nursing Please mailtfax resamas ta: Roberta Dana ParaMlled Home Heailli Core 1515 tebecca Sf., Ste 301, 00kv/île, On L6L 5Gt or Fax: 905-847-1038 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! We celcomne a/il pplicants. Oniy these selecled for interviecs ciii ho corlacted. A leader in commuer/y heu//h & suppori uevices Haltonsearch.com ON THE INTERNETZ : A bcsy Millt produce company bat an opening for a Shippirrg /Receiver, Sunda le Thcrsday. Eoperience wilh ineentory control and qcalîty asscrance os reqcîred. A backgrocnd in frcits and vegetables os an cocet. Forklrft lîcense a mcst. Fax recome and coter letter te Gcy Ramsay. (905)878-9010 C" sarcingfor Models &Talents for 10 1 oa market. Al ages & beginners w elo n agents approtal, Full portfolio, Segrta ion, & Trai ning cool of promîsingI To book appt. for open olis, pis oeil: Miss. Offfioe: (905)712-9706, Toronto: 46 7059 Full Time Chefs Assistant Reqaired for busy gocrmer carerion company. Mcst have a minimam of 2 years euperience, apprenrices cecome. Works viei independetly. Position reqcîres 1organizariota skillo, baeing and preparatîon sk/lis. Catering eoperience preterred. Pleae fax restitue to: (905) 875-4300 or Email to: infib0afisoaafilton.com DELMANOR G/en Abbey Oakv//e s newest retîrement resi- dence opening late spning. We are a progressive, Ieamt erienfed company ded- icaîed le estalisning an eocepîional levei et hofet style service. NOW HIRING: RPNS, Evening & Nlght Shits rIsc require experience and a passion for working c/fb seniors. Please toiward your resumne le: Delmanor Glon Abbey 1459 NottInghil Gate OakvlIle, ON L7M 4W1 Fax: 905-469-7495 Attention: Sean HourIgan Experienced Dental Hygieniat Requrred Part ime in aur bcsy practîce. Fax Resusse To: 519-853-0762 or Cali Debbie Af: 519-853-1300 Lot Pers.. I (Usa. Up Budds' Safuro SAAB of Oakve slo ok0h0 for lot poi- son. Tht candidate ii bo resporoîble for waohirg sehicles and organizing the lot. This person meust havt a dlean driving record. Apply b yresume in persan to Dayna Yesford 2400 South Service Raad, West OakviIIe, Ontario FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted I lit _11éýý

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