Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 2004, p. 2

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2-The Canadian Chamnionn FricliRv Anri5D 9 gnnA Echo Hatchbac 2004 Camry L LEAS FOR2»9%LEASE FOR 4»9 PER MNOM FMR 80 AMNS FIkCI PER MOrTH MO 40 NM FNtS CN MEN TA D . . . NC UME FIIOT AND POt.E INCLUD 5 Spee manua transission- AB*2.4L, 157 hp engne 4-speed auomati AM/FM tereo assett 60/40Splittransmsson *Airconditoning *Power foldig rer set Til steringWindows, Iocks and mrrors .AM/FN steeo ...andnweCD Cassette *Keyless entry Seo dealer for détails. i v400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 www.mlfton.toyota.ca blaze Co-op student fireflghtens battle a stubbom graus tire along the ON Rail tracka north of No. 5 Sideroad and eaat of Reglonal Road 25 Monday aftemoon. The blaze, whlch stretched about a haif-kilometre along the tracka, closed both No. 5 Slderoad and the rail fine for more than an hour white fire crews extin- gulahed the flames. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Final decision will be made by joint board tram NE on page 1 umuque and upscale subdivision on thse site. Lawyer Bers Arnold, represensing CMHL, told The Champion tis an interview during a break ait tise hearing that CMHL has "pre- pared a well-Iandscaped, spacious plan that's gomng to be vety unique to Milton. "It's a fraction of the densities of a typical (subdivision) plan." The Town, Region and NEC exprcssed to thc board their oppo- sition to CMHL's concept plan. "(Tise Region) has carefully rcviewed the concept pian and ast tisis poins is not satisfied it has met thc criteria set out by the joint board," said Stan Floras, a lawyer wits the Region. CMHL's application bas been before thc board since 2001. NEC lawyer Dcmterius Kappos said Uic commission has "ari- nus Conrna about the concept plan. "Wc arc definitcly nos satisficd wits what wc se." The Town's lawycr, Hal Watson, told thc board town counicil passcd a motion rccntly stating it docsn't support any dcvciop- ment on the CMHL site. On Fcbruary 23, politicians wcre askcd to approvc a staff rec- ommendasion to support tise 500-unit proposai witb some modifi- cations. Tise joinss board requires tise Town to give a position. Buts ome politicians wonied is issit the bcst plan for an arca tisat faits in tisc sensitive Niagara Escarprnent because it resembîca a sypical subdivision. A rnajority votcd to deter making a decision to a speciai council meeting March i. Presentcd eits four options frorn staff - 216 residential units, 242 units. 408 tanis and 500 unita of varying lot sizes -counicil cnded up vosing unanimously Uiat no growth be perrnitted on the large site. Originally, CMHL waa looking ast building aa many as 640) units. Tise revisions su get it down to 500 units came foilowing a public meeting in January whcre residents gos tiseir firss look ast tise devel- opmcnt. Tise joint board iscaring hîs thse final aay on whctiser tise CMHL deveiopmens is approvcd or rejccted. Itas important 50 note that the Town's recommendations donst change what CMHL bas submitted su tise joint board. Pani of tise plan includes tisai an 80 mnetre escarpmens encroîcs ment arca be established tisas would limis units to one-level bun- galows and tisas a park be eatablisised in tise nortiswest corner of Uic site. M. Watson said in an interview a joint board decision sisould corne "witisin several monUis" from Uic sime Uic isearing is over. It's possible tise board could render a decision on Uic lait day of Uic isearissg, but ie said Uiat's nost likely. Linda Pirn, of Coalition on Uic Niagara Escarpment (CONE), said in an interview Uie group would prefer Uiat no developmiens take place on Uic site. But is will tell Uie board is opposes Uic concept plan based on two tlsings - a 10-metre buffer around a 19-acre woodiot located on Uie site's west aide is too narrow; se would prefer 20 to 25 metres. Secondly, Uiere's concemn Uic open landscaped cisaracter of Uie escarpment nisks being lsindered by Uic development, Ms Pim said. Jason Misner cati be reached at jmtsner@miltoncanadian- chamtpioncom. 1

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