The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 2, 2004-15 More leaders needed, says Mansbridge at seminar Special ta The Champion Literacy and leadership wcrc the hot points as a high school drop-out and the Ontario education minister spoke ta teachers, senior administrators and students Monday night. Thc high school drop-out, CBC chief correspon- dent and anchor of Thc National, Peter Mansbridge, gave the keynote address at the Burlmngton Convention Centre at a seminar enti- tled Literacy Leadership for Student Succeas, organized by thse Halton District School Board and the Halton Catholic School Board. Mr. Mansbridge highlighted the need for more leaders, saymng that teachers are the people who moat need to take on the raie. Mr. Mansbnidge said "somnewhere along the way, a disconnect appeared between teachers and the public." He added, "Teachers may not be considered community leaders anymore." Then again, few people are considered leaders. Accardmng ta, Me. Mansbridge, used car sales- men, seen as stereotypically untrustworthy, now have plenty of campanty. Paliticians, lawyers, bankers and jouenalista, alang with athers, aren't, accardmng ta pols, any more trustworthy than the used car salesmnan. crs reatly lct us clown? 1 suspect il's a bit of bath," M. Manshridge said. Healthy skepticismn and the challenging of autharity are noble, he added, but when skepticismn becamten cynicism, somnething muet be changed. "If you think educators are above this aIl, think again,' hie said, highlighting a case of a teacher who was caught with a computer full af child pomaography, a teacher wha taught that ie hala- caust didn't really happen, and a teacher who slept witb students. Regardîcas of these rare incidents, a remnarkable number of teachers are everyday heroce, Me. Mansbridge said, and many of thern work entirely selflessly. "You are the leaders we have ta caunit an. It is somewhat cliché ta say anc teacher can make al the difference, but like every cliché there's a ring of truth in it," he said. "I know haw easy it is ta talk idealistically, but good teachers cas change fis country." When asked during the question and answer period haw teachers were expected ta retuent ta their clasaroama and mativate students ta graduate when hie didn't even graduate, Mr. Mansbridge replied, "Tell themn I gat as hanarary degree. It warked out for me. It's rare, but it dace happen. It's not fihe amnartest route." inta ncws was a fluke. While warking as a freiglet handler for an airtine in Brandon, Mas., hie was asked ta do a boarding annouincemnent. After doing sa, hie was appraached by a masager of CBC radia nartteem service, wha, asked Me. Massbridge if hie had ever thaught of working in radia. He hadn't, but hie taok fiee appar- runity asd made fiee mast of it. "I warked a lot harder thas the people around me who had qualifications,' he said. 1I taught myscîf ta do news." Minister of Educatian Gerard Kennedy didn't make masy promises during bis speech, but did proclaien that "this is gaing ta, be a very exciting time in educatian." He said that fiee provincial gavenement's empha- sis an education is drawing a consensus hie has neyer seen befare. "The path ta, a better place ta, live in is througb educatian," he aaid. Literacy was alsa tauched on by Me. Kennedy. "It's nat juat about reading asd writing. It's about understasding what Me. Mansbridge je talking about every night," he saa. "At 12 years aId, if we can't have yau literate asd numerate, we've taken away your chances." Gerard Kennedy OUR COMMITMENT TO PRIVACY Every day, staff at the the Milton Canadiani Champion interact with hundreds of people who entruat us with a volume of persanal information. 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We infarm aur employees about mhe impor- tance of pnivacy and periadically update mhem about aur Privacy Code and related policies. lu addition, Toratar Corporation (parent campany of mhe Milton Canadien Champion) hes appainted a Chiet Privacy Officer ta oversee the Milton Canadien Championis personal information-handlinig practices. We encourage you ta contact us wimh aniy questions or conceme about your pnivecy. If yau would like a copy ai the Milton Canadien Champion's full Privacy Code, please contact our Customer Service departmet t ethme numbor below, or access a copy of the Code on our website et hal- 191 Main Street East Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 1-800-265-3673 sandylOhakonlsearch.comn MOQF MILTON Miiton's fà irDi -Now' Open hý,o p "Everyday Gourmet", At longkat champagne wishes and caviar drearnu have cornte to Milton with a Cal1e help front Allion Vaux. The pop War caterng, firm., Àllson's of Milton, have expanded their expertise, from their itchen îè yours. On Friday, April 2nd, Alison's of Milton will open its doors to the publie and introduce Milton'sfirst Gourmet Food Shop. Shelves brirnming with Exquiie Products, Bernard Callebaut Chocolates ÀandAllion's Frozen Food selection! Allison Vaux, Owner& 4~ ç're loolditfor thtspecial touch té take our mealfrom orina, to< Emma Fedor, Event Planner 1exfrdinai, visit Allson 's of Milton and delve int the gourmet ... everyday! " This Week'1s Menu April 2 - April 16 Soup Roasted Garlic .jotne Main Dishes /%ZZ5,,<, Stuffed OcbLken with prosciutto, basil and pravolort cheese. Poached Atlantic Salmon wit.h FWfV44* ~ lenion dili sauce. Bowtie Pasta with eggplant & roasted red peppers Jus! in timoe for SIde »Juhes EastorlRoasted vegetable platter. Roasted parisienne potatoca., Chive mash potatoes fas r Sesonal vegetabteýs tossed with a honey basil butter Salad Mixed baby greens tossed with a roasted red pepper dresting Dessrts Butter creamn cherry squares. Lemoti tarts with seasonal coulis. Homemade butter tarts, Maple crunchc~hoco1ate bars *FMILTO N STORE HOURS Moônday to Sudgy --9am to 6 pm- 1Cail ahead or book online' www.alsonsofmilton.comà A new menu wil be posted on our website every two weeks. Vegetarion meals available 34-1Brote Sree S'.Uni 16,.11lton90 8 i.196 Peter Mansbridge