The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Aprl 2, 2004--7 -ýYouth dies atter developîng w uî REA DE RS WRITE FTinie Cap)sules' aie getais oj'inforniation ext'racred from past issues of' The Champion and other publications in order ta pros'ide a ss'indovt into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sonietinies pro- rided ta place the situation in contest. October 1902 About two weeks ago Percy Syer, aged 11, second son of S. Syer, of the Canadian Carpes Co. had a russy nail run ino, fise calf of one of bis legs wbile as play. Last Saturday the wound was hurt wbile play- ing football. On Sunday he had severe palns in bis back and ncck, and wben be woke up on Monday morning it was found that be bad lockjaw. By the advice of bis family's physician a specialiat was summnoned. From the firat there was very little hope for the boy's recovery. He appeared to, gain a little for a wbile, but took a bad tuai yesterday and died this moming. Be was a fmne, manly lit- tle feilow and a great favorite among bis scboolmates. Peter Sayer's sawmill in Nassagaweya, niear Brookville, was bumned on Wednesday, and was a complete loss, there being no insurance. Mr. Sayers bad bought a mil in Acton and was running it wbile bis sons managed the old mill. Wben tbey finisbed work a little carlier than usual, everysbing appeared to be alI rigbs. Some tusse laser, however, the firemen found the place in a blaze and there was no chance to, stop it. It is nos known bow the fire started. The formation of the Milton Civilian Rifle Association bas been autborized by the Govemment and on Saturday the sen rifles arrived bere, one for every four memn- bers, alan, 4,000 rounds of Lee-Enfield ammunition, 100 per man. The executtve commitsee wiil gmt the ranges ready as soon as possible. They are near the Toronto Presaed Brick & Terra Cotta Cos works and are very safe, as the targets wiil stand just below the mountain wilh a wail of rock for back- ground. November 1902 King Edward VUI bas asked that the Royal birthday holiday be 25tb May nexs. King Edward's birthday comea on the 9sb of November. 'Me King, bowever, bas expressed the desire that the day be cele- brated on the date that bas become almoat traditional in the British Empire, May 24th. ANAI AN CtAhPi' 1 MîtIer '~î~i <v FamiIy's concerns about educating gifted chîldren tri vîalîzed by trustee, says reader Miss Florence Deacon, M.A. bas been awarded a year's scbolarship in vocal music as a resuit of ber bigb standing in tbe annual examinations of tbe Toronto College of Music. The members of tbe Coronation Choir of Westminster Abbey passed tbrougb Milton on Friday moming on tbeir way from Toronto to Barrie. Tbere were 14 little cbaps, tbe eldest bemng flot more tban 14 years of age, ail in long pants and wearing mortarboard bats. Tbey breakfasted at tbe Hartmann Bouse (Tbompson Hotel). Advertisement: Tbe wonderful animated moving picture macbine Edison's Stereo- Projecting Kinetoscope, presenting a true and most tbrilling production of tbe Britisb and Boer War in Soutb Africa. These scenes are a true representation of tbose sbown as tbe Empire Tbeatre, London, Eng. and are attended by enormous crowds. There wiil also be numerous coru- ing illustrations. Tbe grand new Concert Grapbo-Amplipbone, thse most wonderful of ail musical instruments will be beard for tbe ftrst tulle at tbis entertainment. Town Hall, Milton Tuesday Nov. 11. Admiùssion 15, 25 and 35e. Tbe Champion baving opposed tbe Scott Act before it was passed and fougbt for its repeal during the six years of its operation in Halton, some of its readers bave enquired wby it bas bad 50 little to say about thse presens prohibition campaign and tbe referendum vote next Tbursday. It bas beem sulent, nos because of any change of opinion, but hecause of tbe apparent bopelessness of tbe efforts of the so-called semperance party to, secure the number of votes witbout wbicb the Govemment will nos put die proposed act into force. Poi your vote as Premier Rosa requesta, wbat- ever your views, and let bim and the Govemment and bis and its successors have a decisive verdict. This mnaterial la assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society hy Jim Dills. who can be reached Dear Editor: Halton District School Board Vice-Chair Paul Taie recently wrote a lenter to the ediior about bi s concemn thas the parents of a spe- cial needa arudent were astempiing to, manipulale the achool board. lIn effect, be complained thai by using public processes, tbese par- ents would gain special treaiment for their cbild and that ail cbildren in Halton could suifer as a resuli of their succesa. Presensing ibis case as the achool board - witb uts third of a billion dollar annual budget - being bul- lied by a communiiy memnber is ironie. Dramnatizing il in te media ta cunious. TrivialiLing individual concerus and vilifying those who express tbem are atereotypical tactica of large, powerful, corporations like Pacific Gas and Electic - of Erin Brockovicb fame. Astacking the person diverts attention fromt the issue. Deep pockets - in ibis case, yours and mine - fond a war of attrition, broadensng and drawing oui the case, and in the end bank- rupting the compiainant. The orig- inal conccm is neyer addressed or ruled upon, and no unwelcome precedent is set. Played out in the media, a battle like this also serves as a warning. Others wbo may be suffering similarly are intimidaied and scared off. Because the parent communily lacks thec organization of tbe educa- tion establishment, sbey feel alonte. Fearing persecution and daunted by wbat appears to, be an emotion- ally draining and fiscally unafford- able exercise in fuiilisy, ibey choose to suifer in silence. To complicate ibis case, one of the siudent's parents also happent tobe a member of the board. There are laws in place to, proieci ber rigbis botb as a parent and as a trustee, and to protecs the commu- mty from. any conflici of inserest. But tbink of the precedeni that would be set if, tbrougb media pressure or other means, these nigbss are limited or eliminated. It would be open season on the fami- lies and cbildren of members of boards, comminteca and councils everywhere. Trustees sbouldn't be open Io cocrcion or manipulation -real or perceivcd -by those tbcy serve with or by those tbey have been elected to overace. This is why tbey're required tc declare a conflict of intereat on speciftc issues and are required to, participase openly and honestly regarding ail othera. Nor sbould they bace their rigbss as parents because they're also trustees. As a parent, bow would you feel if concernas expressed for your chil- dren were met witb intimidation and litigation? As a stakebolder, bow would you feel if trustees could be manipulas- ed or cocrced by their peera or by those sbey were cbarged to over- see? Wbat if this control was attained sbrougb their cbildren? In ibis case, precedents v. ill be ses regarding the welfare of special needs sudenis and the rigbis of stakebolders, parents and elected officiais. Will shey be set by the experts in the field or tbrough media cana- paigns and courtroom wrangles? Don Vrooman OakvilIe Woman says thanks to the many pedestrians and motorists who helped her locate poodie Dear Ediior: 1 would like tco say thanka tc the many Milton peo- pIe driving or walking in the Wbite Oaks Plaza and Bronte Street ares Sunday, Mar. 21. 1 was dog sitting my sisier and buabandas wbite pao- dle whcn be gos oui the front door and just took off runming. 1 would like ail the motorsta and people walking along to know how mucb I appreciate ibeir helping in catcbing the dog. A special thanka goca to, the lovely lady visiiing from, Nova Scotia wbo belped stop traffic on Bronte Street. 1 would also like to ibank thse young couple from Bailoons For Ail Occasions as Wblite Oaks Plaza, who alto belped out. 1 would love to bear from these peo- pIe and take tbem oui for a cup of sea or coffee. TMis amali town of Milton is siil a greas place to, live. Linda Plater-Sumnner Milton Controlled by Cravings?. Using hypnosis, there are: *No Diets #No Shots 'No Weigh-ins *No Supplements It is an ali-natural method. You use your own mind for safe, sensible per- manent weight loss! Cai ing s re Hypos elmnae y constan --d o eat lst5 eb. - M. Il Now for your FREE Consultation *Weight Loss -Stress Management -Stop Smoking *Learning Acceleration -Sales Mastery *Pain Management Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone num- ber of the writer included. Letters can be faxed to (905) 878-4943, e-maiied to mil-, or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Alcohot Free 35 Mai St, South, Olde Downtown Georgtn < (WIi dl, sluth of the TD Bank) "W Positive( h i(1 (905) 877-2077 "Where Resuts Happen 1- A