Tae Canadian Champion, Fniday, AprIl 9, 2004-25 CLIFIED HOTJNL 90547530 CLASSFIE HOURS: Nonday te F*ia è 9:00 am - 5:00 pzn erýfll C l I s sifi ed d OU!AlCaste d pera ulesiones ~âIlI- FOR SALE9SY OWNER -End und town- home, 4-bdrr, 2 bath, sni.- 1-bdrn plus den , besernent ly finished baisement, testa- apeomaent in Milton. Sapa- taily decorata i n desîrabia rate entrance, A/C, and lim- neighbaerhood. Cali ,odtî place, parking for 1, suit or Jeckwe a 905-870-1441. mature single, ns srnok- Open Haom Ridai Aprl1 ingln Pets. istlast,> and t 2-4p5.. 399 Ontario raferences reqsired. St N. $800/rth incisdisg utis Cali 905-693-1907. Ast an Apertrsents 1 & 2 brsor apetmrent aveul- able Now and for future. Frîdge & Sfoaa, feundry A Wokm Haon Job On feslties, No dogn 519-853- Vour Computer. Training 4374 open 7 days/waak Provîded. F/T, P/T Code: sanne day appnoval. ni wwns.vHomPCJs.com ACTON extra large modem MyHomPCJobçgm- newly ranovatod 2 badronm MATTRESO CLEANING & aparimont. Soparafa an- ssndtizing Business, 4,300 Isonce, laundiy room, con- Ouropoan Deaerm. New la trul air & vac., parking for 2 Canada, Rernovon dunt cars, ns pets. Availabla mitas and Sarmtul aller- May tlt. list/lant. Rater- gens. Big profits, srnoii in- ascos requirad. S1050/rnth vesîment. Hygienitech & ydro. (519) 853-2452. 1-888-999-9030 www.hyglenatech.comn ACTON large 2-badronrn m apodiment, $775/rnth plus; 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. DowNTrOWN MîLTON 5-YR O 4.39/, Abao aqaay Millicie Tnwems 82 Miliside msrtgage programrtregard- Driva. f62 Badrnorn Apis. Clea inc or cedO Close to Downtown. Bus CeilCHRt 01800-38- stop et Front Donr 905- 7887 or oisif us et www.sin- 1870-1249 wwe.reeister.co claircockburn.comn BUSIESS FINNCE GEORGETOWN 2-bed- SPECIALIST. Business roora apt. Newiy renovt boans for ail purposes. ed. $975/rnth plus gas/by Fmm rime+ 1% 900- dro, isIdlasI & reterences 690-9975 + %. 05 required. No smosking/pets. 690-9875.Cali 905-846-5449. Sali if fsday in the GEORGETOWN quiet dlean largo 1 -bodroorn Q ana nan apastmant single or couple. C anabian No smoking/pets, refarenc- EtM mp s. May ml 05-877- MILTON 3-bdas near Go,Mail & Ochonlu. Fanced yard, availebie May let. $1375/mth + utilas. Cali 05-876-0065. VILLAGE on the park, corner unit S, W 010w 2- 5dm 2 undar grvund park- ing spots. Arnnties, aval- able May 1sf. 647-292- B3yITDAY HIpl PBfrtluday Patrick k Love your àFrnnily &s Friand s excetlent conditon. Al new GEORGETOWN ornal t- MILTON 2 bedroorn aveu- covem, Ilia duty traîler, badroomn epertment able. $945. +. Clean and rabaiSt 70 bp Johnson sut- $495/month plus hydro. quiet bulding. Cai Jaka board. Sab 6. Aveilebia immedietey No 41-918-5913. Availebie 0/b.9-6-32 pats. Cali 905-873-3355. immadiateiy evaningn. GEORGETOWN Victorien , MLTON. Spacîsus, 1- borne large 2 bedmorn apt., 5dm basemnent ap- aveu-: I0950/mth + Actas large 2 aila May 1. Sepatate an- bedroomi ept $775/rntb +. ifrance. Sud single, mature FUN Laisgdwfc Aiso ana badrosrn apf., 1non-srnoker. $825/rnon, et Milton Mail. C'ail 95 $550/rnth +. Coli (519) P imtleast. Reterancas le- 878-6315. 853-5080 or (519) 853- quirad. Cali 90-78-8573. 5352.ONE badrsorn apesrnant, downtown location, suitabia for single pason, ns pts, FIGHTING IraS/c fichais GLEN EDEN ns smoki A/C NsO Pointa = No onsurn COURT $675/rnonfh, fir and lest ncrase and we wîn for APARTMENT raquired. Availabie May less. Free consultation 12Ba teStei tnt. Coli 905-878-3575 or Cai 905-257-1789. Soulth, Milon 905-875-8081. 00e are nvw accapning ROCKWOOD by Park applications for $695/rntb inclunive, mme- 1- ervn diataiy, nunny onae bed- 100 geifiln ohtankdfi w1hh Av doi. May1 ronrn naw condition. Aiso stand & accessonaes. $300. F0r more sfsrai'ofiice avoulable. 519- Coli 905-70-72 Information attdfor ta 856-4900. 27" Panasonic Sfareo Con- mknaoint- SPOTLESS Milton fur- ssle TV, excellent condi/ion. Ptame Caii nîshad 1-bdrrn apt. wîtb $20 Pimame cmii 905- 905-78-W75 shaed entrance in qalet 8784881, Buidin Mmmgm horne close f0 mail, kdtchen- 3 large paddock's ssk 3 Bldngr Managers ete, A/C, 3 pc. bath, flun- rails, cader pools and 5 dry, f-pae large LUR, 'pr- 1 28t. matai galles. Ail sniy 3 vae parking, cebie, aveu- yam aid. $5,000. Cali -J abie May 17. No srnok- 1905-954-0590. GLEN Williamns large 2- ing/peta/chiidren $750/mth, - bedroorn waik-out, 2-car refarancas requirad. Cali A Dînîng Ronrn, Cherry- parking, garden, wanh- 9054870-083 Waod, doubie pedea a /drynr Adoft ns srnok itable, 8 chaim, buffet, ing flo'pats. Sacur de hutch, doveteli cosruc pond & aeferne Al ne lion. Newn stili in bases. dousiva $1, ranes m n : Cost $11,000. Sacrifice 702__8179. _ $2,600. 905-567-9459 7287.ACTON, 3 badronrn, mica LARGE 1-bedroorn apart- 1street, gas Seat. Availabia A King Piiinwtop Mattres ment for single parnon, Fabmeary Itf. $tOSO/mth + Set. New in plastic. Cont Main Sf. Jamesn Snow Park- utilias. Coli (519) 853- $1600. woy ara. $800/rnth, utili- 5658. 905-567-9459 fias includasi. Avoulable im- mediafaiy 905-875-1150. FRent if tsday in the Qtanabian Cjm w WIAKER - Keain and Shtannon of Milton are pieased f0, announce the birth of their ssn Loamn An- thony Stuart Whhaker, waighing Bibs, 9oz, ai Milton District Hospital on Maron 25th, 2004 ai 10:53pm. Congratulations to fs lima Grsndparenta Donna snd Tony WhOtaker A big thank you 10 Dr. Cvalic and ail ltha labour and deiivaiy staff for thaîr support and an- couragement. OAKVILLE - 2,3&4 bad- roorn lownhouses availabia mrnamdîalely thrsugh March. 4 appliances. Ho- padale Mail area. Lakashore Managemnt, 905-876-3336. TOWNHOUSE 3-bdrm, ga- raga, lridge, stove, Han- loplOronla area. Avaîlabia May lot. Cai 1-905-459- 1231. Ut. April 10, 1004 fliompsos M.. Armaa <Uoiu Club Hall> Poors open at 8:00PIR Di, DOOR PRIZES, DRAWS $10. FER PERSON AT DOOR Galbraith, Jaohn Deimeo Buo-wel Peacetily et Mt. Nemo Christian Nursing Home on Tuesai April 6th 2004 in his 83rd year. Deirner Gai- brathi, sadly rnissed by his sister Marion and brothiers Archie and Vaenne. Predeceased by a sister Faeda. A veteran of WN fi, nerving overseas. Farnily and friends visited at the McKeomieKocomr Funerai Harne 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452. The tuner- a service wao beld in the fusera home chapel on Thsrsday, April ath 2004. Inteonent foiiowed et the Milton Eaergreen Cemeter. A opecial thank y00 f0i the staff et Mt. Nemo for their excellent cere and con- DICK, Sidney Alexander, P. Eng Peeceslly et Kingston Generel Hospital on Seturdey April 3, 2004, in his 91 sf yeer. Beloved hunbend of the jae Dons Elizabeth Sherwood. Deer ftmer of Many Anne of Ottawa, David and his wife Jeannette of King- ston. Dearty misoed by tree grendchildren: Fihian- non, Sarah and Meghan and one great-grendson: Oreyn Alenander. Suroîved by his sisters Willamine Marshall and Kathleen Gibb and hos brother Kenneth Young Dick. Predeceanei hy Margaret E. Jenningo, James Mecintosh Dick and Edîth R. Dick. Cremnahon hes taken place. In Me"oour Dear Moiher and Grandrnalher Gladys Richardson We wooid like f0 enpress our sincere thenks and ep- praciation o relatives and friends for their expressions of sympethy, fornal tributas and memnonel donations. Specia thenks f0 Reo. Jne Grap for bis kind and com- forhing words. Also f0 Doug and Asdraw Kncber 0f McKernie-Kncher Funeral Home, our rfie thanko for their compassion and assistance. Tant and Clnda Richardson and Fmiy Bmrb and Mouley Richamrdson mnd Fmiily In Memoriams in the form of donations to The SCanadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 20" I6ym pols withdeckoond c 5,f995.00 1-800-668-7564 8ED, Arnazing borgain, qunen orthopedic pillowtop se, naw in plastic, wanranty $100 00-567-4042 will de- liver. Gotden Relneoer pups for Bedroom Cherrywovd saie, 3 females, 1 mole, Bed, chest, dresser resdy lo go. Cali 51 0-050 nighlnlonds. Dovetil Con- 0024ý strocion. Nover opaoed 4 Cool $0,000. Sacrifice $2,600, 05-067-4042 W À 9UYISELL star lifts, porcS Of* lifts. alevalors, wheelchair, 1980 Oldsmobile Delta 88. hospital beds, scootem, etc. No tasl on body, 70,000. Cali iliver Cross 005-047- original kms. No amis- 5504 sions!. Cali (005) 702- CARPET 1 have several 2752. 1,000 yrds. of new Stan- 1984 Clown tac, High mile- master & 100% nylo car- age but s111 runs wel. paf. Wii do iivingmomf & $1,000o obo. Cali 519-853- hall for $300. inciodas cor- 4719. paf, pad & instalion (30 yards) Steoe, 905-639- 11987 Chea Ceiy rebolht 2902 .engine. Ton many new FACTORY INVENTORY 905ot569$0141 . C UIQUIDATMO SALE. Canadien made ail wood 1997 Honda Accord Special iBedrmFmOaSiie Editon, 4dr Auto, leether, Facoom pncen. Cild 10 AC, sunroof, CD, lssded, 460-0100 For Appointmen. 16Oks sey -et ed, greaf nhepe $9,900. FREE Estiras. G0f wob- Cli 905-702-8814. bly chair, tirad ion bing woo hnsbe? Paid 2002 Dodge Neon - 5- tom Wood Refinisbing and $100d. 31ys ,O00/kms Fumiture Repaira. 9-, 00 01,.Dy:905- 72 632-090.0978, enaningo: 905-821- 6105. Hat Tub: 2004 mii aptions, aaerti, Ozanta, Red- waad cabinet, neyer Iumeri, stli In wrmpper. com soi95 Seii $6,000. 416-95-1 KITCHEN set, blacbed 1oek, octegona table wfth 4 matcbing chairs in gond condition. $150.00 tino. Cli 900-876-099. PORCH ifts instetiad, April saie. Cali Oliver Cross 905- 847-5504. SEAT Sale! Freshen up yosr dinetta/dnfingroom chair sab w/select ed fab- lion tram $19.95/aa. Seat casSions qsaoy foarn ra- placement trom 029.95/es, Fields Fumiture and Fab- nons, 9-9 dal. 905-632- 9090. WERZALIT ostside table laps 24" - 60" pniced et1 $35.00 - 75.00. Cai 905-1 0.76-2081, 0$= WANTED - Ail Chi- i na, Oliver, Crystai, Tes i Copa, Royal Douhton, Swar- vsi, Glass, Jaweiery, 0sf toys, Cniiechibies, Eafatas.. Cai Johrn/Tracy, 905-331- 2477. GRAMMA naeds e car seat, in good conditon, for oser 20 lbs. Reesonabe. Coli 905-878-0887. WANTED: To lent 1000- 2000 sq. 0t. auitabie for iwoodworking shon. Fiase lcoul Kan et 905-699-033. CASH paid for antiques 1and coii85tiban, chine, f)g9- st/non, îawaiiery, fumitsre, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 oel: 905-876-7950. Il