Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 2004, p. 22

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BS6-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 2, 2004 by Derek &Kelly Villemaire- Format & Copy cannot be reproduced without permission from Ultimate Marketing (519) 885-4441 Hissan~ For Ail Your Automotive Needs 610 Merlin St., Milton (905) 878-4137 (Hwy. 25 & 401) Equally important as what vehicie ta buy or lease ix the question af where ta buy itftram and why. North Endi Nissan hax earned the loyalty of many families and customera in the regian by folloming a strict set af sales and service standards ta assure an-going excellence in custamer service. More than jual a relailer of nem NISSAN and certified pre-owned vehiclea, service standards are aixa mainlained aI North End Nissan. Faclory trained techniciana use advanced technaiogy and equipment necessary for prompt, professional diagnasis and repair using genuine Nissan parts designed ta meet yaur vehicie's performance standards. They are committed ta, providing customera with s cansiatentiy high levai 0f service thal miii make ownership af your vehicie a remarding experience. They sîso service ail other makes, whelher you purchesed f rom there or not. Whan you purchase a nam or usad vahicia tram them, you become a member of the North End Nissan famiiy. You cao anjoy worry free driving knowing thet whelever concerna, questions or neada may anise, a simple cail la, any staff member wiii give you acceas ta information, advica, frea ahuftla service, and more-aIl given pniorify mhen the vehicie ix purchased tram fhem. r Foundad 36 yesrs ago, North End Nissan ix direcled by General Manager Tlm Hoogaars along mith an experienced management lears and staff. They invite you la stop by soon ta test drive the aIl- nem modela nom arnivîng, înciuding the excîtîng Nissan Murano! Experience. The difference. Canada's very own home Improvement and building professionais. 700 Main St. E., Milton (905) 878-8171 Ouet east of Milton Mail) Regardiesa of mhefher you have plana oullned for an upcoming projecf or are xtli in the discussion stages, the projecf planning services offered by RONA Cashway can make the job essier and coat effective. Experienced staff miii addresa the concernas 0f do-il- yourseiters, heip decide which malaniala are beat for the praject, and estimafa your coafs, xllie no obligation. Prom windows and doars, tencas or decks, ta kitchens, bathrooms and rac rooma, RONA Cashway can assiat you in geffing that improvemant or renovation done on lime and on budget. They wiii match local compefifors' pricea on any in-stock idenfical item. RONA Cashway operales under the umbreila 0f RONA nc., mhich has a hisfary dating 10, 1939 and has the group buying power 0f 5.40 carporate, franchised, and afftliafed stores casI la casI. RONA Cashway in Milton has served fie ares meil since January 1997, and ix aupervised by manager Ian McKenzle and sfaffed by local people milh yaars of expariance deaiing mith contractors and do-it-yourseifers. RONA Cashway offers a comprahensiva selection of lumber inciuding Select Lumber that ix atreighler, mith femer kola, axas aplits and mane. Thay aixa provide piywood, peneiing, insulafion, roofing maeaas, windows, doars, siding, hand & pomair bools, builders' hardware, kitchen cabinets and bathroam vanilies, maliboard, painfa and stains, elecînicai & piumbing supplies, floor coveringa, and more. A dalivery service ix eveilabie. Drop b y RONA Cashway with your fenca or deck ideas, discus your project wilh one 0f the staff, and have them create a compuferized plan and extimate; yau'ii diacover their service and saiection second ta nana. Maklng Lives More Enjoyable f 845 Main St. E., Milton (905) 878-7087 (acrose from Go Station) (905) 878-8770 www.haiton pools.ca Whiia sometimes associatad with hath clubs and iuxury rasorta, hydro-massaga spas or hot tubs are nom tound in an incraing number of homes. The dramafic rixe in salas for home use illustraee tegrwing infereat in the haalth and recreationa edvanlages of a sotigsoak. Whether il's for enterteinimenl or easing the tension of fie long da and retexing sors muscles, tha Coleman Spas by MAAX brand tram Nalfon Pool N' Spas Ltd. pravide e reaixng envîroomant. i ix also an added teafurat etIhe lima of saiiing your home mhera buyar'a cao see the queity of tha invesîmant. Owners Mike & Ann Accettura and the staff miii ansmer your questions, dafine your spaca limitations and budget, and guida you ta, choosa the right Coleman Spa modal and fexhion colaurs for your needa. You cen axpect enargy-afficienl producta mifh innovativa designs geared 10, aur climats, and warranteas thel enaure years of rai able enjoymant. Featuras cao includa "Zone Theay" for relief mhare you naed il, plus the «Comfort Coler, and "Foot Relief Zone". A builf-in filtration ayslam assures crystal clear mater. Spa tinancing la aveuleble (OAC). Customar support lsaessured et Halton Pool N'Spas Lfd. milh a mida range of accessonies, protesaionai installation, repaira, and expert mater managemlent advica, plus MURSATT spaciaity chemnicais et competitive pricas. An aquafic recrealion specialist like Halton Pool N'Spa. Ltd. aiso prvdsin-ground and on-ground pool installations pilus the parts, supisand support raquirad to, mainfain, dlean, and seasonaliy open or close your swimming pool. Prom lier and copîng replacement 10 leak defection, they cao caver your neada. Cai1 ahaad toi book your pool opaning! THE ALL-OCCASION FLORIST SINCE 1966 ' - p 487 Laurier Ave., www.karensflowershop.com (905) 878-2881 When tl comes f0 gift giving ideas and making people amile, nothing can surpass the natural fragrance, stunning visual impact and appeal ot a floral arrangement. Flowers from Karen's Flower Shop are the ideal way 10 express teelings of a personal nature, whether the occasion is a new baby, anniversary, get well, birthday, congratulatory, thanka/appreciation, or simple pick-me up f0 treat yourself. Holidays and apeciai calendar days are also the time for flowers from Karen's Flower Shop, whether it'a Easter or Mother's Day. Deaignera with years of experience are on staff at Karen's Flower Shop and make use of the heaithiest floral stock 10 creale beautiful, lasting arrangements. Whether il's fresh cul tlowers and long stem roses, exolica, tropical plants, or preserved arrangements, the staff can determine your needa and supply something that conveys your feelings. Decorative accents, plantera, vases, cards, and sluffed animais are availabie to add a touch of distinction. As wedding specialista, Karen's Flower Shap can make your wedding day ail the more special with fiowers idealiy suited your wedding's style and your budget. Cali 10 arrange your compiimentary bridai consultation. For funerais, lasteful arrangements and wreaths can be created to befit such s tribute. Aiso, think of Karen's Flower Shop for your corporate parties and events. Prompt deliveries xerving a 30 km radius of the Milton ares, plus an affiliation with FTD, and Telefiora, shlows Karen's Flower Shop f0 carry your feelings across town or world-wide. Make Karen's Flower Shop your destination thîs Esteri Your Source and Supplies 55 Ontario St. S., Milton (905) 875-0475 (east end of Milton Mail, across tram Bulk Barn) For many families, s visil 10 Ruffins Pet Centres is s fun-fiiied expenence and a great way f0 gel acquainted with the large variely 0f unique pets now available. The staff encourages customers f0 stop by and browse anylime, or gel answers 10 any questions you may have. They will heip you underatand the pelas needa, ils feeding and care requiremenîs, and make sure Ihat the pet you select meets your lifealyle and budget. Whether il's a tranquil aquarium fiiled with colourful fish and scenic materiais 10 make the aquascape one-of-a-kind, or a song bird 10, bring companionahip and a louch of nature 10 a home, Ruffin's Pet Centres assures heaithy stock, plus the habitat, acceasories and au pplies 10 keep your pela happy. S mail animais are popular with the younger famiiy membera and are oflen a great way for lhem 10, demonatrafe reaponaibilily. Ruffln's Pet Centres carnies a seleclion of hamsters, gerbils, mica, rsbbits, and some reptiles. Kiffens are oflen available. Through their experience in deaiing with breeders and pet owners alike, operating franchiaee Rlck Vlckers and the staff can recommend premium pet food uines such as lama, Eukanuba, Firaf Choice, His Science Diet, Techni-Cai, Nutnience (Hagen), plus private label RUFFIN'S CHOICE Pet Food which is value pniced and nulritionaily complele. Ruffln's Pet Centres also has HAGEN Quaily Pet Producta, and supplies for feeding, grooming, exercise, and heaith cars. Their pet foya make great gifi ideas. Find ouf wha h as kept customera coming back ta, Ruffin's Pet Centres and referrîng their frienda. M iltown ~~Com~uter Vour Computer Experts for 20 Yearsl Whether you a re buying your tiraI computer or repacing an old computer, you wili wanf 10 gel a machine powerful enough fa, suatain you in your chosen activities. The ataff ai Mlllown Computer Services have the experience 10 avatuate your needa, and explain fechnicai jargon inIa ferma anyone can underslsnd. Firal time buyera and experienced "power usera" alike can expecl excellent product knowledge and cualomer support fa guide your choices in new computera or upgradea. 1ey carry a wide range cil brand nama PC producla such as IBM, and Acer. Eveyting tram monitlors, scanners, pninters, ink and loner cartiidgea, media storage devicea, networcing supplies and software la, heip enhance your computinq experiance can ba found there. Ouaiified, carlified tachniciana can mastait upgrades, provide expert troubieahooting and service, plus networking solutions, and more. Mlltown Computer Services is pieasad tai announce the opening of their fuily-equipped Computer Training Centre on the second floor. They offer introductory and intermediale levai courses in Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint (ver. 2002/XP oniy). New computer owners wiil gain a firm basic knowiedge of thair system frors the 'Say "Hello" 10 Vour New Computer' course. Corporata sassions can be customired 10 meet your empioyeea' neada. Studanta are provided with individuai workstations. Handa- on exarcises ara asaigned ta practice ieamed akilis. Ail courses scheduiing as flexible, so giva them a cati for an application. "LaI Your Computer Skiiia Take Fiightl" Suite 2-751 Main St., Milton (905) 878-4651 www.mlltown.com II Serving Pros perityll/s Pro-pejityfell Since 1957 (905) 878-4168 also branches In Acton &Georgetown We feel that the secret behind the aucceas of Prosperlty ONE ix due 10 their abiiity ta reapond 10 the needa of the communiy. Prosperlty ONE can handie your needa iocally; ultimately, il means they are able 10 service your needa befler and on a more personaiized basis. Local control also means that you, as one of 8,500 sharehoiding member-owners, have a say in how if should be operated. Your vole counta; that's something the big banka can't offer you. Prosperlty ONE believes thal each member ix a persan, not a dollar earned. This organlization ix also proud of ifs involvement in the community with numerous community donations and sponsorahipa through the Prosperlty ONE Communily Action Fund and Prosperity ONE Charitable Foundation. Prosperlty O NE off ers the same services as the banka, plus many exclusive benefits. Members' depoxîts are insured up 10 a maximum of $100,000 by the Depoxit Inaurance Corporation of Ontario <DICO). Additionaly, RRSPs and RRIFs are insured separately up foxa maximum of $100.000 par contract. Prom deposil accounts and mortgage boans te, lnes 0f credit and insurance, they have you covered. Prosperlty ONE has kept pace with the neweat technoogy, such as aulomaled taller machines (ATM) and Intemet banking, but have made if friendiier. If you prefer tallera, you can expect service with a amile. The corporale head office of Prosperlty ONE ix iocated in Milton. There are branches in Acton, Georgetown, and Milton. Prosperlty ONE hax neyer compromised their dedication la, puffing people tiraI. Cxli Prosperily One for membership details. A Popular Choice By Reputation 258 Main St. E., Milton (905) 878-9711 With loday's busy achedulea and A heclic lifestyles, people often neglect la, visit the hair studio until their hair has become 1 unimanageable. Many oflen overiook that an ý I ffordable and enjoyabie way 10 boost one's A image, making them feel more attractive and SP refreahed, ix with a regular viail fa Total Skmn & Body Spa. Total Skmn & Body Spa employa experienced atylista who remain up-to-date wifh current trends and techniques-people who are guaranteed 10 meet your needa. By consulling wifh you, the styliat cao off er s number of suggestions, rangîng f rom a change in colour, style or overail condition, 10, basf suit your lifestyle or chsnging image. Total 5kmn & Body Spa provides precision cutting and styiing for men and women, coiouning and special frealments auch as fol highiighfing,ilowighting, perma, and updo's. Total Skln &Body Spa ix a unique, progressive salon with a modem décor snd ralaxad, csiming almoaphare. The goal of owner JiIi Morris and the staff ix fa, provide services, trealments and producta thal are heathfui 10 you. In order 10 pamper and refresh yourself, this full service hair and skin cara studio offers a numbar ofi frealmenla. Relaxing spa facials, aoothing manicures and pedicures, as weil as body mrsps, massage trealments and tanning services are guarsnleed 10 make the nem yau feel compile. Arrange for bridai psrty trealments fa make everyone look and feel beauliful on your specisi day, or hair and make-up for proma/graduations. Gift certificafes f rom Total 5kmn & Body Spa are a greal way 10 say thank you or raward someone in the workpiace. For a personal service designed f0 enhance your image and affitude, make an appoinîmant with Total 5kmn & Body Spa. Watch for their expanded facîlîfies and new services beîng added soon' tl&&W.S THE BRANDS YOU WANT SEARAT THE STORE YOU Authorized Dealer Store CAN TRUST 100 Nlplsslng Rd., Milton 905) 878-4103 (Unit 1, Milton Trade Park, S. off Main St., E of Ontario) il Mountalnvlew Rd., Georgetown (905) 877-5172 Seare Canada Inc. has served Canadiana since 1953, and has grown f0 become the counîry's largeaf single relsiier af generai marchandise. In communities such as Milton and Georgetown, lhay hava iaunched Sears Authorlzed Dealer Stores with producl selectiona geared 10 meeting the changing needa of consumera in the ragion. These stores carry a wide selection of major houaehoid appliancea, home entartainmanl producla, and lawn & garden equipment at great pricas, plus cuatomer service second 10 none. Whalher you ara repiacing an applianca or saffing up a naw home, your Seare Authorlzed Dealer Store has an array of appliancea designed 10 save anar gy, look great and make your housahoid chores a uitIle essiar. Choose tramn the bast-saiiing brand of major appliances in Canada, Kenmore, and Keomore Elite premium lina of appliancas. They aiso fealure Whirlpooi, Amena, G.E., Maytag, Frigidaire and others. There's aiso a selection of air conditionera, portable and built-in vacuums, sawing praducta, gas barbecues, air and water trealmant producta. If you wsnt 10 enhance your home theatra or purchasa a nem TV, DVD pisyer, home sterea or camcorder, the Sears Authorlzed Dealer Store has the bastftrom Hitachi, JVC, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic and more. To make your yard work a breeze, look 10, Sears for Craffaman brand iawn and garden aquipmant, inciuding a salaction of lawn tractors, iawn mowars and snow throwars. Whefher if's guiding you maka a purchasa or arranging for catalogua salas pick- upa, deaier-ownera John Sampson & Joan Wllfong and the staff ara always Ihere 10 heip. For the beat guarantees and customer rewarda, plus maintenance agreements and service you can count on, visit your Sears Authorlzed Dealer Store. 1 - . _., _ f- __ -J'al

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