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MAY 2004 [UNE 2004 JUNE 2004 ~Your licnce to survive. 2 WEEKEND 2 WEEKEND 4 DAY COURSE COURSE COURSE June 26, 27, 4M 905875-0480 May 8, 9, 15, 16 June 5, 6, 12, 13 28,29 w ww. you n gdrivers . com (9-30Oam -4:15Spm) (9:30Oam -4:15Spm) (9:3O am -4:l Pm), * - _____________I ,&,TUE ROYAL REPORT", Pruton Mancén"I Uana-Drnla Arss DISNGP REDINO inS SCIGOLI Bishop Reding ends off yet another week ftlled with many events as students finish up any iast minute assignents for midý- termi marks. On Thursday of this week, B.R. had its second paid civies day of the year. Staff and students paid two dollars in exchange for bcing allowed to sport their regular clothes. This idea was organized by members of tihe Students of Living Life (S.O.L.L.) group and ail of the mnney coiiected is so be sent t0 Development and Peace for their campaign for water. Many thanks goes out 10 Cathy Mandarino and Liana Presse for their hard work in planning this day and to ail those who broughs in money to help those in need. Last week ended off with tico events that Bishop Reding is proud to make mention of. On Friday and Sasurday, students took part in the anirual "Think Fast" organized by Development and Peace. Everyone who participased raised money and agreed to go for shirsy hours with no food. The studenîs participased in many games throughous the evening and gos to spend the night in thse gym. When they awoke on Saturday morning, Mass was celebrated by Fr. Dave and then the students induiged in a large breakfast prepared for them. Thank you to Ms Doyle for the organizasion of this successful day. and to ail those teho raised or gave money. On Saturday of last wcek, the Dance Team competed in their tiras competision, aud judging by the results, B.R. is hoping il won's be sheir Iast. The girls compesed beautifully and came out with a second place win. Congratulations so ail for their tremen- dous effort in making titis year's teum unforgentable. This pans Friday, Biahop Reding's Reacis team took pars in another day-long competition. The students have been working exceptionally hard these pans few weeks and their efforts were rewarded during this competition. The students came in second place and once again made B.R. proud. Quo5e of the weelk: "Somietbing that hau always piazzled me ail my fllfe la why, when 1 amn in apecial need of help, te good deed la usually done by aoinebody on whom 1 have no dlaim." Wiilarj Feather Alie. VIacoMl John Ptieraon EiaSiromo E.C. flUET MISEg SCEGOL Apnl lsi, 20D4 From ste desk of Mr. Sasse R. Bunny. Dear Daieline Drry. lits tire Easier Bunny writung su you aIl thre way froro my secret chocolate lar. I gui a hle tird of making ail these chocolate eggs. sol1 dccidcd su send you a citter about tebai I saw happening titis wcck ai Drury. I was over digging up some diiin taie sports building and 1 notied ail ie badminton players. Il taras oui tirai un April 651r Druy wttl bu hostnng tire vulpe for junior badminton rearas across Haiton. MIr. Houldcrofs terli bu coaching tic ECD juniors on thie way tu success. l'It bu suie ta give tircm estra chocolate eggs for good iuck! Wirilc startisg ru gatirer cggs for tirose Wtaed badminton players. I irap- pened to bu hopping pasi Uic lockcr bay iis pasi March 3 1si and I noticcd a lot of sbavcd ircads. I askcd sumeone whiai icas going on. and Uiey said lits Uic Coi for Uic Cure! Ail ibuse volunteers hare peuple sponsoring Uicmn to shave Uieir beads, in ordreru to arse rooney for cancer rcscarch." h tutus oui Uiey eaised a wbopping $3327! I beard ruauy Uiauks froar other students ru Noie Caimsusaz< fis last same) tebo organizcd Uic exeat. A big thank you, and congratulaions go oasi Ic haumerous staff and stadents icho icere invoivcd Aiso ru bu congrtrlaied is Uic Drama Ai Deuey teain as Uiey icoriç Uhir way ru Uic Sears Regiosal comperrîros. Afier Uhir successes ai thc Halion cxcil, icicre Steve tiround. Melissa Neabul, aid Kate Lusgiey wcon acting aicards. Uic players are lookrng forward tu iis nexi round ofthUi comperirion! 'Me festival tans froro April l4ri ru tie 1th aUio Burlingion Central Hîgi Sehool -Drury perforras on Saturday. Aprit i 7Ui. Ilic play Uiey are perfonn- ing, "Bonjour, La Bonjour" is a classic Canadian play terrîten by Michel Trcroblay. 'Mis drama explores the dars reiarionsiips icitirin a dysfsnctronal family siar is ield iogeîhcr by tiîsird foetus of love and dependence. Aliough Uic Uicmcs are mature, Uic subtlciy sud potgnars.y ofthUi conflicis engage Uic viceers as Uiey icateli ihe characters' srggles tebîcl Uireaten cubher su dissolve or reunite the family. Su bu sure t0 cbeck ut ts play! Abter ail Uiat entertainent, I dccidcd I needed to sirarpen up roy teivia abilities. Su I hupped ou over io Mr. Kesue's rooro ihere ste Rcach Teant icas practicing uta skills. They tuSd mse bat ou April 2nd biey would bu nravel- ing su Oakville Iu compete in their finultoumnament of Uic ycsr. I wisbud ther Uic lient uf luck, especinlly tu those seniors icho wiii bu lcuving Uic seam next ycsr! l'hose Reachrs will definitcly necd lu maire sure doitaiey cal a nuisious lunch ou Uic dsy uf their toumnament. Which reaninda me! On Tuesday April SsIi, DurT il huit il's annual Sasser Buffet. This Buffet is open su the entire Milton coromunily. Wirai a greas way lu celebrate Sasier, and su support S.C. Drury! Make sure su cals the fond schoul Iu gel tickets for ibis dclicious cudeavour! Now I bavesa bit uf Trivia of roy oten! Let's sec if you cuit gel Uiis new ques- tion: Thais Week's Quesiou: lna tl ycsr did BCD ycarbooks stanl including grade puBis? Lust Weck's Question: lu 1984 tebat play did Drama ai Dniuy peefoun? Austeer Guys and DoUs Well 1 butice get back lu making roy choculate eggs! Scc you guys ou Sasser! WiUi Sasser grectings, Saste R. Bunny NIfLO DISTRICT le SEOL "MUSTANG MESSENSER"' It has been a quiet week at MD with nothing out of flic ordinary happening to make the past few days any dîffer- ens front the week before. In fact, this week bas been out- right boring. The suenner sports teanis have yet to staff their sea, ý,s, making reporting on them a littie arduous. But, basebail gloves, as teelI as cleats are beginning to replace hockey sticks and pucks in the hallways as the MD athietes pie- pare for their upcoming season. 'Mis, at least, is a devel- opment. Ini the field of academia, a number of essays wnitten by grade 12 English students teere submitted to the Learning Partnership for judging. The papers; dealt witb experiences that changed the students' lives and bot hose events becane tuming points in their lives. A prize, including a chance to be published as teeli as cash is being offered. Judging by the talent MD seems to barbour, there is a good chance that there may be a lucky student tehen the results are released. Doca brilliant theatre excite you? Does a shocking murder mvstery make you teant so scream, laugh or cry? Perhaps a story of impossible love tickles your fancy? MD's pro- duction of Mousetrap teilI be sure to leave a lassing impression on you. There is a scant month remaining before MD's talented actoirs bit the stage performing one of the world's moss famous murder mysteries. Keep your eyes pealed for ticket sales as tbey are sure to selI out fast. In an excessively boring and lacklustre week, there is some reprieve for the students of MD. The long weekend approaches witb promises of rabbits, eggs and chocolate. 'Me extended rest also gives students a chance to catch up on missed work or make progs-ess on the dreaded literary essay. The only thiugs keeping tbe students' sanity before the long weekend are thc various films that are being shoten in lieu of lectures. This, no doubt, is a favourable gesture on thc pari of thc teachers. Enjoy the long weekend, and don't cat too much choco- late! 011111111111111111