-Town to produce newsletter; tirst issue is due out in Mîý ai% Publication to be delivered to homes every three months By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Spcal to The Champion A public newsletser was approveti at a recent town council meeting in order to improve the level of comn- munication between resitienta and the Town. 'l'here is so much happening in the town of Milton," said Town CAO Maio Belvetiere. "Council feit that we neetiet to tell residenta what waa going on and the hm hati corne for the newslet- ter to bridge the gap." Allowances - for a total amounit of $30,295 - have been matie in the Town'a budget to accommodate the newstetter although many of the details haven't heen finalized. It's confinneti that the newsleUter wiil bu printed every three montha beginnig in May and wiil bu tielivereti to ail homes within tise Milton boundaries. Llkely to bu a four-page publication, thse newsletter wii outline cun'ens and future Town projecta. 'The newsletter will bu a concise communication tool butween the Town of Milton anti its resîients," saiti Mr. Belvetiere. "It wil dietail some of the 85 capital projecta that the Town of Milton is involveti in. Resitients wiil bu infonneti of such things as counicil meeting schedules, mati construction projects such as tise reconstruction of Main Street as weil as any possible traffic disrup- tions that may result." The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, ApMI 6,2004- Have a Safe & Pear ?ilt Happy Holiday ~'Y Weekend Anarsan ntrtimetCorrection U IIm m B o ' An ars an entetainnent The cutime stated that Our when in fact the play wiil start as I photo cutline in Friday's Lady of Victory's production of 7 p.m. The Champion regrets this Champion contamned incorrect Stationa of the Cross will be error, as well as any inconven- information. staged tomorrow ai 7:30 p.m., ience it may have causeti. IF E\/Qr\/ Bunny /' 20 C»MV.OLT UMAA LS 3.8 V6, auto. ai, CD. pw, tilt cruise. p.seat p.moon- roof, alumn wheels. sandstone. Sts #P2251 &( $22,995 Auto. air, ti p.seats. lnd Stk #P2249 ad $12,995 V6, auto. air, tilt cruise, p windlovs. p Iocks, alum. seheels. One owner. Stk #5801 A ow $10,995 mou2 OLSU. TU GX 3.5 V6, auto. air, CD, tilt cruise, pw, pi. p.seat harvest gold. Bal. of fact. warr. St* #P2250 Ô.( $16#995 2M POUIAC GA AM - V6, auto, air, tilt cruise. pw, pI, CD, Pseat lezs than 20,000cms. Stk #P2258 - 000~ ALO GLS V6 auto. air, tilt cruise, p windows, p locks, p.sun- roof. leather. chrome seheels, raven black. Stk #P2219 &,e4 $13,995 2 aI.YVsL SU LX 6 spdl, auto with air p windows, p locks, with matchîng interior. Balance of factory warranty. Stk "i119A Loaded, loadedl Leather, p.moonroof. black on blackr. Bal, o fautoywrat.Sk#24 2M0 OIEVROLivT Ri" V6, auto, air, tilt cruise, pw, pi, CD, wheels, Stk#P2257 &14 $158995 __j mu alumînurn Auto, air, tilt cruise, p windows p locs Ruby red. keyless entr14 Stk #P2256 Loaded, loaded, moonroof, leather, Onstar. Only 36,000km, Stk#5700A &le $2O9995 1999 HOA CRV 4 Auto, air, tilt, cruise, p windows. p locks, keyless remote. remote start lîke new. Stk #4006A B ad c bankr N let GREAT CA#ÀNRS -GREAT PRICES On soecied pe-ao it q' Thobe Ilsesible Servnç Milton For Over 3 Generations - way to buy a c, redit, no credit, car or truck uptcy, divorce? & I H ADG la problemn - CABO us help yau! CNEVR LETOLDs)MODILE IDon Kalte LJHWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON nied vehicles. T ... à Cu faim.