14-The Canadian Chamrpion, Fniday, Aphil 2, 2004 It's nothing personal NO IC OF PU LI IF R ATO ME IN BULK WATER STATIONS "PROPOSED NEW 2004 FEES" Halton Region wiII be holding a Public Information Meeting, pursuant to O. Reg. 244/02, s. 12 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, to solicit feedback on the location of the portable BuIk Water Stations and to present the proposed fees and charges for bulk water dispensing and hydrant meter rentai, including water consumrption, as discussed at the Public Information Centre (PIC) held April 28, 2003. Regional Council wiIl review the proposed fees and charges (*see below) and be requested to approve them as amendments to the current Water Rates By-Iaw at their regular meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 2004. The proposed fees and charges are as follows: Seric Off4e P* - New 2004 F _______________ (Prepelnted etApril 2003 PIC) Bulk Water Perm Sites - Coin $.50/.25m3 BuIk Water Perm. Sites - Invoice $1 .36/m3 BuIk Water Mobile Stations $1 .36/m3 Hydrant meter rentai $344.00 + $1.01/m3 If you use Halton's bulk water services, and would like to iearn more about the proposed portable BuIk Water Station locations and the proposed new fees and charges, please plan to attend the Public Information Meeting being held on: 1u"a.dy, April 13, 2004 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (brief pr...ntattonQ 5:45 p.m.) Hafton Roo -»qat 1151 Bronte Road, OakvMIe lotnoerihy.Dakota Room If you are unable to attend, please contact: Linda Peteika Manager, Business Improvement & Finance Ext. 7640 E-mail: petelkal@region.halton.on.ca The Regional Municipality of Halton, on behaif of the Halton Regional Police Service (H.R.R.S) wilI be issuing the following tender document. Bld documents for the services listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 wilI be reoeived until 2:00 p.m. Oakville time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the, Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7011. If long distanoe charges apply, dial tol free 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866- 442-5866). Documents wiII be available for pick up on and after Tuesday, March 30, 2004. There is a non-refundable deposit of $26.75 (includes GST). Bidders who request documents to be shipped from the Purchasing Department must include a courier account number (the documents wiII be shipped collect) and the handling fee of $10.70 (includes GST) for this service. Please be advised that this particular bld document is also available for purchase and download from the Region website at www.region.halton.on.ca/bids Bids wiiI be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the ciosing date specified in the Nelson Room at the above address. Those submitting bids are invited to attend. Under no circumstances wiil facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potentiai bidders in any other manner. T-035-04 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY 0F HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPUTER HARDWARE CLOSING: TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2004 E. Aigar, Chief of Police, Halton Regionai Police Service A. Mindenhail, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing Services www.region.halton .on.ca/bids 1t's Ëunny flow ïtrnngs flappen fiat flwllg your perspective on things. I'mn as guilty as anyone of making new residents to Milton feel unwelcome, although it was neyer anything personal. But, I realized that just because we don't mean somethissg to be pertonal, doesn't mean it isn't. 1 think most people in Milton liked the way Milton bas been for a long time. t've written about it a couple of times. I've said that t didn't know why it had to, change, and I wrote about how having a Wal-Mart is a stepping stone to makisg us another Newmarket, Oakville-type Sown. And there have been letters, notably by Pat Kelly, and further responses and opin- ions un the letter section. Most of us who have lived in Milton for a relatively long âime ail nod our heads. We agree, most of us, titat we tiked it the way it was. Hey, titis is our town - nobody asked us if we wanted any changes. But, there are other factors. tn fact, there's one big factor. Witat made me see titings differently were a number of small events. One was at Zellers. 1 was Srying to itelp a woman with lier small baby while she was waiting in lisse - baby food failissg on the floor. It Surned out site was a new resident of Milton and had actually responded to The Champion about one of my earlier columns concemmng theus. A person. Two persons, actually. Another was reading in the paper about how s new subdivision didn't appear to have thse pond they thought it was going to have. Instant bond. What are they doing to our people? Our people in our town. The third thing was that I feit unwelcome myself for somnething. Justified or not, it wasn't a nice feeling. On the h loose So, what we have is a lot of people mov- ing into their new homes after choosing Milton as Use place they want So live. Ansd then? They read in tse paper that people don't want thern here, and that they liked it more before they came. Yikes. It's like getsing ail dressed up for a party, and being excîted about it, and then you itear people say the party was better before you got Sisere. St may have just been Usas Usey preferred susailer parties. tt's noUsing personai, yet it is. You'd eiUser feel like leaving Use party, or forsaking Use people who made you fe unwelcome and bonding togeUser wiUs oUser new arrivais. You see what l'm sayisg! 15 crestes a division, witich doesn'S benefit anybody. I guess Use bottom, mie is Usat 1 don't want to make newcomers to Milton feel usswelcome. Yes, 1 liked it Use way iS's been for as long as I've lived here, and perhaps I feel as if t have a propriety interest in what happens to Use town, because it's my town. But, now it's your town, Soo. When you've lived here for s while, you'll feel Use samne wsy and develop your own sense of propriety interest in what happens here. 'Mat big factor? We're ail just people. And dare t say better people because we live in Milton. Ail of us.