The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 2, 2004-87 How to Improve your Lawn this Spring. Problem: Early spring snow mold. Everyone wants a beautiful lawn, so we decided to ask the local experts in the region how they do it. Peter Rauwerda, who manages Halton Sod and Ontario Sod in Oakville has much to say about growing beautiful lawns. Rake .. Rake .. Rake Peter says the best thing to do in early spring is to rake your lawn. Even a little raking is good but a good aggressive raking is a lot is better. The idea is to get the thatch out of your lawn so it can breathe right down to the crown. In addition, the heavy snow and ice have caused the blades of grass to lay over, so you'll want to get them standing straight up. Don't worry too much about tearing off good blades because the overall results will cover the loss in no time. The Snow Mold Problem k Gare this year Over the last couple of weeks Peter bas been noticing a large amount of snow mold on Homeowners lawns. These yellow circular patches can reek havoc to peo- ple's lawns. There are two types of snow molds one is pink snow mold and the other is grey snow mold. It's GreenThumbm hard to say which one Peter sees the most of, but both Iack Garden Sou appear and are treated the same. in BuIk Bags right to your home. Peter has noticed Snow Mold on his own lawn at home. One morning on his way to work Peter noticed a few symptoms of snow mold. The next evening when he came home he notice the very evident rings on my front lawn. Once you notice these rings rake them out immediately. By doing this you allow air to get at the crown of the plants. Otherwise the grass plants could be smothered and have a good potential to die. If you notice this on your lawn Peter would highly suggest a heavy raking over the entire area. If you "raked out" the snow mold; in a month or so your MMC0240I lawn should bounce back. If it does not, you could repair the lawn by overseeding at the end of April beginning of May. However, if it is so far gone you 100%o Money-Back Guarants.. may want to sod the areas that were heavily infested. This information has been gleaned from Peter Rauwerda, who manages the Hamilton Sod, Ontario Sod, Oakville, Niagara Sod in St. Catherines. Greenhorizons Group of Farms own and manage: Compact Sod in Cambridge, Hamilton Sod in Mount Hope, Ontario Sod in Oakville, Halton Sod in Hornby, Niagara Sod in St.Catherines and Willow ou ca- we de ven if youe homfrna Valley Golf course in Mount Hope, Ontario.