2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 6, 2004 r--------------------------------------------------- INamne: Address: Phone: Age: L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hley Enter our Easter Coloring Contest for your cha Two prize packages wiII be awarded. Package One - Aç Package Two - Ages 8 and over. Bring pour completed masterpiece to Milton Toyota hy No~ We w!!! display the hest entries la each age category, along with the 400 Steeles Avenue (next to Gorrud's Auto Group) 905 875-1700 www.miltontoyota.com e@QM eeLeg ~v/Mattamy says given right information about pond By JASON MISNER The Champion Mattamy Homes says it will contact homeowners in the Bristol Survey ares to smooth over concerna after residents alleged they were told by sales agents that a conservation area-like pond would be built nearby. Michael Vernooy, Mattamy's vice-presi- dent of land development, said he first learned about the allegations afler readmng it in The Champion last week. Messages were left with Mattarny for its response to 'o be included in the original article but it called back after the stoly was published. Mr. Vemooy said he bas since spoken to the agents, represensing the developer, and was assured plans were being conveyed accurately about land northweat of Derry Road and Fourtb Line, est of the core. 'We've followed up witb our agents to make sure they're telling people informa- tion that is accurate," be said. "Tbey've ) bold us wbat they told people, that there would be a pond there. There's notbing inconsistent witb wbat's been sbown peo- ple in ternis of wbat's going to get built." Mr. Vernooy said residents will be tele- phoned starting this week, or tbey can caîl bim at (905) 829-7637. "We just need to take one more step with the residents to follow up and fmnd if there's any other lingering concerna. The st tbing we want to do is mislead people. We'd pre- fer if peuple get accurate information rigbt from the get-go." The pond issue arose at the Town's Marcb 26 planning and administration meeting, wben staff unveiled s residential development proposa that would see between 233 and 280 homes and 52 town- h' ouses built on 15.2 hectares of land at the - - - - -- -- -northwest corner of Denry Road and Fourtb Line. The commiutee didn't vote since the pro- posal still must undergo a tecbnical report from staff. An Evan's Terrace resident told the com- mittee Mattarny -a major builder in town - - -- - - -- -- informed ber in 2001 that a large storm water management pond, complete witb trals and other amenities, would be built at die corner. Mattarny doesn't own the land. A bandful of other residents who live close to the property also attended the meeting. After the meeting, tbey alleged tbey were sbown drswings of wbat A appeared to be an expansive pond to be nce to W IN!! built on the corner. Tbey didn't want to see an ordinary-looking pond constructed and jes 8 and under, surrounded bybhouses. Mr. Vemooy sald be spoke to the planner -representing the landowners last week and was told the pond will go on the nortb aide uda,, Api 203. of Derry Road, on the corner. There was s .. Aprl 121possibility it might have gone on the soutb two Wlfvlllfg eantries. aide of Derry Road. "The exact size and alI of the other char- acteristics that corne witb the pond wiIl be sorted out, including the landscaping plan for it," he sald. \vEfflCLES 1NCt& Added Mr. Vemooy: "We have a big A Full Tank af Gas stake in tic community of Milton s0 thc Roadaide Assistance luast thing we want to do is leave behind ilI Flsar Mats feelings." Jason Misner con be reuched at jmis- ner@miltoncanadianchampion.com. k.Iedge 0 0 0