28-The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Apntl 2, 2004 l cnniezcian for busy collision shop in Milon. PleasE fax resuMe to: 905-784922 AttesdueL Lanc or Rob or Cati: 905-878-6919 TRU[AER Extremalbusy shop locatad vn Milton requires a foie 5halct operate our servrce track. We also raquire a U.ceaased Mechanic and an ExPellenced APPrentdce for our wefeed shift. Please fax reaume to: Truck Town Service 905-78-4489 PART TIME RECEPTONIST Campbellvillc area Vetefarr Cliîsî is looking for a Part lima Reccaptiorst. Must Case goou paople ekilis undt computer knocladga couid be un assas. Piease send resuane via Fax 10: (905) 854a-1169 WALACE PONTIAC 801 Main Street Milton REQUIREO FART TIME RECEPESONIST EVENINOS AND SATURDAVO FLEXIBLE HOURS Pese Fax Reme Or C.li Cindy Hall Phone: 905-878-2355 Fais 905-878-0960 ARE YOU READY TO SEIL 20+ CARS A MONTH? AutoPark Superîtore, Birlington's #1 volame ased car dealernhip is expanding sur sales team. W.IIII off r: -Progressive sork envirnument -Better-than cîmpetilive compensation -Medical & Dental benetits -A genernas vehicie allisance prograra Y.. offer -Saperior cintimer service skilis -Strong autimitive service skilis -Track record ot nîcces Sond rumus via @mail or fax ta: oeaIoaipula- prUo.com WOUDSTRA LANDSCAPES divasin woadstra waiartaaas Book now Cor your apring & summannr landscape needa. Cil Ted 905-We7-2327. -M 18,0 MiORH Plese be adviaed that MLL lIEU WAIEI ado are NOW baing paf inte the GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT paper. Giving aur Cuatomers aa ADDF110N'AL 18.000 Georgetown homeal! 'ALL ado wi ta BOXED. MAIS ALL APARIIIIS FORI RMT AUYIOEES. wECeuuoM VEmois AND MIIICYCIIS FOR SAil YdiI aiso ta Incladed in tfns addidoai circaion reacn!! CoU bd"dIo ta giur ad lie the oxtend demar a/ riadorul 9059782341 Quality iespocters requised for shift work and sonme oser- lime ir the Toronto/Cambridge aroas. Iplicasîs must hase ooporiene esta autemelive / man- u acturing environmonl perterming qualioinspoc- lies, qualily lochnician or malorials management lunc- liens. Post secendary odocaties ie quail, engineering, os rolaled fid is an assel. Pessess excellent commu- nications kilîs and leadership abililios, us eou as a wiii- iegness le Iravel wilhin a i Or radios of Oaksille. Traersperlatios rogoired. Please forward yeur resume & cocon osler, quoling com- peliliAn numbor OB01 040304 by end of business day April 10, 2004, te: The PIC Group, 199 Wenlworth Street E., Oshawa ON Li H 3V6 Fux 905-720-1047 E-maril slscey.stouai@lhepî'cgroup.com The PIC Croup appreciales your ielereot, howeser, osly those selected les se interviec ciii be contacled. PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER SmaI Georgetown business seeks Part-Time Bookkeeper 3 days per week. May lead to fuil-time. Ex- perience with Simpiy Accounting required. Competilfve houriy rate. Fax resume 60: 905-873-6778 DON'T PANIC ,,1. Ffnd the help you need in » hb Champian clansiffeds. Soul il, buy it, find Chat perfect employee or jut feed your garage addiction. SCali 905-878-2341 DO YOU LIKE TO TALK ON THE TELEPHONE? Inside SaleslTelemarketer We hava an immediata opening ut sur Waterdown location for an axperienced raside ales conauetant, 1cira a higirl moiivated and car achieve resalas. - Telephone suies eoperîence und good orgunizuîionul skîlls. * Confident, out-goirg personulity und the desire 10 socceed. * The ubilîty to manage seserul projects concurrersly. * The abilîty toi aork and stuy or the telephore conisseenly. * Self-sturtîng, wiliing 10 creute and seli your owr proiects and ideus fa customers. - Somne administrative duties requîred. e Sulury plus commission. 9 35 houes per week. Forward resume: le: Flumborough Opportunity 50,40 Muirwuy, Unir #1 iurlirgior, ON L7L 795 emuii: cching@mesrolurd.com 147LCOME%* SINCE 1930 *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? 1 *Having a baby? Establishing a new business? Please cali us Couuunlty Wulcome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Eiize 905-693-0313 Baby Walcom Michelle 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcoms Lauie 905-878-0126 BuisProf. Wsicm Laiude 905-878-0126 - . f4,< e/rit') i ui icLii elui5idrii REQUIRED FOR ORTCAODONTIC PRACTICE Position wiit be in bolth Burlinglon & Miltori offices, 4 days/week. Pieuse send wnllten resurse to: Dr. B. Hurd, 3401 Fairview St., Unit A Burlingion, ON L7N 2R4 No phsone catis pieuse. JOB FAIR Raillur Llghthous Bhuquet & Contomunco Contre/ Rhstaurant Gearing op for Sommer' Apply in porson only Monday, April 5104 tront 2:OO-5-tIOpmni Needed: Servers fc: Dining Room & Pslio/Cooks for 0/R & Parro/boooers/hostesses/cleaners/d-wsshers 2340 Ontario Street, Oakoille, Ontario L6L 6P7 905-827-1315 WYLDEWOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Now hiring for the 2004 Season eCooks e Disbwashers eBartenders e Food Servers FULL AND PART-TIME AVAILABLE Retireea and Studenta weicome Fax Rick Sikoski @ 905-878-4760 MOLIY MIAl Mailp Maid urgenty requiren a Fuit Time Routa Manager. Drivera license esseetial. Experierca preferred but we wil Cea the right persor. If pou love te dlean, are hardworkirg ard deperdlabie, pieuse cali (905)877-3443 Il' mmn Teto% fumuu Bpi [vat Suld. 11-12 2U14 *INNIhurufu CuIt, Airpiri bad NameI Addressg _______________Postal Code_______ 1. Wedding Date____________________ Fax _______ Email_______ el I Snto: National Bridai Shows * c/o Premier Consumer Shows ' 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 1 A DIVISION OF MEIRA AND PRINTINA, PUOLISHINA & DISTRIBUTING Don't forget to pick up your copy of WEDDINGBELLS Magazine on sale now' Finding a couch was so easy. Just opening classified section is a Il it took. zbr C!anipi 905-878-2341 t0 place your ad today! êarage. Wae w e, s Cali the Cha'ipion Classifieds anId place an ad your Garage Sale for on401 71 f A FKFF êAKAêeE SALE Kif is inucluded l'o help niake your sale a huge successllol Oum fW1W4>'ý MS ttesp OffIce ýWp