We are looking for Store Managers for Bramipton, Mississauga and Milton who want to join our team. Do you have? Retail Management Experience *Customer Service Sidls A Love and Appreciation of Wlne Please forward your resumne noting Your past experience in retail To: 905-564-6181 Or e-mail f0: mnerina.ireland@vincor.ca MOTER & daagtrter team Mtil dean yoar home, reli- ain, refeences avattiste. - -ý Service Advisor/ budS Saluin ýaab is hiing toi a service adsuiarý lis representative ai be respoosible for addressing ail cas- lomer service requireeets. This candidate should eoîoy dealing witi peuple and be confident ailth telephone tech- niques. They ohouid be organized, abie lu handie multi- pie activities, teamn player, orgaeized, detail oriented and a goud communicator. Juin tise Budds'Saturn Saab teaino Our oew otate ufthlie an location. Automotrue expenience an usset. Apply by resme Io: DAYNA YESFORD 24009 SauMl Service Rond, West Oukoille Budds Saturn of Dakville 905-U5-1610 ANNOUNCEMENT RON OKE JOHN TREBBLE Rick Solwicki, president oftTerrace Ford Lincoln Sales is please to announce that John Trebble and Ron Oke have joined his professional sales team. Both John and Ron bring with them many years of automotive experience and welcome you to visit them at their new location. terrace ford lincoin SALES ocae WALKER UNE SOUTH 0 CMW 1905-632-6252 fi Žq- The Canadian Chamfpion, Friday, Apaf t 6, 204--27 Adovoetl you Mr S7xIl ~M'd pIOLce Mui Md voua- @"rmue Smie for oeily *ZOI A FFLEE êARAêGE SAILE KlIT la tvaeluded tu0 help oumke vour ,smie M l'uge sueceas!1 Victoria d price! fre one consulta ru * ose up 7 pounds per week *guaranteed weight Ioss l wsea feetiln bad abut how 1 loored and worrted about my heattr 1Ia base successolt my Mapc and decde ta gi a fry. I htnend ta stay Ntee If for the resf af My tti 1 enjay the new me Lost 92 F & 103 in Who Q uau~à DOMESOUIN ItET W M MIEE & UAKN ip ll Computer sel«. Repati .upr NetwSklbq - Delwu.y Ossita, Servi & *WpOVt Network foS Home & flusine - SSapli!'g oor comupoter boydg«eele For Great deeIk go to 'ww.WinpIacornpoteritca ornai! alrsurapleconputerarn PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FOR MEN & WOMEN Tel: 90 5.220-2721 Email: christinaseect-oýý,s, s©ii otmail.com *& uff'e r rlth ~~ e P~t Ti S rvi(Lcal) ~et & meulo. Gale Beck Servinh Miftut and Camlobettntte (905) 875-4304 www.nuffmurr.co PE GOOIN C> L 4 liPý WH DIESI THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR 19- ~7 CALL JOICE 905-878-2341 EXT. 241 1 0;;ýet&W_ *B-ed - U proff- -zkid- ç."- Cffl- exp- Af- 13ffl