Public gets close look at Derry Road pilans By JASON MISNER The Champion A two-lane section of Derry Road is pro- posed to be widened to four tartes starting in September, bypassmng the summîer con- struction season motonists typically dread when roads are usuatly ripped up or repaved. Halton Region. which owns Derry Road, held a two-bour open house Tuesday night ai Milton Sports Centre to show residents the $8 million wonbh of road work expect- ed 10 occur between Thompoon Road and James Snow Parkway. It would include the construction of four lanes, landscaped boulevards, upgraded intersections -two of themn fitted with traffic lights -and a 2.4-metre wide multi-use patbway on either aide of Derry Road. The majority of work is expected to be completed this year, with some minoir work, like landscapmng, 10 be finished next sprimg. Also, Fourth Line, which meets Denry Road, would be redesigned to allow only right turns in and out of the street. Someday, you'lI be offered a cigarette or be tempted to smake. Before you start, think about it: every drag you take screws Up your body. Smoking cao cause permanent damage ta your body. Once a persan starts, it becames extremely 100gb ta qut. And did we mention ail that cash you'I be blowing in the process? Sa, if you're tempted ta start ask yaurself, "Wbat's the point?" This message brought to you by: ïbMt Canabian Ultunately, that road, owned by the Town of Milton, is lo be closed off cither at Hardwood Drive or Derry Road. That deci- sion basn't been made yet. Brenda Kingsmifll, Halton design super- visor, said Ibis is the fuost section 10 be rebuilt as the Region works toward widen- ing Denry Road 10 four lanes between First Line and Nintb Line, stretching about 1 1 ace RESIDENTS on page 4 loin the mrany people who agree nt to drink alcoholoc beverages and to drive everyone in their groop home saiely. With NO GST & NO PST, or O DOWN, O INTERESI & O PAYMENTS FOR IYEAR!1 Thna' ft*hen Ikie sale can't do!e Inftacng Me Wa ZBq Fumituoe Gaflef es' 'Supeïr Sae" Fafm La-Z-Buf sofasi fl, hom Ut, occaia chaws bedfaoos, dinng ,uoms, coffee tabies, lamps and am -ail at unbefevat, lmw Mcel Wbi an amazing «Mrpl zm finance offer, Mii saLe Es saidng ffie *~ Sto Wy La-ZBc Fumifure Galkmeties toyBt hurry &eMUe oêltl titi 'Super Sae cao do a number ofastoethhtgttno-ft Can'last bel«. tram 1898" tram "III$0 SURLINGTON POWER CENTRE f' Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET (905)331-7600 MON-FRI 10AM-9PM SAT 9AM-6PM SUN lOAM-SPM The Canadien Champion, Friday, Aprt 2, 2004-3 i i i i i t t i t i i t t t t t t t t t t t WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO VEHïICLES WITH OUARANTEED VALUE AND QUALITY9 6-MONTH POWERTRAIN AND 30-DAY MECHANICAL WARRANTIES ---AND <-- AT ilIEAT PIIICESO PUCKS 0F THE WEEK Convertible lèwmûfe~ à~!e 2002 Toyota Solara SLE Convertible Dol y 57,000 km! Lamber, loaded! Traded for a new Solara Convertibl e. Balance of Toyota warranty. (Have coming-2003 Sara Connertible.) $29,995 L.nveFiIlule 2001 Ford Mustang LX Convertible OnIy 59,000 kmtOne owner, fine speed, air, power windows, power Iocks, keytess entry and more. 118,995 Only 40,000 km!! Ose owner, we 2000 Nissan Xterra 4x4 sold new, p. moonroof. Bal. et~ Only 84,000 km! auto, air, pw, pi IL& Toyota warranty. more. Bal. of Nissan warr. Stk# 008498 $22,995 511<1 570275 $16,995 -lm- JUUU unrysier warrus LA OnIy 85,000 km! Auto, air, power windows, p lochs. Stk# 2186M9 09,995 4 &W Sa valm 2003 GMC Savana 3/4 ton OnIy 58,000 kmlls $22,995 2002 GMC Savana 314 ton V8, air, only 77,000 kms $20,995 19 ~UVOIKSWagen fotta IL Onfy 47,000 km!! AMI, air, p. lochs, kali- neu & more 511<1 061505 013,995 2002 GMC Savana 1 Ton Cargo Extended OnIy 45,000 kms, auto, air. $239995 1999 GMC Savana 3/4 ton Auto, air, JUST ARR! VEDI 410 Steeles Ave. Milton 905-875-227l Eaw.u ,ne..C GORRUD'S AU;iO Bleu P i L iu iîj5 IN