Reu. Shrrwri Groi, radies of 6Omagh Presuptrian Church undi McKarcia-Kechar Funaral Heme. We ara eraevar gratetu. Thank peu. John (Jack) Hilnon and faniily 20" Kayak pools îîbh a 1-800-6< GOOD usait camper Imaiter. Blue with fibargiase hart- te s650e0n. Cai latler 3:30 pm. 19051 878-4916. Hot Tub: 2004 ail options, waterlall, Ozanstor, Re&- wood cabinet, nener usuit, sîll in rerapper. Cet $9,995. Sel $5,000. 416-953-5197. HOT tubs Trade-rex & iteme/iiptey spas. 4-8 pein. Strfing ar $2800 irictudas nus wurranry e caner. 905-220-4910, 519- PORCH tille instatet, Apri sale. Cati Siar Cross 905- 847-5504. SEAT Sale! Freehen upi peur itinette/dînîngreem chair suaIs w/selecteit fab-1 tica fren $19.95/a. Seat cachions quatty feam re- plcmntfo $29.95/ea. 9090. »e wAruIn u - msit uni-1 na, Sinur, Crystat, Tea Cups, Royal Deutton, Swarovski, Otasu, Jewet- amp, Oit tops, Cottuctibles, Estaleo. Colt Johr/Tncy, 905-331-2477. GRAMMA neaits a car sat, in gooit conition, for oser 20 is. Reasonaba. Cati 905-878-0887. GARAGE SALE: Excellent chulitrenos items, designer clothas and ski svt, down- hili & croos country skie,1 bika, horse dding equip- ment, topo, books, tabtasaw and micmowava. Ftfth lina seufi of 15 Sideroad, Nue- sagawepa. Soturdup Aptit 3rd, 8am-3pm. tReckp Ridge Ranch is at mhe enit of our roadi. MOVING sala Aptit 3rt, itth & 101h, frem Ours - Neon Teeager badroem suite, tabla with 5 chua, tepe, clemhes, kitchansura, unit mech more. 810 Caitar- briea Aee. Milton. 2002 Toyota Sienne CE von, V6i Silver, 15,OOOkm.s, peser slnd- ews/tncks, A/C , ram- oe/keptese enmy, AM/FM/CO, ateclronic car- rosies, lady drivan. $24.000 ebe. 905-873- 0197. 1999 Jeep Grand Chero-' kee Laredo, 4x4, V6, 4.OL, peser group, tes km's, eumi, pnivale. Cai 1-ý519- 853-324. rck anit fonce $5.995ÀX) 8-75" J DRIVER Fuit lime for Oukerite Iraxet aireight compa- xp. Energetre, neat oppearance, cievn tnroîxg record regurred. Heavp liftirg inunied Phono Jackie between 1an-5~ 1Fee omonTI foleamnmyl I business. Must hvetleadershipl Iubiity and deirel uverage incoma. Caîl Cam 1-888-269-0755 FREO'S FACTORY OUTLET Revgvimes Foîl-Time Shipper/Roceiver PT/PT (Exp.'d> Sales Ass60C.S Apptp in persen sith fexume lx 1881 Faîrvlos St. Cali 905-639-6131 Ultrasonographer AROMS or etigibie F/T reqit for Hamilton &/or Hallon IHF ctinics. Oppxrlunitly lx acqere Vascutar &/or MSK Benelîls, compelilive latex, C ME. Fax resumo ta 905-572-6860 vntsu extna wenh $2u vo per heur Cui 905-336-5455. ~-alary Range 1.02.0 Wae n for Tigh& moiaed indvias, ab o tee kineendW ent 16i 65 a edur- standin ftsr pcle et4lanHe22 hCur and ysem Ingati Pea Maagree ana cMn pussesg eo nali naind Landcapes Eoteiton Licnce Qule adiatsrou submge the.r0resume te aemre ooknfo idence moin: e nivda abl0fr 25r Gdeph not, Site 412o ndr M ulings lo Ontari Lan 4X4. Emal Fax <905) 336-5491 Ontp candidates te ha intemviewet witt he centacteit Ethan Allen Burlington Now Hiriag Pull-lime SsesDalnconsultant Stroeg sales bakgen ih enperience te residenliol design required. Part-lme SofI Goods Spella Knowtedge ef sindos trealments aed excellent communicatien skiffs required bar-tmaseSplons Pleasant phone masser, computer undt acceunting skiffs necessary. PIeuse fax resumne la: Manager 905-633-9508 BURLINOTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB reqetreo Cutomer Service Rap. Fuîltlime position fer a seti organized indieldua ailh great commanication skîlîs and custemer ervice ekîlls Muet have tteorbiltiy lx handte a range et clerica dues und Ire abtele s or seme cff henîru Prntîcîency in Microsoft Office axait be an oset Pleace sent resume lei Buerai Menalg r, RSC, 13 - 3455 Harveoter Rd, Uarllnhton, Otrlo LUN 3P2 or Fax 905-333- 9127 Closes Ail 7thll4 EXPRESSWAY TRUCKS MILTON (A Division of Eepreesa Taucks Waterloo) 8050 Lawevn Rou, Miltoen We are on the teekeut 1er career mindeit indtividuels te moin eue leomt at our newut lecaton. Pieuse ravies the fvtteaing positions. -Exeanenceit Parts Ceunlar Personnel day unitauter- -31rvT Truck Technicianc -Parts Drivers lnteresel Individuais rau conte ne the job fat Wenaaîay April 7 2-4 pot & 7-9 plm or f=as 15191 632-7722 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Local Excanuling Comany 3 yeurs expert.ence raquirad. DZ liasnse min., AZ prelarrad. Business laours caîl: 905-878-9313 or Mike ut: 416-771 -4213 anytime. Local campanp requirae part lie cleaners 210o3 evanirîgo par waek. Aise raquireu croar boas te aun propurty mtc hg fuit timu. Experiance nuiecual ean drivers licenua. Plujs lt» labourera fuit Oime Isemmer f Apr1 0ct 31. PosItIon avallable Immedktly Cali 906-875-978 or Fax 905.87I- The Cansdian Champion, Friday April 2, 2004 27 ah aining a caree in the autumutive induslîy, then wie are rnterested in yu New & Used Automotivo Sales/Lease Consultants This position offers a career with: " Slrnng management support e Health and dental plan " Pînleonianal training o Opportunity lu grnw aith un *Mnnthly bnnun levein e Bine Ovai Cerlifinit deaienship *Cnmpany demu e ISO 9001:.2000 Regielereit dealerohip Fnrd enp. o preferred, a srrious cummilment lu excellîng in nehicle soles neceouary. Cal Conter / Customer Contact Specialist Lease & Retail Departmrents This position requires the foltowing asperience: " Computer okitis " Prnfîcîency on leephene " Admîninlera abruities *Aile te anrk the toloig houru -Mon. te Wed. frsm 2 OOpm untît 8OO0pm -bero, unit Fri nrom 9:OOam te 3:OOpm Showroom Hostess / Host Titis position relquires the foiiowing esperiance: * Computer evperîence an asset * Abiily lvmutr 10k * Excellent cuotomer *Goxd organînatrenvi unit lime communicaions skîtto management okitis * Excellent tetephone monrer VVE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: *Heati and dental plan *Competilîve hxeriy mage *Biue hua certilied *Opporlunitres lor adeuncemenl Oppodounrlp te grnw arth vo !90S01:l2000 Regiolered Subiresome epecillyinx ahich position berna appliefo tell the attention et- Shirley Hofesan, Ouallty Manager S Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Llmlted S 570 Trafalgar Rd, Gakilîle, ON L6J 3.12 E-mail: S Fax: 905-844-4472 CLU3LIN( MORE OOLF CtubLisk's newest club. Glencairo Golf Club in Milton is looking fer energeîic iedividuais tole Itshe foliowing Cluhhosse Operutions positions: Jr. Sous Chefs - Line & Prep Cooks Dishwashers * Facility Cleaning Staff This highty anlicipulet new golf course unit ctuhheose will heoepeuiug ibis spring unit ve ueeit cerne greal people te acoisl us in iteliveriug excepienal service te ose Meahers sait geîs. If you are inlerestein working in a itynamic privale club selling, me woulit like le heur front your. PIeuse forwarit ynur resumne le: Blue Springs Golf Club R.R. #1 13448 Dublin Line, Acton, ON L71 2L7 Attu: Kevin Walson Fax: (519) 853-1404 I Fultmpart-ttme, to star) tmmedtately. I EW & Ern Mills Pkwy, must possess ecletcommunication skîlls. $11.50 - $12.50/ per hour + bonuses beneft Please cali 905-822-5521 to book an interview. Service AdvisouI Customer Service Rep. Budits'Sature Suabisr hîrîrg for a service adursor. This represenlaive sutl be resossbe tor utdressing ail con- tomor service reguirements, This candidate ohouit en/sp dealinq wih peuple and ire confident with telephone loch- niques. Fhey sireuti Ire urganîoed, aile lx handie moiti- pie activilies, tears plaper, organîoed, detril uriertet unit a gond cummuricaon dors tho Budds'Salure Saab leurs in sel nos statle of lire art location. Automollue evperîence or asset. Apply by resume ta: DAYNA YESFORD 2400 Sauth Service Raad, West Oakville Bodds Salum oI Oakville 905-845-1610 FREE TRINI1N G Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunt>' Company' IAssistant Superintendent Requiruit fer vesy dlean higvrise apartaunt. tueai for suani retrai couple. Maintenance and ctuanirtg sktlls ust asout., soeu office ennurage reuiruit. Musl lise in (accoamodatio indludud). Pkaae Eax resurne te: 905-876-1812 Mî Mai&s Cleanens Needet Meae loe.'eng fora [aurgondpeople-1 We offer n Duptime Heurs- Mon tc Pet n Patidtreaining " Patit Miteuge " Weekly puy " Renoefis "fuiable Caiim me (905)847-220 ACTIVITIES CO-ORDINATOR Privale muiti sport unit ocial tumity club. llec. programirg evp. &/or Cottege Orpiemo /University £tegree. Fuiltlime, Satarp +bortus dsenelils. Cali Mark Parler GM The Oakvillo Club 56 Water St., Oak. m.parlor@ Fax: 905-845-3186, Cali: 905-845-0231 Ex.201 Engagement? Wedding? Just to say I love you? W7ey not put it i n aur Milestones? Local cnmpany han poiioe for qualitied driver Fleur eeperience un asnat, but net required. Cempetatve wages witn oeeflme (hume eeery night), baneit REdwLOdE PetRoGR AIetf lu e r nlu and s uilss Wrteffeciv reume a d 0587-114 r Uli e th Chtentfndpstyu Aessstnt Requre fM ust Be ra aencmayMu have a iiuu ears exp r l er inaaprnce seicempe. andh sei inadap oniin euie eraiztonate aiti4s, branmt atnit p2inrepantn klu Fuate (menat pre eraa )d. pr ie(tdn P Fas ax resune t: 905 875-80 or Eoal to- Ful Ue& GChes Ceintr haem iiu b f 2a erxpenac rpt-m ie neadpei Appme orsl inper e ny Pot r s it o ta uie 6711zaioa Rskif sain R d preawy io 25) ls Mnaltl noaisonfilo.m Looion fo Tand Tpuhn M sata xprieyd a-i bons e dd anAt ooking for /an /poins FULL-TIME GOLF COURSE MECHANIC Contact Ted Ellis at: 5 19-853-3820 TECHNICAL SALES Order Deek position Open for person with strong computer skilfs. Start immediately in small Georgetown Office. Cal Sandi at: 905-873-6500 Fax resume to:1- 800-265-1140 HMIRSTYIST A greut opperunty for Hairstyîrut wrth cîrentelle is aeoilable at watt establishet sales in tewn. Vary a vantageeus ecenemical conditions are nffered. hoquire at: 416-274-8425