16-Champion Country, Tueaday, Aptil 6, 2004 Volunteers sought for rural roadside dlean-up Specialta _The Champion The seventh annual Nassagaweya Roadaide Clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, Apr. 24 at 8 arn. and efforts are underway to encourage increased community involvemrent. Rlyers are being disributed throughout Nassagaweya and hopes are high for the hest dlean-up tu date. "The firat year we started very small and did an area south of the (Hwy.) 401 from Guelph Line to Appleby," said Jean Woods, an organizer of the event. "Lt was mostly our commnittee that year. From then un we have expanded and we try to cuver as much of Nassagaweya as possible. We wuuld like to sec (thc area from) No. 30 Sideroad tu Derry Road donc and frum une town line tu The amount ut garbage and debris collected un Roadside Clean-up day is astounding. Items ranging from the vety small, such as coffee cups and water bottles, tu the very large, like appli- ances and furnitre. are gathered by the volun- teers. 'l is just amazing what we have taken away," exclaimcd Ms Woods. "We have taken tuilets frum Guelph Line, sofas out uf the swamp that are very heavy when laden with water. Yuu narre it, we ftnd it." One of thc must pupular items is discarded tires. Last ycar alune, mure than 300 tires were cullected, and besides the disposai expense, may be an envirunmental risk tu the cummunity, as the tires tend tu be a breeding ground for mos- -lThere seems tu, be twu types of litterbugs," sairi Ms Woods. "There are Uic peuple who throw whatever they arc fmnishcd with out the car winduw and Uicn there are Uic unes that sneak out wiUi major items like stuves, fridges, and couches. I always wonder about peuple who, go for a nicc ride in the country tu sec the sccnery and leave Uieir garbage behind them. Don't they realize they are destroying the vety scene thcy have enjoyed?" lt's cstunated that appruximately 100 peuple juined in the dlean-up last year and organizers are hoping for mure this ycar to make Nassagaweya beautiful and litter-free. Volunteers with pick-up trucks are always in demand for remuval uf the larger items fuund. ùko05 / .51L1 ,ests CLUI DC ooiiovedi 11001 tire comitee and garbage bags will be providcd for the vulunteers. Anyune intcrcsted in juining Uic Roadsidc Clean-up can meet aithUi car park on Guelph Linc (beside thc tennis club) at 8 a.m. April 24 or can caîl Ms Woods to have a location assigned. "If everybody in the ncighburhoud came out, there would still be enough garbage for every- une," said Ms Woods. "If peuple cannot manage tu get out on Saturday and can put in an houe or su thruugh Uie week, Uiat is an option, tuo." For mure infonmation on the Nassagaweya Ruadside Clean-Up, contact Jean Woods ai (905) 854-2107. atos inunoglobultive) amnd t odateiy afniebt coisieyo areul ti exose a o anienmen ab te riodocetrtonotite immunogioblins thesfoots protetio otecmonatogens . u muiooial ares hmbiout be vaciaet4-sor aive oluinsir toi acis Fu o teau inaso imosorist trastera Eqiocrltas <fiE f) o enie tun fWoal. aiehmit pocivimuglbin * olfromnothevacostrum presoatd~etsirsîallc ioeaîo nborrn an4se 4o anntiso ge oe, tis seticonee4ntratioonisof ae;e isîrd glbetonn atie6imntnyntttofa e rahdutlters s2mnh fae omxm th foalsroteacintiethestbmofadoen.aetsîrfinrc e accinate 4-6 wentsn age. t follrset Vaycboostersnaif th al usuaeek inteol e.g bostr vanati ons ofaile attvaccinatontttsofeayed ni od;o g hnmtmlat.d fciemrmt o vaccin o aonu ean toxrnes atenEuieEneha (FR) an WesAgt Ni vrusWN) Faist acnt/Womrsshudcip Mrs.r Esthvcintonar Kes s of AYoth/Oue achdýfl1 Mhrtr.TI Stvn GOOD FRIDA Y COMMUNION 10Oa. m. - "The Cross Altered the Course of Human Historyl" EASTER SUNDAY MORNING 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a. m. - Sunday School for AlAges 10:45 a. m. *-Second Worship Service AD LJSpecial eLiý "tnl 12Multimedia Ehf W1ebsite: www.newlife-milton.org &ENLRG YOU C L OF LOE"